The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth




...A treasure trove of images, videos, and documents from the FBI Vault...

This information provides case studies and names of those who, over the years have been involved with foreign intelligence agencies notably the Soviets.

The header image is one of two from the files, a neat example of clandestine communication techniques. Here's the second image:

And as promised here are the 3 links that give access to the Vault and its fascinating collection of real-world espionage artifacts:

            IMAGES                          VIDEOS                        DOCUMENTS

I am certain that you will find the contents of the FBI Vault very useful especially if you are interested in the history of Soviet Espionage techniques. The real world of their work is far removed from the stories you may find at the movies and on Netflix etc.

At this time our intelligence services, whilst having some information available, tend to keep things under wraps for a lot longer.


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  1. AnonymousJuly 27, 2023

    American items
    Never overlook the obvious

  2. Ah, well true to say that it was never overlooked. The question I have personally always had is 'How did they get there? Pocket Litter?'. Worth googling and looking at the definition of 'pocket litter', It applies not only to pocket contents but also perhaps suitcases...

    1. AnonymousJuly 27, 2023

      Sure, but there's other American items, clothing, feather stitched jacket, necktie, Bostonian shoes, US army necktie with laundry name.
      Cigarettes should have been Camel or Lucky Strike but when you can't get them here buy others eg Army Club or Kensitas especially to look like a pom instead of a yank 'old bean'.

    2. Any of the items you have mentioned could have been sourced in Australia, any of them bar none. And that knowledge is the result of spending years researching this case.The neck tie (not a US army tie), the feather stitched jacket, the combs, the shoes were never been traced to America, it is thought that they may have been produced in an Australian factory of which many existed to supply the needs of returned servicemen. Years ago I had traced the shoe numbers to John Lobb and Co in London, spke with young Mr. Lobb who assured me that the quality of the SM shoes was well below those turned out by his company. Later I found the same shoe style and even the number protocol in a Melbourne newspaper ad for Wittners Shoes, you'll find the details here on this blog:

      Please don't get me wrong here, I am always interested in the views of others and who knows when someone new comes along and with a fresh perspective and uncovers something never thought of before.

      Please understand that I and others in this space have been researching this case inside out and backwards for 13 years or more and have a fair idea of the circumstances and the details of the case.

      So if you're going to quote 'US army tie' or Camel Cigarettes' substantiate it or ask what is known about the Army Club cigarette packet. If you had asked that particular question,of myself, Pete Bowes or John Sanders and some others, we would give you chapter and verse about it. You would learn that it was common for ex diggers in particular to use a cheaper packet of smokes that contained better quality cigarettes to stop others filching them. Hopefully now you've learned something and it wasn't that painful was it? :) Your next question could have been didn't the Soviets use Poisoned cigarettes?

      If I can suggest, and with all due respect, if you concentrate on asking questions rather than trying to preach to the people who between them have a vast amount of knowledge and experience, you will get a lot further and it can only benefit the case and who knows in amongst your questions could be the spark that gives us that new perspective.

      Please comment again and bring some questions :) All the best..

    3. AnonymousJuly 28, 2023

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Full marks for persistence! How about this for a plan, the shoes you see in the SM suitcase contents photograph have some specific details, for example, the toecap has 21 punch holes across. If you can find the Bostonian shoe from around 47/48 that matches that and has, as you suggested previously, markings on the inside that match markings on the inside of the SM shoes then that would be good. If not then it was a good effort.

      One challenge in relation to the shoes and other items is that we do not know if they were the actual shoes, that photo was taken to all accounts in 1976. You'll notice the ageing inside around the heel area which would be fairly common for shoes that had been left unattended for some years. The high shine would have been relatively recently applied.

      I should also tell you that my father was a shoe maker and so I do have a little knowledge on this subject, I grew up surrounded by the trappings and discussions :) And you?

      Don't forget to put your source links in your reply.

    5. Our anonymous commenter is unable to substantiate their statement regarding the Bostonian shoes. Please don't comment on here if you are not prepared to substantiate your claims.

    6. AnonymousJuly 31, 2023

      Substantiate that he was an American and you are home and hosed

    7. From my reading of the letter from National Archives where they state they have no military records for this man and my own searches of US State births and deaths records, it seems unlikely that this Carl Webb is a US citizen. The letter also states that he was a civilian contractor. Is he the Carl Webb born in Footscray is the big question and at this time we don't have that information.

    8. AnonymousJuly 31, 2023

      We're not looking for Carl Webb. That's Derek's nonsense

  3. A question I put recently is 'Why would a man with 18 teeth missing, (mostly molars) have a packet of chewing gum with him?' Sure, it's possible but it is a stretch don't you think?

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