Saturday 6 June 2020




The image below is from the exact file as used for the example in Feltus's book The Unknown Man. Five areas have been highlighted wherein you will find micro written code within the cursive strokes.


This image below is a close up from the image of verse 70 supplied by Professor Abbott, you'll see that it has been tampered with, the letters have been partially 'painted' over with the colour grey. and the edges of the letters have been darkened. Not what you would expect from 'faded' writing.


Per Gerry Feltus

Above is the original photograph as per e Gerry Feltus Book,e Unknown Man.

Below is an image that has been examined using a forensic analysis tool:

The highlighted areas in the image above have been marked to show where there is an immediately obvious presence of microcode. Apologies for the low quality of the mage to the left, I will improve that.

  1. The edge of the book to the left for example shows horizontally written strings of numbers in a column. 
  2. The marked edge at the left-hand base of the book again shows microcode but deliberately written at an angle. 
  3. The Fez on the illustration on the left page shows a series of letters and numbers whilst the grape bunch again shows numbers written in. 
  • All of these examples are not clearly visible with the naked eye, some show up well under strong lighting, and some, as per the left column the base and the fez, show up using the forensic examination tools.
That establishes the role of the book as being one that was used to train others in the various concealment techniques.


Some years ago I was sent another image of the Verse 70 page, it was basically the same page but, as you will see in the images below, the microcode examples had been deliberately obscured and the illustration of the lady with the Fez had had its levels altered so as to appear totally black over the lady with the fez and her outlines. When I asked why the details were no longer visible, I was told that they must have faded.

The image below shows the wording has been 'painted' over to deliberately obscure the presence of micro writing, not only that but the writing had also been 'darkened' at the edges in an effort to hide any remaining detail.

For comparison, below is an image taken from an untouched though highlighted excerpt from the authentic copy of verse the 70 inscription, the word 'Spring':

I was honestly disappointed to see the results of this effort to hide the presence of code in this way. The person concerned had access to the very best of equipment that would have readily revealed the micro writing. In my view, that person deliberately decided against it and chose instead to deceive others.

The 'darkening' technique was also used on the Fez in the altered version of the inscription.

I then put this altered version through the forensic analysis process, and here is the result:

There's more work to do but in the image above, you can see the outlines of microcode in the areas highlighted and it is recoverable.


Here's an image put forward by Nick Pelling of the Cipher Mysteries blog, dated 2013, of the same Verse 70 photograph supplied by Professor Abbott. You will see that this image also shows the grey markings. I repeat, the verse 70 image was tampered with in an effort to conceal the microcodes:

Whilst most of the microcode has been obliterated, there are still examples left even in this image. Importantly, with the right equipment, we may be able to recover the 'obliterated' details, that's next on the list.

There are two kinds of Infrared that can be used, one is reflected and the other is luminescence. Here's an example of what infrared luminescence can do:

And here is the link to the Pelling example: 


Here's the EXIF file information for the tampered version of Verse 70. (An EXIF file accompanies most digital images unless the facility is removed by the author. In this case, the person who took the photograph neglected to remove it, and thus the evidence is available to us:

  • From this file we can see that the camera used was from an iPhone 4S, the iPhone 4 was released in 2010.
  • The original photograph was taken at 8.52 pm on Wednesday 31st October 2012
  • This original photograph was then modified on Thursday, November 1st, 2012 at 7.15 pm.
  • The photograph was then stored on a Macintosh PC with an OS version of 10.7.4
  • A Flash was not activated
I used the most recent version of, version 4.2.12, this software was released within the last 7 days, to prepare the image for loading to this blog page.


From these images, it's been demonstrated that there was a concerted effort by a prominent person in the Somerton Man case research to deliberately stall the work and mislead genuine researchers. This same person worked in conjunction with others on this task. It's time to come clean.

In the next post, there will be an image that strongly links this Alf Boxall version of the Rubaiyat to the Somerton Man Code Page.


You should note that numerous blogs are marked as "Not secure', this is problematical especially considering the Troll traffic that currently uses that blog.

Here's an explanation of the risks you run when visiting an insecure websites:

For Visitors Information

The reason you are seeing the “Not Secure” warning is because the web page or website you are visiting  is not providing a secure connection. When your Chrome browser connects to a website it can either use the HTTP (insecure) or HTTPS (secure).

Any page providing an HTTP connection will cause the “Not Secure” warning. You should avoid conducting any sensitive transactions on these pages—such as logging in, providing personal information, or payment information—browsing insecure sites could put you at risk if you are viewing information that is dangerous or not condoned in your country.

As a visitor, you cannot fix the cause of this warning. The only way to solve the issue is for the website operator to obtain an SSL certificate and enable HTTPS on their site. This will allow your browser to connect securely with the HTTPS protocol, which it will do automatically once the website is properly configured.

