Stunning comparison image showing the left ear of Carl Webb compared to that of the Somerton Man proving that Carl was not the Somerton Man.

The Left ear of Young Carl and Older Carl are identical BUT Clearly, the left ear of the Somerton Man is very different in shape.




The video opens to show the comparison of the left ear of the Young Carl Webb with the older Carl Webb. The photo of the young boy is moved to the left to reveal the left ear of the Somerton Man, post-autopsy.

You can clearly see that the left ear of the younger Carl and the older Carl are identical, they are a match. You could use either one of those images of Carl to prove the point.

But neither the younger nor older Carl Webb's left ear matches the left ear of the Somerton Ma

The only conclusion you can arrive at is that Carl Webb is NOT the Somerton Man.

Photograph of young Carl Webb coimpared to the image of the Somerton Man, it is marked to highlight significant differences between the two.

Somerton Man Profile Image Post Autopsy:

Post autopsy image of the profile of the Somerton Man's face

Profile Marked Up:

A marked up image of the profile of the Somerton Man shopwing blood splatter and blood stain on the collar

Followers would know that in Clelands Notes he made mention of bloodstains towards the back of the collar, the image above certainly shows a stain on the collar. Could it have come from the blood splatter next to the man's mouth? Is it a mole or a blood splatter? Note that there is only one spot or possibly a mole whereas, in the photograph of young Carl Webb, there are two such marks in that location.

There is no mention of there being a mole in Dr. Dwyer's evidence. Dwyer was a very experienced man having conducted hundreds of Autopsies. Is he likely to have missed the one identifying mark on the Somerton Man's face?


An artificial intelligence enhanced photograph of the young Carl Webb

Note the gradual curve of the left ear... Not squared, gradual. Also note that to the left side of the mouth of young Carl there 2 spots showing as marked plus many more, they're freckles, in the image of the Somerton Man there is only one. Further, the spot on the Somerton Man's right cheek is a little above the mouth and at the corner. The Young Carl has one spot but it is away from the corner of the mouth and in line with it plus the many freckles on the face. I suspect that Gerry Feltus's view is correct it's a blood splatter mark.. See below:

A marked up enhanced photograph of a young Carl Webb showing freckles and spots on his face.


What you see here, based on these images, raises the following issues:

1. There is now conclusive proof that Carl Webb is not the Somerton Man.

2. The DNA results organised by Professor Abbott and described by one Podcaster as unreliable, do not prove that the hair samples were from Carl Webb. See the Comments for this post.

3. There is now further evidence to support the release of the SA Police forensic analysis of the exhumed remains. Specifically, the release of the dental chart of those remains for comparison to the chart of the Somerton Man's teeth, these details were recorded by Dr. Dwyer when he performed the autopsy on the body of the man found on Somerton Beach.

4. As things stand, no one knows the identity of the Somerton Man. This was Pointed out by Dr.Xanthe Mallet, a forensic scientist, in the ABC programme about Carl Webb. Here's the link:

There is more...


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  1. Some background for everyone,

    1. I was involved in the original Facebook page 'The World Search For A Rare Copy Of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' around 12 years ago. We discussed many aspects of the case. After perhaps 2 years, I pointed out to Professor Abbott that I could see hairs protruding from the plaster bust and that possibly DNA could be harvested from those hairs. My comment was dismissed as being irrelevant. Some little while later, Professor Abbott found that there were hairs protruding from the plaster bust and the rest is history.

    2. Again around 10 years ago, Professor Abbott made the claim that the Somerton Man's ears were of a most unusual shape, at the time he informed the group that perhaps only 4% of the male population had such ears shapes. The research showed that according to the statistics, on the night that the Somerton Man's body was found, there would have been approximately 950 males in the same age group as the man and who had that ear peculiarity. He went on to claim that the Somerton Man also had 'Anodontia' a dental disorder which meant that two incisors were never grown. The claim made then was that because of the two issues of teeth and the ears, that made the case for Jestyn's son Robin, being the illegitimate son of the Somerton Man.

    I researched further and eventually spoke with Jestyn's grandson, he kindly let me have images of himself. From those images I was able to prove that the grandson, whose mother came along after the Somerton Man's time, also had the same ear type as the Somerton Man and thus that hypothesis was proven wrong.

