The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



Given the sudden interest in the existence of microcodes as shown in a sharp uptick in website visits over the past week or so, and in recognition of some of the issues facing some people, I thought it would be a good idea to put this short video together that looks at the code page in quite some detail and proves, yet again, that the microcodes were on the code page and they were inked over as you will see in this clip. The image was taken using direct sunlight and a Lumix camera, no other elements were needed. see notes below.



The technique used to take these photographs was a very simple one. It relies, as most of the images you see on this blog do, on a high image resolution image (PPI pixels per inch), a high 'print resolution' (DPI dots per inch), a reasonable inkjet printer (not laser) and bleedproof paper.

The inkjet element is critical, inkjet lays the inks down in super thin layers, and it 'builds' the depths of color as it prints out. This means that an inkjet is NOT 2D it is in reality 3D. Using the right methods you can peel back super thin layers of ink that have been printed out. Here's an inkjet printout under magnification:

In contrast, a laser printer relies on plastics and on a heat pad which leaves marks when viewed under a magnification. Given the very small size of the letters and numbers that we identify and highlight, the laser printer is not an option. Here's a short video showing  laser print under magnification:

The variables from then on depend on the nature of the image and just what you are trying to isolate. Variables include lighting which might be backlight, strong down/angled light, ultraviolet light or reflected infrared.

In this case, I used the basics, a decent image, a reasonable inkjet printer, a high print resolution, and bleed-proof paper, the variable element was the lighting. Sunlight in fact and no other light was used.


There are some who have difficulty seeing this code and who have made comments indicating that perhaps they have some other issues. Essentially they claim not to see what is clearly visible which is OK but when it is accompanied by symptoms of mental health issues that's a different matter.

It is a concern but not for obvious reasons. it is a recognised condition and it is known as: 

' Reverse Hallucination', is a condition that prevents people from seeing what is there as opposed to standard hallucination where people literally see things. It is very often linked to other mental health conditions including social media addiction or in this case addiction to blogs and forums which in the end is a form of social media. Addicts become so engrossed in following a particular storyline that they lose touch with reality and may even resort to drug taking as a consequence.

Of concern is the fact that this form of mental health condition is said to be transmissible. Here's a quote from a paper from the University of Derby:

'In terms of health consequences, the new research states that inverted hallucinations can foster unhappiness, depressive thinking, problematic behaviors such as social media addiction, and increased susceptibility to other mental health problems' 

Starting from the position that many of the people we are talking about already have existing mental health challenges as per the behaviors of known trolls in the Somerton Man space and observing some of them sinking deeper into unusual patterns of behaviors, creating scenarios in their minds and even strange comments that border on paranoia.

You have only to look at those who make massive numbers of comments on some forums many of which are aimed at discrediting or abusing others. That is a real problem for them not just their targets.

If you or someone you know are displaying these symptoms then you really should get help. this is not a joke and it is not funny for those suffering from it so many of whom do not know that they are suffering from a known and treatable transmissible disease. It goes without saying that if you are being persuaded or manipulated into joining a group or belief system that makes use of strange behavioral patterns, understand that this is a transmissible psychological disease and a public health challenge. take care which groups you mix with but help them if you can.


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  1. Apologies for the short break, a few new bits and pieces added at the back end of the site, took a little longer than hoped, always the way:)

  2. I won't be posting comments for the next week or so guys, some things that I have to organise. Caught up a little on some posts as you might see. Going through the comments and posts stats, I have put up 854 posts in 10 years, around 1.5 a week on average also have had just 3500 published comments in that same time frame. The total number of page visits to the blog since 2013 is now just over 925,614. Not sure how many followers I get, obviously some people visit numerous pages, the average seems to be 3.7 pages per visit.

    One visitor from Vietnam has visited 4500 pages in the last 12 months, that's seriously obsessive behaviour. That's not a healthy thing as you will read in the latest post, it certainly explains a few things about the behaviours of some of the Cipher Mysteries based troll community, it really isn't funny for them and it is a known transmissible disease as pointed out in this post. John, you are in real need of help when it gets to this stage, if you add your moving between one personality to another, you would know what that indicates. Get some help John.

  3. Some new information has come to light regarding the Carl Webb Saga, will be publishing this after the weekend.

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