This post is by guest blogger and respected Somerton Man researcher, Peter Davidson:

I think that I've worked out how all the deaths could be linked, and obviously why, even how the 'suicides' are linked. 

I'm 'reasonably' certain of how it was carried out and who played what roles in planning and facilitating the Somerton Man and Tibor Kaldor's silence. Unfortunately for SM and TK they niavely thought they'd be able to ransom a secret. And it would appear that even Jessica didn't realise just how well connected the new 'friends' in Adelaide were nor to what extent they were prepared to act upon a threat to reveal any iota of past current or ongoing operations and trade craft.

E-Cafe, (Economic Commission For Asia and the Far East), being held at the Lapstone Hotel not far from Glenbrook in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales simultaneously with SM's demise upped the ante and required finalisation of the threat. SM probably had no idea just how serious a situation he had created. The conference as it turns out, was all part of the push by British Intelligence for the creation of ASIO, more here:

Enter Hemblys-Scales, MI5 whose curriculum at University included classical literature. On that syllabus was 'that' book. His visit to Adelaide one month prior to meet his future Aunt. A doctor who had practised in Somerton. A night of dining in Glenelg to celebrate her niece's upcoming betrothal or a meeting with a friend, a chemist who's shop was in the same building where her husband doctor's surgery was before moving to Somerton.

Decoding the cypher may explain the true nature of their intention, but was it the threat to expose information for personal or monetary gain? That may depend on the identification of SM. The nature of the ransom was obviously irrelevant to why action was articulated, and that with Hemblys-Scales matriculting the action tells us what was at stake. But whose side was he on?


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  1. That’s really interesting material Pete. A myriad of links between the various ‘suicides’ is new for many and it’s well worth exposing. That plus the high level inferences and likely conspiracy makes for a huge story but not only that it’s fertile ground for the serious researchers/investigators who can contribute to this discussion.
    Wasn’t there a Navy intelligence man linked to the other Doctor whom it was thought may have been the real person who handed over the Rubaiyat?

  2. The research into the possible involvement of MI5 in the SM myetry is warming up.

    Thanks to Peter Davidson, we have information which shows that German Rocket scientists were not the only one who were spirited out of Germany at the end of the war. Several leading EX SS and Gestapo men were also picked up and managed to escape the Nuremburg trials or some that went but got away lightly. Klaus Barbie is probably the best known with Kopkow close behind.

    Some ended up in the US and some in the UK, did any make it to Australia or was there yet another group who would have value for Western Intelligence agencies?

    It seems that is the case. Following up and building on Peter's work I found the name Vlasov. He defected rom the Soviets to Germany in 1941 I believe. and was the leader of the Russian Liberation Army. These men were ex POWs of the German Army and, being anti communist, volunteered to take part in the war on the side of the Germans and fought against the Soviets. Many of these men came from Ukraine and the Crimea, they were amongst the Russian emigres and White Russians who stood against communism since the time of the revolution.

    Where could this lead us? To Sydney perhaps and the mysterious death of another White Russian, Michael Goreloff? More to follow.

    Many thanks to Peter Davidson for his direction and input.

  3. If ex SS/gestapo men made it to Australia via America under some kind of special deal, it would explain the American items in his possession would it not?

  4. So, he could’ve gotten to Australia under a deal or else totally under the radar, an escape artist. Either way he wouldn’t have used his real name. He would have used false documents, fake passport and so on.

  5. That's a good start. The next question might be about when and where he first arrived in Australia if indeed he was an ex SS or gestapo man.

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