75 Years In The Making!


In this second clip in the series, we take an even closer look at the space between the 3rd and 4th lines on the code page. Extraordinarily skilful work by whomever it was that created this code page.


The Video shows one example of the anamorphic lettering found on the code page. The lettering itself was very well hidden.

This has to be the biggest breakthrough in the Somerton Man case. After finding Anamorphic/ distorted writing in the Alf Boxall ROK it has now been found in the Somerton Man code page and it's beyond any doubt. The image of the code page above is tilted slightly away from the normal position and carefully examined you will be able to see the clear and obvious presence of anamorphic writing across most of the code page. 

The best view of the text will be in the top right-hand quartile where if you look closely the 'ghost-like' pale numbers letters and hopefully some words. They extend down the page to the bottom right-hand corner.

There's more work to do on extracting the individual number sets, I will be removing the dark ink letters which will make it easier to see,

There are numerous questions yet to be answered not the least of which is, is this a code? Are the original inked-in letters a real code or just a decoy planted there to fool the codebreakers? Is it possible that the anamorphic letters and numbers were from an earlier use of the Rubaiyat?

The only thing I have done to the image is to alter the perspective by tilting it away from the standard flat position and compressing the sides inwards. It was that easy but it fooled everyone since 1949. and for the last 15 years, its fooled me as well.

This next image was taken at what was the bottom left of the code page but now, since we have reoriented the page, it is on the bottom right corner  If you move your head slowly to the right, you may get a better view. You can certainly see the now vertical lines that help form the letters and numbers.

I made this find just a few days ago. It has been sitting undisturbed on the code page for 75 years and now it is visible for the first time. I am not aware of anyone else discovering this extraordinarily well-hidden example of anamorphic writing.

In the left-hand image and adjacent to the letter P, there is what appears to be just random markings which could have been the weave in the paper or so most people thought. As you can see that's not the case. Those 'random' markings were deliberately placed and spaced so that when viewed from a specific angle, full letters, numbers, and possibly words would appear. Much like the recent example of anamorphic letters and numbers found in the Boxall Rubaiyat only on a much grander scale. These anamorphic letters are spread over the entire page. 

What could they be? I went through and considered that they might be artifacts within the paper but that would be unlikely given the way they appear as a result of viewing angle and when they appear the other random markings disappear.

 Could they be a watermark within the paper? It is a possibility though it seems to be odd that the pattern doesn't repeat, as each example on the page is quite different in composition. Then the question would be why would you go to such extremes to create a watermark for a relatively cheap book of poetry and why conceal it in the way it is concealed? I don't believe it to be a watermark.

Is it a code? The real code? If so what of the inked-over code letters? What impact does this have on them?  Could the marked-over letters and their micro-written contents be a decoy? Could the apparent code have been put there deliberately to deceive any code breakers? That did happen and probably still does.

Could it be a combination? Some code from the marked-over letters and some from the anamorphic ones? All is very possible.

The task now is to work through the examples on the code page, extract what I can, and firstly assess it for any names or words, any words found may not be in English and that would be valuable information right now given the focus of the impending inquest.

For any code enthusiasts in our audience, all you need to do to view this interesting development is to print out a copy of the code page, you can find one on the Adelaide University WIKI, let it dry, then use a camera take close up images from various viewing angles. A little lighting is needed but not a great deal, the lighting should be obliquely angled to get the best result.

Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it and you'll never look at the code page the same way again.


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  1. I thought Adelaide University worked on the code for years and they never found anything like what your showing here.

  2. It's quite obvious once you see it.

  3. I think that I've worked out how all the deaths could be linked, and obviously why, even how the 'suicides' are linked. I 'm reasonably certain of how it was carried out and by who played what roles to plan and facilitate SM & TK's silence. Unfortunately for SM and TK they niavely thought they'd be able to ransom a secret. And it would appear that even Jessica didn't realise just how well connected the new 'friends' in Adelaide were nor to what extent they were prepared to act upon a threat to reveal any iota of past current or ongoing operations and trade craft. E-Cafe upped the ante and required finalisation of the threat. SM probably had no idea just how serious a situation he had created. Hemblys-Scales curriculum at University included classical literature. On that syllabus was that book. The visit to Adelaide one month prior to meet his future Aunt. A doctor who had practised in Somerton. A night of dining in Glenelg to celebrate her niece's upcoming betrothal or a meeting with a friend, a chemist who's shop was in the same building where her husband doctor's surgery was before moving to Somerton. Decoding the cypher may explain the true nature of what was thre a tended, but was it the threat to expose information for personal or monetary gain? That may depend on the identification of SM. The nature of the ransom was obviously irrelevant to why action was articulated, and that with Hemblys-Scales matriculting the action tells us what was at stake. But whose side was he on?

