Thursday 28 February 2019




Everyone would be familiar with the image above, it is the only Code page associated with the Somerton Man, that was found, developed and made available. That is until now.

Working with Clive we have found that two more pages filled with code exist, furthermore, they have been available for quite some years but no one, ourselves included, bothered to check them out:

The photographs were taken with a Lumix camera with macro and super macro lens.

It only becomes obvious when you actively look at the pages, when we did we found that each of the letters on these two pages contains code. To be fair, I have spent the last 5 or more years learning and developing forensic/photographic techniques designed to lift extremely small writing from images that have background colouration. But this one I totally overlooked.

When you think about it, it makes sense, we have found microcode on the original code page, we found it in the torn Tamam Shud piece and in verse 70. We also found it in the Hay Bank Note signatures so why wouldn't it be within the two pages shown above? The photograph is of the two relevant pages found and handed into Police in June 1948. Note that this image, as opposed to the one published at the time, shows a thumb mid-right of the page as you look at the image.

Below are some of the super macro images that we found in the first pass, there are many more yet to be developed.

The image above is the inverted letter A from the phrase ' Ah, Moon of my Delight...' verse 74 on the left-hand side of the main image.

You can make out :
485 P386 at the inverted apex, 
the cross bar reads:56895 then 39066 in smaller lettering.
top right starts with the number % and then is blurred

Next, we show a much smaller image at this time, it is the letter F from the phrase 'Foot shall pass..': 

Will be doing more work on this as there seems to be a number of instances within it.

Next from the phrase ' Where I made one turn down:

In this image, there are a number of examples including the dash. Note that the base of the letters 'e' occurs 4 times and the base of the letter 'd' occurs relatively clearly:

Reading left to right from the above:
in the 'a': 526524
in the 'd': 0293256
in the 'e': 52356 ( ) 04


Reads: J 04465 82462 52828  22C or 6 

Next, from the phrase 'How oft..'

Finally, from the phrase 'oft hereafter..':

Still working on this one but it looks promising...

This is the first pass and we have much more to do, the work is detailed and time-consuming but we will publish more when we have them.


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