Thursday 24 December 2020





The crossed lines in the centre of the page are shown above, this is an image taken in mid-November 2020.

Our focus is on the upper long line which, for the purpose of this exercise, has been named AB.

One of the issues that arise a number of times in many of the decrypts is the presence of the letter X. In the line AB, the sequence of letters and numbers is as follows:


Historically, the letter X is used in clandestine communications as a delineator, it marks the end of a group and therefore the beginning of a new group. This is especially the case when there is a long single string of code letters and numbers which is what we have here.

Bear in mind that what we are looking for is a string of at least two consecutive meaningful words or names and then hopefully a recognisable acronym

To test this theory, the full string including the letters X, was put through the decoder using the HILL cipher as the tool. It came up with nothing close to a string of names/words/acronyms. From 1000 lines of decrypted output all we found were three or four instances where a 3 letter word cropped up in isolation.

So, the next job was to remove the Xs as we have done here:


This string was then put into the decoder and again using the HILL cipher. and this was the result:

Text entered:


This was the only line in 1000 decrypted options that showed up more than one recognisable words or a name. In this case we have:

TOM TUE (Tuesday) WP (Acronym, Workers Party) IPLOUE

There we have one name, TOM, a recognisable short form of the word TUESDAY and a recognisable acronym WP for WORKERS PARTY.

Apparently, this was an appointment with TOM, it was to be held on TUESDAY and the inference is that either TOM was from the WP, WORKERS PARTY which was a valid organisation associated with the Communist Party of Australia and the then Labour Party in the 1940s, or the meeting was about the Workers Party. The rest of the string has numerous acronym options IPLOUE, still examining that aspect.

Petedavo, if you're around this fine but rainy Christmas Eve, your input would be welcome as would the input of any other interested parties.

As a sign-off, I wish everyone a Safe and Happy Christmas/ To those in the UK, Europe or the US, these would be extraordinarily difficult times, best wishes, thoughts and prayers go out for you all.
May next year, 2021 bring better conditions for everyone.

Keep Safe. Keep Well.



  1. Just batting around possibilities...
    Split iploue.
    IP ~ injection / inspect / intercept ... protocol / person / programme
    Loue ~ Louise/Louis

    BTW. Happy Holidays

  2. All the best to you and yours Pete. LOUE is a good thought for LOUIS, still a little stuck on the IP thing for now at least. Any idea of people with that name associated with the CPA or military?

  3. Facinating Case! Was it ever revealed what happened with the 2019 DNA tests?

  4. No published results as far as I know. Personally I have long held the view that the Somerton Man is no relation to Robin Thomson. The ears were shown on this blog to be common to other member of Jessica's family, there is no mention of anodontia in the inquest documents only a total of 16 missing teeth including the two upper canines. There are two candidates for Robin's father and neither of them is the Somerton Man. Hope this helps.

  5. I have a couple of thoughts about this case. First, I don't think that the spy theory and the jilted lover theory are mutually exclusive: Jessica could have been involved in some type of spying and TSM may have been a non-spy casualty. For example, she may have been assigned to hand out special code copies of TROOK under the guise of brief romantic trysts and mistaken TSM for a contact, and accidentally given him a copy of TROOK. This would explain why she told a relative "people higher than the police know who he is." They didn't know him because he was a spy, but knew him because he was a mistake one of their operatives made. No one could ever figure out the true nature of the book, so there was no need to get it back from him. He took it all seriously as a real love affair. I actually have a crazy relation who thought she was a spy who got into a brief involvement with a man while traveling, convinced him she was a spy, and then dumped him abruptly. I found out when the police called me asking about him after he committed suicide because of his involvement with her. Another thought I have is that TSM has many characteristics of being on the autism spectrum: Has no friends or relations who come to claim him, obsessed with a woman after a brief affair, removal of clothing tags (common with autistics), in the military (autistics often like the routine of military life) kept the tools of the trade he acquired in the military even after the war was over (autistics become very attached to objects) and, if the code is an acrostic, something he wrote down so he could say exactly what he wanted to say to Jessica when he saw her, this also fits the profile. Another point that I have not heard expressed is that the coroner said the time of death was between 12 and 2 am, and that TSM had eaten something 3 hours before, making his last meal between 9 and 11 pm. Two couples saw him on the beach between 7 and 8 pm. So he could not have been dead then and eaten the pasty later. And this info does not support the idea that he was killed elsewhere and then moved to this location. The evidence seems to suggest he sat there for a long time, very still, contemplating his last moments, then ate a pasty he'd loaded with poison after the sun went down.


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