The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



This photo was shopped to remove Carl from the image. The purpose is to demonstrate that it was possible that the photograph that was published by the ABC may have been photoshopped to include Carl in the small Webb family group of 3.

There are issues with that first photograph, this is it below:

There are at least ten regions in this photograph that raise questions. 

The video below shows each of ten aspects of the above photograph that are questionable, each item is numbered and highlighted in this sped up video:

1. Top of fathers right shoulder, smudge mark
2. Charlie's left ear, smudge mark
3. Fathers' left upper arm, apparently faded out and covered
4. Fathers left arm, apparently enlarged and misaligned with upper arm
5. Fathers upper right arm angle of shadow does not match angle on Charlie's image
6. Shadow on mothers right upper arm does not match the angle on Charlie's image
7. Intensity of shadow on Mothers left upper arm and shoulder, 3 fingered hand on shoulder
8. Apparent patch insert over Mothers right shoulder and covering part of Charlie's shirt
9. Angle of shadow across Charlie's image does not match angle of shadows on Mother, father or Roy
10. Shirt button on Charlie's shirt has been covered


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  1. It does make sense in that grandpa and grandma
    can be seen to be emotionally close still at their age
    and would be standing close together.
    The group of three
    now looks like the correct spacing for that photo

  2. If Charlie isn't in that group
    and not with brother Roy
    does that mean the Charlie we see
    isn't Charlie

    1. A good question. In reality he is the person that we are told is Charlie, and that's all he's ever been. The DNA argument is in tatters and here we are at the point of realisation that there seems to be little or no evidence that the photograph is that of Carl 'Charles' Webb. The school footy team shows a Carl Webb but is he the right one? Substantiated evidence is missing.

    2. That's a good point. We just don't know who that person is that we are being told is Carl Charles Webb. It could be anybody. Why have they all gone to ground on this. It seems we have found out the truth.

  3. That number 8 patch over her right shoulder is really obvious once you pointed it out. A rectangle, can't stop seeing it now.

  4. The left arm is out of focus, doesn't have the same pattern as the rest of the cardigan. Could have been cut from another photo.

  5. I have poor eye sight but even I can see that the photo has been manipulated!my question is why they photoshoped Carl in that photo,and I’m also curious if carls image that was superimposed was from a later date because I remember the two photos that were published here a while back using Advance a/I showed one picture of him looking young, and the other pic showing him much older. I would like to see more pictures from the family album that would answer all our questions!

  6. Yes, I did post a younger looking version. I will dig that out and repost it here.
    With regards to more photos, I would be surprised if they were made available. I really feel for the descendants who have seen the whole sorry business play out online. The 'researchers' on another blog were merciless in their antics, all trying to outdo each other at one time and the next minute slapping each other on the back when they come up with some lurid detail which had more to with warped minds than the truth of the matter.
    You have to wonder what happens when it is finally shown that Carl Webb was not the Somerton Man after all. Will they be queuing up to make their apologies?

  7. If you could get hold of the DNA tests and when you check them yourself things don't add up or are so weak as to dismiss them that would clinch it

    1. I am not sure that a copy of the DNA report was ever published? If anyone has a link to a substantiated version to such a report it would be interesting to have it assessed.

  8. Re Gone to ground. It is noticeable that the UK blog seems to have withdrawn and focusing on other projects. PeteB has openly said his efforts are a work of fiction.
    We won't know the real truth until the Coroner publishes his findings. The question will be whether those findings are conclusive. As for this blog, it's business as usual publishing what we find and substantiating those findings on every possible occasions.

  9. The coroner might say they don't know
    We already don't know
    Can you get the tests from Astrea
    and Fitzpatrick and check them
    All we have as evidence is hearsay from them
    Other people need to look at this

  10. Best not to second guess the coroner, he is a very astute man and known for his ability to focus and chase down details. Regarding ASTREA, their website hasn't been updated since October last year and they have not responded to any email enquiries. I tried once to get in touch with Coleen Fitzpatrick and received no reply that was a few months ago, Be my guest, no harm in asking.

