The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



1. The above is a high-resolution image, you can view this on-screen and magnify it but be careful not to go out of focus. You should see the micro-writing within the words of Verse 70. You will also be able to take a closer look at the TItle page and the individual printed letters, The letters T, I, R, M and H show up reasonably well.

2. You can certainly magnify the join line of two pages and see microcode written in. You may need to rotate the image for a clearer view.

3. The Grape bunch is also visible including writing, please rotate the image for the best viewing angle.

4. The book edge on the left of the page clearly shows a column of 3 and 4 digit numbers with writing visible across the top and bottom edges.

5. Right Click on the image to download


There are examples of microcode visible in numerous locations on the code page.

1. You can magnify this Hi-Res image onscreen and immediately see microcode within the crossed lines in the centre, the flourish at the base of the page and the long tail stemming from the last letter on the page, the letter R.

2. Each letter on the page contains micro written letters and/or numbers

3.. The shaded areas at the top left, top right and above the 'D' at the upper edge contain microcode.

4. Right Click on the image to download


Both of these images were taken using a flash and with Infrared lighting.

Here's a list of things you need to know:

You can take close up photographs of each example but please follow the instructions below:

1. Use a macro lens camera if possible
2. Use a Flash for the pic
3. Take numerous images from different angles and lighting angles
4. If you need to print the pics out, use bleed proof paper. You can get that from an art supply store, in Australia that would be Eckersley's.
5. Print the image out at high-quality setting.
6. Print size should be 23.5 cms X 18 cms in Landscape view.
7. Let the printed photo dry properly before removing it from the printer, I suggest 10 minutes would be ample.


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  1. To get the ball rolling, there's a telephone number which you should be able to see. You will find it above and between the letters B and D on the top line. You need to turn the page upside down to read it, it was written from the top edge looking down the page.

    The number I can see is X3175. If you go to TROVE newspapers and look up that number you will find 22 entries from September 1949 onward but nothing prior that I can find. The adverts are for car hire, taxi business for sale and a house and a flat for sale all in Somerton.

    There are more telephone numbers on the page, you'll need to get the magnifying glass out.

  2. Couldn't resist this one, the number is X3508. It is to be found in the 6th letter S on the last line. On Trove, it shows up as an after hours number for a business number, LA4974. The contact name is a Mr. J. Freeman. Apparently he was a chemist with a business in town and in Glenelg. Now there's a thing, who would have thought that, seriously, who would have thought it. There might be a simple explanation of course.

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