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The more I examine the nature of these codes and the concealment methods used, the more I realise how sophisticated for their time, they were. A tiny piece of paper torn from a book, with microcode inscripted into two words Tamam Shud. That torn slip was rolled up tight and pushed well down into a waist band fob pocket such that it would have been hard to discriminate between that rolled up paper and the seam of the pocket. The inscription on that paper was encrypted with a particular cipher that relied on morse code symbols and was only accessible by entering a 9 letter key phrase. The phrase was TamamShud. And what did the first part of this encrypted message tell us? It gave us these letters:


Those are 8 letters from a line on the code page that read in full:


Here's the video that demonstrates how the code letters were found in the word TAMAM starting with the letter T:

You may be surprised how simple it was to access the concealed codes, it was down to using a reasonable camera, LUMIX, and bright sunlight. Watch carefully and you will see the top bar of the letter T fades in and out slightly and hidden therein were the letters. In fact every one of the letters on the slip, TAMAM SHUD, contains similar sized micro code.

The techniques are standard tradecraft, micro code hidden in larger letters visible under strong light. Even the way the torn slip was rolled up tight and pushed well down into a waistband fob pocket.

In this second video you will see just how the encrypted code was cracked:

The video below shows another example of microcode in the Somerton Man Case, this time it comes from the Boxall Rubaiyat:


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  1. In relation to the decrypt, the big question is why would someone copy and encrypt those particular letters, MTBI NETP and then not only conceal them on the torn slip but then conceal the slip in his clothing? Any thoughts?

  2. Maybe someone else put it in his pocket?

  3. That's certainly a potential answer to part of the question, I would agree with that. We are still left wondering why it was done in the first instance. It seems a fair bit of trouble to go to, it implies that our man or woman was familiar with morse code and other codes as well as the use of micro writing. Someone was well trained.

  4. Makes you wonder which was written first, the microcode on the torn slip or the code page itself.

  5. As an observer, the code page left indentations on the back page of the book which suggests to me that the book was used to rest the paper which the code was written on. There was a Police report on here I think that said the back page of the book was missing. At some stage the words Tamam Shud were torn out of the book which had to be before the book itself was thrown into the chemist's car.
    It implies that the Somerton Man ditched the book after he had torn the slip out. There was a fair amount of micro code that had to be encrypted before it was written into the letters so that means he had time to do that. And that's as far as I got :)

  6. That's assuming that the Somerton Man wrote the code into the slip. We don't know that for certain. Neither do we know that he encrypted and wrote the code page.
    The only thing we can say with a fair amount of certainty is that he wanted to conceal that slip. But even that isn't 100%, what if someone else put it there?
    I think it would be good test each theory but only after we have found and decrypted all of the code on the slip.

  7. Any progress with the decrypt?

  8. Yes, slow but steady progress. Hope to have something to show by mid week.

  9. An update on our visitor numbers. Within the next week we should tick over 900,000 page visits since 2013. We should get to the magic 1 million visits by this time next year. We've kept the averages consistent with some peaks and a few troughs. What it means is that our audience are generally happy with the content that's published here. In the next few weeks they will have more reason to be happy.

  10. "Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition."
    I am sure that there are people who will read this and immediately relate it to their own experiences.
    This behaviour is not normal. It's used to satisfy the abusers need to manipulate and control their target or victim. If the victim is not aware of the motivation of the abuser it can be damaging for them and that is the intent.
    Interestingly and in the case in point, people who do this have serious mental health issues.
    So these words are for the annonymous person who for some weeks has been sending 'gaslighting' messages to this blog and by default I am their target. My message to that person is from human being to another. I am concerned for your mental health and it has deteriorated over recent weeks. You have some challenges ahead of you but you can should get help. Reach out to a qualified mental health professional and access that help. I wish you well.

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