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Introducing 'The Library' on Tamam Shud:
A Treasure Trove of Espionage and History

Welcome to "The Library," a new addition to the blog where you can explore a curated collection of free downloadable eBooks and links to historical books hosted on the Internet Archive. Our focus will primarily be on intelligence work and espionage, featuring works that delve into the secret world of covert operations. Additionally, you’ll find resources highlighting the rich historical period between 1940 and 1950 in Australia, including literature on the Communist Party, The Association, and various right-wing groups active at the time. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply interested in untold stories of espionage, "The Library" will offer valuable insights into this fascinating era.


The Internet archive is a free to use service which contains hundreds of books and videos that can be viewed. We start our curated collection off with the titles of books listed below:

(You can copy and paste the link to your PC or iPad etc.)

1. THE SPY BOOK: 14 days free

2. SPIES: the undercover world of secrets, gadgets and lies by David Owen :

3. The Dark Game: true spy stories by Paul B Janezko


This collection starts off with two videos viewable on the archives 'Wayback Machine' These videos were once available on YouTube but were removed. Their topic is the Somerton Man and are ABC Stateline Reports episodes from 2009:

Stateline Report 2009: Taman Shud Case (Part 1) Includes the clip of the trip to the Police Museum and a close up of the bust showing quantities of hair visible on the bust and comments from Professor Abbot.

Stateline Report 2009 Taman Shud Case  (Part 2)
 Interviews with the Gery Feltus, Tony Elliot, Professor Abbott, Adelaide University Students and more are included 

Scholarly Articles:


Guerrilla Communications

Author: B. Whaley Year: 1967: Summary: This paper discusses clandestine communications traffic by courier and radio between Chinese and Soviet Communist leaders during WWII. Download PDF

Clandestine Communication Systems

Author: J.T. Corley Year: 2001 Summary: The study covers recruitment tactics and the manipulation of communication networks during WWII. Download PDF

Enemies in the Shadows: On the Origins and Survival of Clandestine Clients

Authors: A. Boutton, T.M. Dolan Year: 2021 Summary: Examines clandestine networks active in France during WWII, including secure communication channels used by resistance groups. Read More

Clandestine Wireless Development During WWII

Author: J. Paul Year: 2008 Summary: Covers the development and use of clandestine radios by resistance forces during WWII. Read More

“Stay Behind”: A Clandestine Cold War Phenomenon

Author: O. Riste Year: 2014 Summary: Discusses preparedness for clandestine communication in the Cold War, tracing the roots back to WWII. Download PDF

Secrecy: The Communication Dilemma of CIA

Author: D.C. Gibson Year: 1987 Summary: This paper examines the CIA's use of clandestine communication methods during (OSS) and after WWII. Download PDF

British Clandestine Activities in Romania during the Second World War

Author: D. Deletant Year: 2016 Summary: A detailed examination of the British clandestine operations in Romania during WWII. Read More

Stay tuned as we populate the page with rare finds (if we can and key historical texts!

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