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Page Header Image for the Tamam Shud blog rules the illustration shows a computer monitor with the words Tamam Shud and a document on a monitor, tehre is a desk on which the monitor sits and documents, books and a magnfit=ying glass are visible


Welcome to the Tamam Shud blog a space for in-depth discussions on the 1948 Somerton Man cold case. To foster a respectful and productive environment, we ask all contributors to please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respectful Engagement:

  • Respectful Tone: All comments and posts must maintain a respectful tone. Disagreements are natural, but please be civil. No personal attacks, insults, or aggressive language will be tolerated.
  • Constructive Criticism: Critique ideas, theories, or arguments constructively without belittling others. Focus on addressing the issue, not the individual.
  • Professionalism: Treat the blog and its contributors professionally, adhering to standards of truth, integrity, and factual accuracy.

2. No Abusive Language:

  • No Offensive Language: Abusive, threatening, or offensive language will not be permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory remarks, and obscene language.
  • No Harassment: Repeated, targeted, or harassing comments towards any individual or group will result in moderation actions, including permanent bans.

3. No Trolling or Baiting:

  • Anti-Trolling Policy: Trolling, defined as deliberately inflammatory, off-topic, or disruptive comments designed to provoke emotional responses, will be removed. Repeated trolling behavior will lead to permanent bans.
  • No Baiting: Attempts to bait or provoke other users into arguments or altercations, especially by making unfounded or sensational claims, will not be tolerated.

4. Fact-Based Contributions:

  • Substantiated Claims: When presenting theories, claims, or information, users should provide references or sources wherever possible. If you have a strong but unsupported case that is allowable provided that you clearly state the information is not supported by fact but it is thought to be a strong possibility.  Unsupported speculation may be removed or moderated if it disrupts the discussion.
  • No Spreading Misinformation: Deliberate misinformation or repeated sharing of debunked claims will result in moderation actions.

5. On-Topic Discussions:

  • Stay on Topic: Keep comments and discussions relevant to the blog post or discussion thread. Off-topic comments may be deleted to keep discussions focused.
  • Thread Hijacking: Don't derail or hijack threads by shifting the focus of the discussion to unrelated topics.

6. Moderation and Consequences:

  • Moderator Discretion: Moderators will have the final say in removing comments or banning users based on rule violations. Continuous or serious breaches will result in a permanent ban.
  • Warnings and Bans: Offenders will be given a warning for minor infractions. Repeat offenders or serious violations (such as abusive language or trolling) will be banned immediately without warning.

7. No Spamming or Self-Promotion:

  • No Spam: Spam, including irrelevant links, promotional content, or repetitive comments, will be removed.
  • Limited Self-Promotion: If you wish to promote a related website, project, or blog, you must first seek approval from the blog administrator. Unapproved self-promotion will be treated as spam and will possibly result in a permanent ban.

8. Copyright and Attribution:

  • Proper Attribution: Ensure that any images, videos, or excerpts shared are properly attributed, and follow copyright guidelines. Plagiarism or the use of copyrighted material without permission is prohibited.
  • Citing Sources: When presenting evidence or referring to external content, please cite your sources to ensure transparency and credibility.

9. Sensitive Content:

  • Trigger Warnings: When discussing particularly sensitive topics (such as graphic violence, abuse, or tragic events), include appropriate content warnings to give readers a chance to opt-out.
  • Respect for Victims and Families: Cold cases often involve real people. Always show respect and sensitivity toward victims, their families, and individuals or their descendants are involved.

10. Privacy and Security:

  • No Doxxing: Sharing others' private information (addresses, phone numbers, etc.) without their consent is prohibited. This includes suspected identities of individuals in cold cases unless officially confirmed by authorities.
  • Stay Safe: Be mindful of your privacy when sharing personal stories or details online.

11. Encouraging Constructive Debate:

  • Encourage Informed Debate: We encourage thoughtful, researched, and informed debate and welcome differing opinions. Ensure your arguments are well-reasoned and grounded in evidence.
  • Avoid Echo Chambers: Avoid posting only to confirm biases. We welcome healthy challenges to common theories as long as they are presented respectfully.

Rule Enforcement:

Moderators will actively monitor comments and enforce these rules. We encourage the community to report any violations. Repeated rule violations will result in permanent bans where necessary.

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Welcome to the Tamam Shud Blog, widely regarded as the leading and most trusted fact and evidence-based blog on the Somerton Man case. Please take a moment to review our comment guidelines here:

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