    1. That’s really interesting material Pete. A myriad of links between the various ‘suicides’ is new for many and it’s well worth exposing. That plus the high level inferences and likely conspiracy makes for a huge story but not only that it’s fertile ground for the serious researchers/investigators who can contribute to this discussion.
      Wasn’t there a Navy intelligence man linked to the other Doctor whom it was thought may have been the real person who handed over the Rubaiyat?

  4. Amazing, 75 years and the truth was there staring straight at us and no one spotted it. Until now that is. Great work Sir!

  5. We should call it CRAMER’S CODE’ It’s not just the code it’s the way you found it. Onwards and Upwards!

  6. A critical part in breaking a code is finding it in the first place. Now we’ve got one to work with. Hooray!

  7. CRAMERS CODE got my vote :)

  8. A quick update. The images obtained so far today show that this quite definitely anamorphic writing and the correct way to view it is as Follows:
    1. Rotate the code page 90 degrees anti clockwise
    2. The text flow is mostly horizontal lines reading left to right with some text apparently at an angle of about 60 degrees,
    3. To get a better view, you need to use a decent camera and at a shallow angle looking from right to left, focus on half the page width at a time unless you have a camera that will manage the full width with clarity.
    4. You may have a little trial and error to go through, I am not sure that each string is viewable at the same angle.

    My next step is to take as many images in close up as I can and then assemble them all in a logical progression.

    It requires that the inked over letters have the top layer of ink removed which I have done. That leaves the micro code visible and it may form part of the anamorphic format but I am not certain about that as yet.

    It is possible that the inked over letters were just a decoy, a distraction meant to confuse any decryption efforts.

    This is going to take some days but I will post updates to this post and add another shortly.

  9. This raises many questions, such as how come no one saw it until now? It is viewable and I can see the patterns/layouts. Getting the correct angle of view is key.

  10. Regarding why no one has spotted this sooner, I think that everyone from day 1 has been conditioned into looking only at the inked over letters and lines and that they were the code. In reality that was the desired effect.

    But who knew what and when is going to be a big part of the discussion and that's fine as long as we keep to the reality rule, no wild theories without some kind of factual backup.

    Pete Davo's comments feed right into this discussion. The discovery of this anamorphic coding if it is a code, links the Boxall ROK to the code page and Pete has other material that I am sure will add further value to the discussion.

  11. Ho does the torn slip fit into this new scenario? Is it real or is it part of the distraction?

    1. It's an interesting question. One of the ciphers identified with the concealed code in the torn slip, was a MORBIT cipher. It spelled out 8 of the 11 letters in Line 3 of the code page:
      MTBI NETP, the missing letters were MPA. Whether this letter set were in some way pointing us at the anamorphic lettering eside the letter P or not is anyone's guess. They might have had that purpose or they might, as you suggest, be part of the distraction/decoy. We may find out but it may take a while.

    2. Someone went to an awful lot of trouble to create all that anamorphic lettering and then put a decoy layer on top of it. Whatever the message is it must have been pretty valuable. I can't offer any explanations on it though. Could they just have been a hobbyist do you think?

    3. Hello and thanks for your comment. I agree that this was a lot of trouble to go to, you would think that it would have taken hours even for a skilled operator. It puts me in mind of the incredible detail found in the Hay Bank Internment Camp Banknotes. They made use of the anamorphic technique as well and of course it's in the Boxall Rubaiyat. I suspect that whoever did the codepage would have had some kind of equipment to work with, possibly a special lens of some type. That needs investigating.
      If as we think, the inked over letters were a decoy, it would be doubly clever if the micro letters and numbers within them formed both the inked letter outlines and were part of the anamorphic design as well. Incredible work.