If a site you frequently use is displaying the “Not Secure” warning, you should contact them and ask them to start supporting HTTPS. You can also try manually replacing HTTP with HTTPS in the URL, as some sites may have partial support for HTTPS but don’t offer it by default.

Note that even with basic browsing over HTTP—such as looking at recipes or reading news—what you are looking at can be monitored, modified, and recorded by entities, such as your ISP or government. This effectively means you do not have any privacy when browsing such pages. On public Wi-Fi networks, like at a coffee shop or airport, there is an additional risk from ‘local attackers’—other computers on that network—which are able to view and monitor the pages you are looking at, the information you are sending them, and what you are searching for.'


Some sites are home to a few trolls, some using multiple names and identities, and that increases the risk that you run given its 'Not secure' status. Known trolls on that site use multiple IP addresses and identities. 

The multiple IP address issue, better known as 'Dynamic IP Address' or 'VPN', is very concerning because this facility is not mostly used by legitimate businesses and entities. It is however used regularly by hackers, spammers, trolls, those engaged in Phishing activities, and even by child traffickers and pedophiles. For example, a troll could embed themselves in a non-secure site and readily access your personal details as you log in, capture your personal information, and then either make use of it themselves or onsell/share it with others of unsavoury intent. THEY CAN DO THIS EVEN IF YOU JUST VISIT THE SITE.

The 'John Sanders' troll, for example, uses this Dynamic IP/VPN facility. In the 2019 year the 'John Sanders' troll had 17 different IP addresses at a minimum and used 4 or more different names/identities. This troll actually sells his services as a 'researcher'. He uses another blog to launch personal and defamatory attacks on those who displease him or perhaps those who he is paid to attack. His Internet Service Provider in Vietnam is FpT telecom, Ho Chi Min City. He is not the only troll in the Somerton Man space using that service. One agency I spoke with informed me that they had 2000 + records against the name John Sanders.

Here is a list of the IP Addresses used by the 'John Sanders' troll in 2019:


For visitors to this blog, you will see the lock sign in the browser bar, this means that the site is secured, it is actually a Google-owned service. Trolls of any kind are not allowed on this blog, they never have been nor will they ever be.




  1. For information. The date that the Abbott photograph was taken was November 30th 2012, the camera used was an iPhone S4 model, the date the image was modified was December 1st 2012 and the computer on which it was recorded was a Mac. That's a short extract from the EXIF file that accompanied the image I received from Professor Abbott. An EXIF file accompanies every image unless it was deleted, in this case, it wasn't, I have the EXIF details. The letters EXIF stand for Exchangeable 'Image File Format' and in this case the information attached to the file is extensive.

    I note with interest that the image put forward by Nick Pelling is the same as the one shown here on this blog complete with the greyed out markings. Nick's image was dated in 2013. For the record I received my image in 2016, I have all the attendant information, messages, emails etc. This latter information will remain private.

    Pete, although you disappoint me, take care of yourself and I wish you well.

  2. Tammy, I am convinced that the Abbott image of verse 70 has been deliberately tampered with, you should follow up and get the opinion of another, unconnected but qualified person in this field. In between times, here are some questions that you might want to consider:

    1. Why did someone tamper with this image?

    2. What do you think they were trying to cover up?

    3. Was it just this image that was 'modified' or was it the original verse 70 in the book? The implications of the answer to that question are extremely serious given that this is still a live case and the Boxall book is evidence.

    4. Of lesser importance, why would Nick not follow up n your request to examine the image?

    I have the answer to these questions but I think it would be best for you to undertake your own investigation. If you need the full EXIF file detail from the Abbott photograph please let me know.

  3. Tammy, you will probably have read the comment from "John Sanders', in which he refers to Major Moulds, Jestyn and verse 70 is if he had lifted it from one of the posts on this blog. What he has done is to select 3 separate sentences from 3 separate posts on different though related topics and cobbled them together in such a way as to deliberately mislead you and others. You will find the posts here:

    1. Quoted "Verse 70 was in my opinion signed and quite probably written in its entirety by Major William Jestyn Moulds. Every word in the verse…
    This was from this post:dated April 2019:

    2. Quoted: This is a copy of the verse to which until recently was believed to have been written by Jo Harkness, the nurse before she handed it to Alf Boxall… This was from the post dated January 7th 2019:

    3. Quoted: "A LITTLE FADED BUT LOOK WHAT A FEW ENHANCEMENTS CAN DO." came from this post:
    dated November 25th 2018:

    Reading his recent posts and those from the past, the person is becoming more obsessive, he suffers from Paranoia and is manipulative and controlling. His condition is worsening and it could lead to debilitating long term illness. He needs help and he needs that fairly quickly.

    I hope that you and others will talk with Nick Pelling in an effort to get the guy the help he needs.

    You might also note how quickly the conversation has changed from the tampered version of Verse 70 which has some very serious implications.

    I have done all I can do for Sanders.


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