The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



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This video is part 1 of 4 in the chapter and it shows the presence of a skillfully concealed microcode within the edge of the cover of the book that was given to Army Lieutenant Alf Boxall by the nurse, Jestyn.

As you will see, there are definite strings of code that may have been an elaborate way of passing on something akin to a 'One Time Pad' to operatives in the field. The One Tim Pad itself was destroyed after use or rather, should have been destroyed after use. The Venona Code was cracked as a result of a Russian operative reusing a one-time pad.

In the video below, you will be able to see a full description of a one-time pad in use and interestingly this same video contains a number of names and people who have been mentioned several times on this blog. Including, Aleksander Vassiliev, ex KGB man, whom I have spoken with, Harry Dexter White, Harry Gold, and more. It is well worth watching as it reveals a great deal about happenings in the World in the mid-1940s. One issue I was unaware of was the fact that it was mid-1948 when the Soviets suddenly changed their coe system so no more messages were available for decryption after that time. the movie also mentions the fact that the OSS had been infiltrated by the Soviets. That brings to mind a certain ex OSS man who was in Adelaide in 1948.

Here's the movie:

In the next clip in this chapter, we will look closely at the Title page of the Boxall Rubaiyat and yet more secrets will be revealed.

Here's an interesting Video from the 1940s showing how paper was made in those times. Very often there were shortages of paper and so all kinds of materials were used to make even relatively small runs of paper. One theory is that the Somerton Man ROK was such a book, specifically ,made for the purpose of clandestine communications.


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  1. For the serious researcher, a new video has been added to this post, it shows the processes used to manufacture paper in the 1940s and it includes the production of short run hand made paper at that time. There is a theory that the Somerton Man version of the Rubaiyat as well as the Boxall version, were in fact 'false imprints', books that were specifically made for the purpose of sending and receiving clandestine messages...

  2. I have a link to share with you but first, concealment is at the core of secret communications and the story of how things were concealed is more than fascinating. If you have an iPad or touch screen monitor you’ll be able to easily zoom in to video 1 at the top of the page and see the book cover edge and it’s concealed number/letter sets. This link : is to the IMDb site and to a TV series called DECLASSIFIED. It’s a 2016 to 2019 series and contains ‘case studies’ of espionage activities both for and against the US. Having watched it, it’s available on PRIME, I was amazed at the level of detail that they published. If you haven’t already, it;S a must watch series if you have an interest in all things espionage related.

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