Recently Pete Bowes asked a question regarding strings of code that we had found, in that case, it was found in verse 70. Pete's query was fair, he wanted to know why the images we put up here didn't show the strings of information very clearly.
I said at the time that I would organise some more, clearer images and Voila!
I said at the time that I would organise some more, clearer images and Voila!
But a twist must accompany this response as Pete would appreciate :)
So, here's the image first, in its uncut version:
The image above is exactly as the string appears in its raw state but cleverly concealed. The image was taken with a 24 megapixel, Lumix Camera, macro lens/flash/autofocus and approximately 20mm distance from the object.
And now the same image with a little bit of tidying up:
Step 1.
Step 2.
Now the image has been cleaned up a little, taken a fair bit of the darkness away from it. As a friend of mine once said, 'Curse these spy Johnnies, anyone would think they were deliberately trying to hide these codes!'
So, Pete, I hope you're up for this. All you need to do is to message me with what numbers/letters you can see and if you like, you can take a stab at just where this was found :)
Once you've had a crack at it, I will post a larger image showing you where it came from, might surprise you...