The TAMAM SHUD case, also known as the "Somerton Man Mystery," involves the discovery of a man's body on Somerton Beach, South Australia on December 1, 1948, with no identification on the body and no obvious signs of injury or cause of death. It was later determined that the man had been poisoned.
The case is known for the discovery of a book called the "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" in the glove compartment of a car in the vicinity, which contained a code that used a British Intelligence concealment technique known as INK H that has never been fully deciphered and a telephone number that led to a one-time Australian Army Intelligence officer.
Investigations also found that the man's body was found on the beach following the highest Spring tide of the year, but the body was not soaked as it should have been if it had been in the same location overnight. This has added to the mystery of the case.
Despite extensive investigations, the case has never been solved and the identity of the Somerton Man and the circumstances of his death remain a mystery to this day.
The original investigators from 1948 and beyond are held in high regard. Facing challenges that are difficult to imagine today, they undoubtedly did their level best under challenging circumstances to unravel the mystery.
On January 21st, 2013, our blog made its debut in the digital world. Over the years, we have been fortunate to welcome thousands of readers. By March 2024, we reached a significant milestone, surpassing 1 million page views and publishing 899 insightful posts. Our inaugural post explored 'micro writing', a claim and evidence that has remained strong.
As this is being written, we eagerly look forward to revealing even more substantial evidence. Five years ago, we shared the initial decoded words from a previously hidden code. Since then, further discoveries have come to light, including the finding of a coded name DANETTA in TIBOR KALDOR's last letter and elsewhere. Additionally, we have identified three different encryption methods, including the HILL CIPHER, MORBIT CIPHER, and more recently the NIHILIST CIPHER, a tool once used by Soviet agents during WW2. Amid the various theories surrounding the Somerton Man – from the 'rare' ear type and anodontia to the Love Child hypothesis and erroneous DNA connections – we remain committed to the pursuit of truth. Recently, the Carl 'Charles' Webb theory has surfaced, and although it awaits concrete proof, it is not a theory supported by this blog. Many thanks to all who visit these pages; your support and encouragement mean a great deal.
Since 2013 this blog has set the pace for others to follow, we did that by a combination of reviewing and researching much of the good work previously carried out by the Adelaide University Facebook page and a small group known as "THE INNER SANCTUM". This group comprised of s number of well-known individual researchers in the Somerton Man case and we had input from Gerry Feltus. The real starting point for me was in 2009. As many followers would know, a number of other bloggers were not amused by the work that I and other members of the Inner Sanctum did and the information that we brought to the space. Notably the presence of micro writing which in the first instance was found on the 'Code Page', not within the letters but in the open spaces on the page.
Let's get to the list of things that emanated from this blog, they're not in any particular order:
1. Discovery of micro numbers and letters on the code page
2. Discovered that the number 70 was written onto the inscribed copy of the Rubaiyat by Alf Boxall AFTER the Stuart Littlemore interview in 1977/78.
3. Discovery of microcode within the letters of the Verse 70 inscription and the throughout the title page.
4. Discovery of microcode within the letters of the TAMAM SHUD torn slip
5. Discovery of the fact that no fingerprints were taken from any of the items in the suitcase nor from the copy of the Rubaiyat found after the inquest in 1949.
6. Discovery that the Fingerprint form that contained the fingerprints said to be those of the Somerton Man was not signed/certificated as it should have been.
7. Discovery that the right forefinger, index finger, and thumbprints showed signs of wear indicating that perhaps the owner of those prints had been using a small handheld tool such as an engraving tool.
8. Discovery, along with Clive Turner, (There are a number of trolls using that name since Clive stepped away from the Somerton Man case) of the Tibor Kaldor incident whereby he was found dead in room 3 of the Victoria Hotel in Hindley Street, Adelaide on the 14th November 1948.
9. Discovery of the new research area known as 'The Dunera Boys' of whom Tibor Kaldor was one. These men, some 2700 or so of them, were deported to Australia from the UK in 1940 and were interned here initially at the Hay Internment Camp in NSW and then later moved to various other locations including Tatura in Victoria and Loveday in South Australia.
10. Discovery that tools made by internees at various camps bore a resemblance to the tools found in the suitcase said to belong to the Somerton Man.
11. Discovery of the Hay Internment Camp banknotes which I was able to show contained micro-written letters and numbers across the whole of the design of the 3 denominations of those banknotes.
12. Discovery of an Acrostic code within the first paragraph of Tibor Kaldor's last letter. That particular paragraph was run through an online decoder and amongst a jumble of letters that were output, there was a single word, DANETTA. I was able to examine that code and the way in which it was formed. Essentially, it was based on 7 consecutive numbers that corresponded to the letters in the word DANETTA.
13. This same codeword DANETTA was found using the same code technique described above, within Verse 70, within the code page (See below) and other documents/newspaper ads. My belief is that the word was used as an authenticator. That means that it was put in place to let the intended recipient know that this was a genuine message.
