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The Micro Written Code can be seen within each of the letters on the torn slip...

A quick update, the news is that the cipher text found in the TAMAM SHUD torn slip has been positively identified, it is a known cipher used by the Soviets through WW2. 3 Major spy rings are known to have made use of the 'NHILIST' Cipher which was first developed in Russia in the 1880s and then evolved into the cipher of choice for the Richard Sorge Japan sly ring, The Alexander Foote 'Lucy' spy ring and the perhaps better know 'Rote Kappelle' (Red Orchestra) Spy ring.

The string of code showed a significant hit when put through a code identifier as shown here:

Having made use of the DCode tools for some years, I have not seen such a high-rated hit for cipher identification as the one shown here.

This is the string as posted here some months ago:

637952 8452G 75332 49465 45469 R3293 295X5 87250 02XN4 33976 38548 49525 84M85 48967 66478 35459

You can read more about the NIHILIST cipher here:

Here's the Code identification site:

This is the first proven direct link to a Soviet code or asset in the Somerton Man case and represents a serious and significant breakthrough.

Finding the keywords is the major challenge, the decrypt relies upon a 5 X 5 grid as you will read in the Wiki article. It is known that the Soviets regularly used the 8 most frequently used letters of the English Alphabet to form their keywords. They would also use words or groups of letters from books to create the keyword.

The question now is, just what does it say? Finding the cipher was one step, identifying it was another and now we need to decrypt it. Over to the cryptanalysts!


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  1. Interesting to see the shift in direction of the would be thought leaders in TSM discussion. After so many months of your statements about the unreliability of the Carl Webb dna evidence backed up by Dr. Xanthe Mallet and her public statement, it would appear that the motley crew are now fully on board with your position. I may not agree with everything you have to say Mr. Cramer but you have never wavered and that I respect. I will be paying more attention to what you have to say.

  2. Given that the dCode assessment that the string submitted is a Nihilist cipher, then the torn slip is the key to the entire Somerton Man case. It would prove beyond any reasonable doubt whether or not the Somerton Man was a spy.

    The slip still exists, it was microscopically examined some years ago by the University of Adelaide but that was specifically focused on the nature of the paper and its fibres. It was never examined for a concealment.

    It makes absolute sense to have that slip forensically examined for a concealment by the police. That would bring an end to it all.

    I think it's a reasonable request and there shouldn't be any objection for such an examination to be carried out from any quarter.

    I will write to SAPOL and make a formal request, if you feel so motivated then please do the same. That includes the naysayers out there, this is your big chance. This is something that we should all want to see, is there a concealment in the torn slip?

    I say there is and I have photographs of the code that was hidden there and that is the image at the top of the page.

    It should only be SAPOL forensics people who examine the slip not any other agency or organisation.

  3. I have been in contact with a cryptanalyst and am hopeful we will be able to at least make a start on the string in the coming week or so. The cipher itself was designed to be easy to use by the operators/agents but considerably more difficult to crack.
    Reading further about the cipher, it is known that that by WW2 it had evolved to include a second key and that a one time pad was also used as part of the cipher by the Soviets. Breaking the code is going to be a seriously difficult task. Having said that, the Japanese had managed to crack several messages that were sent by Max Clausen, Sorge's friend and his skilled radio operator. Clausen was eventually released and survived the war.

    1. Could we find a name if the code is fully cracked?hypothetically speaking.

    2. Hypothetically, the answer would be yes. No guarantee of course. I still have to understand whether or not the cipher teext was double encoded, I have a post somewhere on that plus more about the Nihilist code and perhaps, it's deeper significance. There is an issue raised separately by Peter Davidson in a discussion we had a few days ago regarding the Richard Sorge network or more precisely, Richard Sorge and an earlier acquaintance of his. Thanks for the comment, it's certainly on topic!

  4. A tenuous link. The acquaintance of Richard Sorge, was a fellow journalist in China prior to Sorge’s move to Japan to set up what was to be the Soviet’s most successful network. He was an Englishman who went on to become a a leading figure in British intelligence and someone who was long thought by some to be a Soviet mole.

    This man, as it happens, was present in Australia during the relevant time in 1948 along with Hemblys Scales and, I think Courtenay Young and his private secretary who was also an MI 5 operative.

    The man concerned was Roger Hollis. Peter Wright in his book, Spycatcher, was to name Hollis as a mole for the Soviets. The game that was being played was, according to some commentators, to shape the nature of Australia’s intelligence services as a defacto arm of MI5 and all under the watchful eye of a Soviet mole.

    A known connection between Hollis and Soviet agent Sorge, whose network was known to use the Nhilist cipher. And that cipher has possibly been identified as the cipher found in the torn slip.

    I did say it was tenuous but even tenuous links have been known to produce unexpected results.

    Who knows?

    1. I wonder if Sorge also ever crossed paths with Basil Chilikin in Shanghai?

    2. Haven’t found anything yet regarding Chilikin and Sorge. Has to be a possibility of course. Both men were classic Soviet intelligence agents in that information gathering and dissemination was their role. This activity is distinct from covert action people, meaning the assassins of the time. I would imagine that they would work alongside each other as the circumstances dictated.

  5. Anonymous. No, I don’t track IP addresses, this blog is powered by Google and they expressly prohibit tracking. Neither is it possible to edit old comments on this platform whereas on other blogs it is allowed which may explain a few falsely dated claims on other blogs.

  6. Congrats are in order for Pete Bowes, Well done Pete! that was really good work and persistence and it’s paid off. Thanks to your efforts we now know that the DNA work on the Somerton Man has been completed with some other issues to be finalised. The file goes to the SA coroner early 2024.
    Lots of questions but this moment is yours!

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