    I also informed Professor Abbott that the Anodontia theory could not be correct as we had the Dental Chart taken of the man found on Somerton Beach by Doctor who performed the autopsy, Dr. Dwyer and that chart clearly showed that there were 18 missing teeth in total including the incisors. the key word was 'MISSING' they simply were not there for reasons yet to be confirmed. Professor Abbott went ahead with his claim and drew a lot of media attention and coverage.

    And now we are in a similar position, my unsolicited advice is to verify each and every statement and claim made. As you will have read and seen in the images in the post above, the photographic evidence shows that Carl Webb was not and is not the Somerton Man.

  2. On another blog they think Charles Richard Webb is the real Somerton Man

  3. Yes, I am aware of that, the answer is no. Charles Richard Webb does not match the image of the Somerton Man and again, the ears are quite different, bit like a fingerprint really.

  4. Been watching this blog for a a good while. As an ex serving Detective, from what you've shown in your recent posts I think that your assessment is correct. Carl Webb is not the Somerton Man. He might be the man who was the model for the plaster bust but even that is a bit sketchy. Will message you on the contact form.

  5. Here's a link that might accurately describe some of the self appointed blogger 'Intelligentsia' in the Somerton Man space, it's about the difference between intelligence and wisdom, an extract from a discussion between Russel Brand and Eckhart Tolle:

    I hope you take the time to read it.


    You can capture an entire website in a PDF document? Here's a link to a YouTube video that shows you just how you can capture anything from a single web page to an entire website using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. I have used this so I can recommend it to anyone who wants a record of a discussion or comments within a blog for example. Sometimes it even picks up comments that the author may have deleted. Being a PDF it retains it's interactivity and of course its searchable by words and phrases. It can be handy if you want to track a particular theme, trolls etc.

    Enough said for now, so here's the link to the video and a great little website which you may find handy is included in the clip:

  7. Strictly speaking, there does not appear to be a chain of evidence related to the DNA exercise. You need to ask a number of questions:

    1. In regards to the gathering of the hair samples, who gathered them, when were they gathered, where were they gathered from and exactly how were they retrieved?

    2. After the harvesting of the samples, how ere they handled? what procedures were followed?

    3. When and how were they passed over to Professor Abbott?

    4. What did Professor Abbott do with them then? Were they stored if so where and in what conditions?

    5. When and how were the samples transferred to Colleen Fitzpatrick?

    6. In the interview with Paul Lawson, he mentioned on more than one occasion, that he had gathered hair samples from the body of the man on whom he based the plaster bust. Further he had given some of those samples to Professor Abbott. What happened to those samples?

    7. A Mr. Bonifacio was involved in tracking down Carl Webb as he was related by his Great Great Grandmother to Carl Webb. Were hair samples from Mr. Bonifacio ever taken? If so when, how and by whom? What happened to those samples?

    A last point. Paul Lawson also stated that he had the samples analysed and that they showed traces of Strontium 90. That trace could only have come from exposure to an atomic reaction as in either an explosion or a laboratory experiment. A follow up post with supporting documents will address part of this issue.

    It is up to Professor Abbott if he decides to publish answers to these questions. Whilst ever they remain unanswered, there will be a question mark over the entire process. I would imagine that SAPOL may be asking the same or very similar questions.

    The photographs in this post prove categorically that Carl Webb was not the Somerton Man. The ears, once again, provide the proof.

  8. This clears up the question as to why no one recognised Carl Webb in the newspapers in Melbourne. It wasn't him.

  9. There seems to be a scar on young CW’s forehead. Is there a faint line on SM’s forehead? But I also wondered what the photo of CW would look like if put through aging software - could that be a potential source of info to add to the picture?

  10. Will look at the aging software, the mark on the Somerton Man's forehead is known to have come from the autopsy. A little indelicate but that is where the skin was pulled down over the face in the procedure. Not sure about Young Carls mark almost like a frown? New Post going up just now.

  11. I don't get why Professor Abbott didn't check the ears out. It's crystal clear;

  12. Charles Richard Webb, Carl's nephew, is too young, is blonde, and is too short to be Somerton Man either. Besides which he lived long after Somerton Man had already died.

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