  11. I suggest that those who have doubts, as I do, about the claims regarding Carl Webb being the Somerton Man should read this article from IEEE regarding how the DNA sample was in fact the last hair in Professor Abbot's collection:
    I repeat that there is now NO evidence that Carl Webb is the Somerton Man. Let me explain, Professor Abbott in his April article on the IEEE webs site,
    mentioned a few things that materially alter his earlier position regarding Carl Webb. The first and most significant issue was the fact that there was only one rootless hair that he possessed , the previous samples with roots having returned very negative results. This one hair was, on the advice of Dr Colleen Fitzpatrick, sent to a particular lab which apparently had developed the technology necessary to identify mitochondrial DNA in rootless hair samples. Indeed their website mentions numerous cases where their technology had been applied. That Lab is thought to be now defunct. The hair itself would have been destroyed in DNA analysis procedure. No Lab, no hair sample equals no evidence. It really is a matter for the Coroner and the forensics team who have already stated that there is effectively no evidence to support the claim. We will all only know the truth when the Forensics people have examined the remains which includes the teeth, which must match the dental chart taken by Dr Dwyer at the time of the autopsy, and form which they may be able to extract DNA for comparison purposes. Nothing is certain at this stage nor can or should any claims be made to the contrary. Please read this 2016 Post regarding a previous claim made by Professor Abbott and Dr Fitzpatrick:

  12. And here we go again. This coming Sunday at 7.30 pm on SBS here in Australia, we have yet another programme on the Somerton Man Mystery. Will it be new evidence or will it be yet another promotional piece?

  13. My money is on a promotional piece, it will come to no conclusion and leave it to the coroner. So bloody predictable.

  14. SBS doco is out of the USA?
    Does that mean it is based on incorrect information in the IEEE report USA?
    Get the incorrect info out there so everyone believes it?
    How are you going to fix that?

  15. Correct, A US job not known for accuracy. I agree that it will probably take into account the IEEE article, filled as it is with double speak and leaving the door open for a hasty retreat which I think is already underway.
    I am doing things, who knows what next week will bring? A little patience plus of course any useful input you might have would be welcome!

  16. To the great unknown. If you can sit back and read for a minute, it will be helpful for you. In the Somerton Man case we have a Professor Abbott who regulalry gathers his media friends and informs them of his latest incredible discovery. In this case as in previous ones, it's fallen flat. Read the IEEE article carefully, he admits that there is no real proof that Carl Webb is the Somerton Man, apart from the fact that he doesn't look anything like him,the 'evidence' that Professor Abbot rpovided, s single strand of rootless hair, no longer exists and the company who made the analysis is apparently now defunct. No evidence and the only evidence now is being put before the coroner by SAPOL. How do I know that, because I have was asked to give a statement by the Police for them to include in their Report to the Coroner.
    Next you should ask Dr. Xanthe Mallat, she is a real professional, a forensic scientist. She has long ago said that she does not think that the Somerton Man will ever be identified. Have you got that? There is no evidence to support his claim. It doesn't matter how many people watch the TV shows or read the papers, what matters is the truth and that has been pretty light on for some years in the Adelaide region.

    If I'm proven wrong well that's life. And if you're proven wrong it won't matter because you don't exist, just an anonymous troll trying to get a bite and cause some dissent. You've failed. Now get serious and read the IEEE article carefully, all is not as it seems.

    1. I read the IEEE report before you

    2. Congratulations, I'd send you a cigar if I knew where you were :)

  17. Regarding the US documentary. My hope is that it will focus on the mystery and not on the claims made about Carl Webb although he no doubt will be mentioned. I consider the Webb claims to be erroneous.

    Going by previous US programs, they do tend to ask more searching questions than the Australian equivalents who are more inclined to not ‘buck the trend’. Having said that I did speak with one ABC reporter way back when the Webb promotional campaign was launched who published what I had to say but only online. The main audience here didn’t get to hear or see it. The performance of the Australian press over the Webb claims has been stomach churningly abysmal.
    Will Sunday’s program be another painfully sycophantic hack job or will it leave more questions than answers? One can only hope.

  18. Carl Webb is going to be a convenience for the Govt
    Dig deeper and you will find his identity

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