..."Washington, D.C., July 16, 2024 - On 16 July 1945, 79 years ago, the United States, under the Manhattan Project, staged the first test of a nuclear weapon in the New Mexican desert. In the first trial of a plutonium implosion weapon, the explosion on the ground produced radioactive fallout contaminating over 1,100 square miles of the state, although some debris spread as far north as Canada. Six weeks after the test, there was a “swath of fairly high radioactivity on the ground covering an area of about 100 miles long by 30 miles wide,” according to a Los Alamos Laboratory report published here for first time by the National Security Archive, while “gamma radiation was found in measurable but very low intensities in Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Raton and even in Trinidad, Colorado,” 260 miles from the point of detonation."...

If you follow this link, you will be able to view the recently released documents on that first-ever man-made nuclear explosion. Everyone, serious researchers and just the curious will find the information fascinating.


Strange as it may seem to some, there are questions surrounding the death of the Somerton Man and possible links to the USA as well as Salisbury just North of Adelaide, the Woomera testing grounds, and further North of Adelaide  'Yellow Cake' exports from Port Pirie further North of Adelaide.


This book contains details of actual events and new evidence uncovered during 15 years of research and investigation.

The 1948 Somerton Man Mystery is widely known as Australia’s most enduring Cold Case. Early in the morning of December 1st. 1948, the body of a man was found on Somerton Beach near Glenelg in South Australia. He had died of poisoning.

As you are about to find out, there was more than 1 mysterious death in that era, in fact, there were three, all died of poisoning, and they were all linked by an equally mysterious code. But there's far more to it than that as you will read.

PART 1. is available now on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Everrand, CLICK HERE

You can also purchase from GOOGLE BOOKS...


Parts 2 & 3 of this intriguing and true story of Australia's most enduring mystery have been underway for two years they include the finding of other mysterious codes, concealments, and evidence of espionage as well as the Carl Webb claims...

What was the link to WW2 Soviet Espionage rings? Who was Tibor Kaldor whose death by poisoning in an Adelaide Hotel two weeks after the discovery of the body of the Somerton Man was recorded as a suicide? Was it a coincidence that White Russian Michael Goreloff died less than 2 weeks before the Somerton Man? And was there a link to the 1945 death by poisoning of George Marshall? Those questions and more will be answered in the pages of these two books.

These two editions will be packaged together and available in time for Christmas 2024...

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