      As for being a hobbyist, it's worth researching to see whether they ran competitions using the technique just as they did for tiny writing in the 1930s? I wouldn't rule it out but it would seem less likely given the complexity of the code page example, not impossible though.

      Thanks again!

  12. Part of the story behind micro writing is that Gerry Feltus was of the view that the pencil markings were indentations and not actually written in pencil, just the impressions left by the use of a pencil.

    Given the sheer amount of anamorphic lettering and of varying sizes, it makes you wonder whether the anamorphic was done directly in pencil and the micro writing was written over the top on a separate piece of paper leaving just the indentations? I suppose that would be possible. Something to think about!

  13. The Video's cool. Couldn't see it properly on the still pics but its pretty clear now, is there much of it?

  14. There are several examples like the one shown. I will probably do 5 or 6 clips like this from various parts of the page. It really is amazing to examine at this level of detail. Many of the letters/numbers shown are around 1mm and some much larger.

  15. WooHoo! Bring 'em on! This is something else. It's a lot like sitting on your shoulder when you are working through the clips.. I can make out the individual letters and numbers on the screen and they seem to be aligned, some are curved and some straight lines. Why would that be?

  16. Glad you can make the characters out. It takes a while to get used to focusing on them with a camera, a small magnifying glass is more forgiving. The patterns of straight and curved sets of characters seem to be common amongst the groups I have examined. It does look like the pattern is relatively standard, curves with a line of characters through it.

    Time will tell I guess and thanks for the question!

  17. I didn't understand that big still image that you took at an angle at first but I do now. Blimey. Its covered in letters and numbers, how did they do that?

  18. Someone's put CRAMER'S CODE on ChatGpt! Ha! Your name's up inlights GC!

  19. A change of subject, well almost, just wading through the FOLIO Sociey's edition of 'Between SIlk & Cyanide' By Leo Marks. I have read excerpts some year ago but given where we are now with the Somerton Man Case, it all makes a lot more sense now than it did 7 or 8 years ago.

    My reading has been mostly via archives and real case studies and I hadn't paid enough attention to biographies. That's not to say that novels don't have their part to play but the real thing does take a lot of beating.

    There's a lot of benefit in immersing yourself in the era, going back to the 40s and 50s and understanding what the World was like then, how people lived, the economic and political climates and how they affected day to day life and of course the international tensions. The backlash against the CPA was hard and heavy and could well have played a part in the Somerton Man case but do I have proof of that? No, but knowing of its existence helps in the whole process of immersion.

    So the book, 'Between Silk and Cyanide' by Leo Marks, is recommended reading!

  20. An Update: I spent many hours yesterday examining the code page in even greater detail and now hold the view that the inked-over letters containing micro written letters and numbers that I have looked at thus far, were part of the anamorphic design and code. The anamorphics appear in horizontal lines running from left to right after you rotate the 'code page' as was through 90 degrees anti-clockwise. Some of the lines are curved and I have no idea why that should be at this stage.

    I am endeavouring to get a reflected infrared apparatus up and running today. That was originally for another purpose but the discovery of anamorphic writing takes precedent over the related projects.

    So, a new post today, in fact two, one of which focuses on Pete Davos unfolding story regarding Hemblys Scales and the other is part two of the Anamorphic code with new and much clearer images.

  21. Right with you friend. It does look like lots of it is in horizontal lines and I wondered whether it could be part of a one-time pad? When's the new post going up?

    1. You could be right but I haven't got enough detail yet to see if this is a One Time pad. This weekend might get us closer to it all. The finding that the inked-over letters and the micro written letters and numbers form part of the anamorphic information is significant and could change hoe we view it all. Will update as soon as I find anything but in the meantime keep up with your examination of the page, you might get there before me and that would be fine.

  22. Do you think the Police saw these writings? It seems odd that there's never been any mention of anything like this.

    1. Short answer is I am not sure. On the one hand they saw the outlines which they or someone else inked over, on the other hand they saw the Nurses telephone number in really tiny lettering. Given that this writing was all anamorphic, it is quite possible that the police may not have seen anything but a series of random markings some of which were small numbers and letters. What it does say is that the nurses number was the exception to the rule, not random markings but a clear number. Interesting isn't it?

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