14. Discovery that the letters of the code page could well originally have been a 7 line code with each line beginning with the letter M. Interestingly when the code was arranged in that fashion as in 7 lines beginning with M, the Acrostic code name DANETTA was apparent.
15, Discovered that the 'Missing Man and Woman' on the aircraft that brought the Russian delegation via Darwin to the Lapstone Conference for December 1st. 1948 were in fact later found to be employees of the Russian Embassy in Canberra. (Sherbakov & Bogotyreva)
16. Discovered that Vitaly Pavlov, a known and trained Soviet assassin was present in Australia at the relevant times associated with the Somerton Man case.
17. Followed up and found the name of a man first nominated by John Ruffles as a likely candidate for the Somerton Man. He had been described in a book 'The Atom Spies' name by an Australian politician in the late 70s. The man concerned was Pavel Ivanovich Fedosimov, a senior Russian diplomat based in New York.
18. Discovered that Pavel was instructed to return to Moscow at the end of July 1948 aboard the POBEDA. Pavel's wife Vera, did not accompany him.
19. Discovered a photograph of Pavel, it is the only one ever found of this man, it was taken at La Guardia Airfield and he was in company with his boss, Novikov. 9A second photograph of the same event was later found, it shows the presence of a man with what appears to be a home movie camera. He may possibly have been an American agent.
20. Discovered that Pavel Fedosimov was named in Alexander Vassiliev's notes as having been recalled to Moscow as he was suspected of being about to betray the Mother Country.
21. Discovered that the POBEDA on which Pavel was a passenger was diverted from its original journey direct to Odesa and instead called into Alexandria and then Batumi before heading across the Black Sea to Odesa. It was on that final journey to Odessa that there was a huge explosion and fire on board the ship leaving 40 passengers and two crew dead. Amongst the dead was a high-ranking Chinese military officer who was in the process of defecting to Russia.
22. Later discovered that the Pobeda and the Derna crossed paths near Egypt, The Pobeda docked first at Alexandria and two weeks later (approximately) the Derna docked at Port Said on the Nile. This would have enabled a person to jump ship from the Pibeda and onboard the Derna, they could have reached Melbourne on the first Tuesday of November 1948, Melbourne Cup day.
23. Together with Dr John Luick we established that the Somerton Man was very probably placed on the beach at Somerton after the high tide at 4.34 am on the 1st December 1948. That in turn means that there would have been at least two people involved in moving the man to the position in which he was found.
24. Discovered the shoes worn by the man were very similar to a pair found in a catalog and bore the number 9048 as their model number which also appears on Gerry Feltus's book THE UNKNOWN MAN.
25. An entry in Paul Lawson's diary mentions ' disposal of the original body'
26. Created photographic comparisons of the man's face showing significant differences between post-autopsy and pre-burial photos.
27. interviewed Paul Lawson regarding the making of the plaster bust. Paul used the post-autopsy images to aid in creating the facial features of the man. The actual face bore no resemblance to the original face.
28. Paul Lawson revealed that he learned from conversations that Alf Boxall and the nurse would meet in the grounds of RNSH.
29. Pal Lawson also revealed that he had used the post autopsy photographs to model the face on the plaster bust as the face on the body did not match.
30. Discovery of anamorphic writing on the edges of the Boxall Rubaiyat.
31. Discovery of anamorphic letters and numbers on the edges of the Code Page.
32. Discovery that another police photograph of the code page existed at the time of Stuart Littlemore’s 1976 documentary.
33. Discovery of evidence that the copy of the Rubaiyat found and handed in to Police in 1948 by the chemist was a Collin’s two edition version.
There are other things that have been found by this blog and as and when I get time I will add them to this list and then provide links to the relative posts.
From the outset, there has been a focus on the evidence in the case and whenever and wherever possible I set out to substantiate the vast majority of the 'finds' that have been made here.
About Us
Training in those days was at the No.1 Police District Training Centre at Bruche near Warrington. The district included Cumbria, Lancashire, Liverpool, Manchester, Cheshire, and several smaller Borough forces. In those days there were approximately 100,000 officers in the UK with the Metropolitan Police being the largest individual force. In Cheshire, we had under 2000 officers including those in admin. We weren’t an armed force, some were trained in the use of firearms but most were not. The ‘accompaniments’ we had consisted of handcuffs, a short staff (truncheon), and the indispensable whistle.
As for me, I have good memories of those times, some great lifelong mates, with a host of lessons learned and built on that have not been forgotten.
Hats off to all those who have served in Police forces wherever they are in the world, it's a brotherhood of sorts and you are always made welcome should you drop in on a social visit, given, that is that there are no current emergencies underway!
If you're still awake after reading this, I hope you enjoy the blog!
Been an avid follower for sometime now and while I don't always agree with your posts, this blog stands head and shoulders above the rest. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Veritas, it has taken me way too long to get round to responding for which I apologise. Your comments are appreciated.