There are times that all you have to do to get a better understanding of a perplexing question is to look at it from a different perspective. This post attempts to do just that, look at the issue from a different perspective.
Take Carl Webb for instance, since the claim that he was first made, people have been queuing up with favourite theories and ideas on what they thought he was or did or even appeared. In reality, what they were doing was addressing what they thought they knew. And what they thought they knew was based on what the narrative 'machine' had pumped into the Somerton Man space.
As any seasoned researcher/investigator will tell you, there is a massive gap between imagination and facts. Don't feel too bad if you've fallen into that trap, many have trod that same path ahead of you, in fact, you might be surprised just who you would find amongst them. I have no problem holding my hand up on that score, but in my defence, it was over 50 years ago as a young and super keen copper. I was soon and rather abruptly put right by my seniors and betters.
But back to Carl Webb and the headline for this post. I mention specifically 4 things we don't know but there are obviously many more. My concern relates more to 4 things about his description that we don't know but really should.
The claim by Professor Abbot that Carl was the Somerton Man was based on DNA analysis. That DNA came from a single rootless shaft of hair that the Professor had in his possession. More on that aspect later. What did that analysis tell us? Why, it told us that with some manipulation of the data, that hair was from a family named Webb and by a process of imputation and deduction as in 'because this particular man had not been heard of nor seen, since 1947 then he must therefore be the Somerton Man'.
Did you spot what just happened here? No? Let's move on a little further and examine the post title. Just what are the 4 things that we should have known but don't?
THE DNADNA is an amazing thing, you can tell so many things from it, apart from your ancestry. Did you know that skilled analysts can tell amongst many other things, the following four items?
- Eye colour
- Hair colour
- Height
- Gender
3. Height: 5 Feet 11 inches
4. Male
In the case of the Somerton Man we also know a fifth and readily accessible/comparable thing, we know how many teeth he had lost.
For reasons best known to others, the DNA analysis on the rootless shaft of hair in the possession of Professor Abbott, did not address those 4 issues that we really could have and should have known about Carl Webb.
Matter of interest, Professor Abbott publicised his claim in an issue of the IEEE Spectrum magazine dated March 2023. In that article, there were some images from the 2012 exercise where hair samples were extracted and they were identified as being light brown and grey in another instance the Somerton Man's hair was referred to as 'Mousey', plain old 'mousey' coloured hair, not a sign of the word 'ginger'. Shortly after that in the same article the Professor mentioned the single rootless shaft of hair. No mention of where, when, how and by whom that hair was extracted. Harking back to my earlier comment, Did you spot what just happened here? The narrative has been modified, to exclude any reference to the true colour of the Somerton Man's hair. 'Pale ginger', 'mousey with ginger' and 'mousey the approaching ginger' are all words found in various credible sources. The word 'ginger' is in descriptions given by numerous people who examined the hair including Gerry Feltus, Pat Burgess, Detective Sergeant Leane and Professor Cleland In Professor Cleland's case he only includes that description in his notes and not in his statement at the inquest.
On that subject, did you know that the inquest document has only one witness/mention where the colour of the Somerton Man's hair is included? Detective Sergeant Leane made the comment but I wonder about that, he did not get involved in the case until January 1949, so he would not have been in a position to state the colour of the man's eyes for example because the eyes would have been removed during the autopsy in December. Professor Cleland's notes and comment on the hair appear to have been made on 9th January 1949. Around the same time, he found the torn slip of paper containing the words Tamam Shud'.
Those who were best placed to describe the colour of the man's hair and eyes as primary evidence were Constable Moss, Doctor Bennet, and Dr Dwyer. These are the men who should have included the description of the man's hair and eyes and yet they didn't. Professor Cleland did so but only within his notes not in evidence.
It would be remiss of me if I didn't mention that the word 'ginger' was also to be found in the Adelaide University Wiki (mousy ginger colour,) and the Somerton Man Wiki.(fair to ginger-coloured hair) LINK TO IEEE MAGAZINE
What a great pity it is that there was only one rootless shaft of hair to analyse. That means that it is not possible for those DNA results from Astrea to ever be verified. Harking back to my earlier comment, Did you now spot what just happened here?
The only way the Carl Webb claim can be established as being true is via the Police Forensics team and their dedication to finding the truth and one senior Forensic officer made the statement that she thought it likely that the identity of the Somerton Man may never be known. Agreed.
1. One of the many facts about redheads is that their hair will never turn grey. The pigment in their hair that causes it to be red will just fade over time, causing their hair to turn blonde or white, but never grey.
2. The tips of hair are porous and after death, the tips can lose their colour (Red or otherwise)
4. Once achromotrichia starts to set in, your red hair becomes lighter and lighter. It can even fade to an orangey-blonde, copper-blonde or even strawberry blonde, until your reddish strands become silver or white.
5. The hairs examined by Gerry Feltus' colleague showed insect damage to the shafts
6. In 2006 The Somerton Man bust had been stored in a cupboard, here are the results of the question put to ChatGpt 4o:
More here:
Ha! A while since I heard that one but it's true enough. I know Regan used it at least once but I think it goes back to the early 1900s doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteIt started off being a horseshoe that a kid found, lots of variations to the story but a clever enough one
ReplyDeleteHere's the Ronnie Regan account, funny stuff:
ReplyDeleteA note for Calypso. I don't know whether you've actually witnessed an autopsy, so this note is on the assumption that you haven't and its good for anyone else that has an interest. When there is a sudden death or one that's deemed unusual the Police normally decide on an autopsy. Watching one not the most pleasant of experiences, and yes, I've witnessed a few albeit many years ago. But I do remember one such procedure in particular where during the autopsy, the Doctor performing the task noticed something unusual,he thought it possible that the man concerned had either taken or been given poison. That's when he made the decision to remove the man's eyes because the fluid in the eyes can reveal information on what kind of poison may have been used. To get to the fluid the yes had to be removed and dissected. It's obvious from Dr Dwyers testimony that he thought poisoning was an option. True to say he didn't mention every thing he did in the autopsy but I would say it's a given that the eyes were removed for the purpose of testing the fluids. Here's a link that provides a more detailed, if technical, account:,up%20to%2060h%20following%20death.)
ReplyDeleteSo that takes care of the issue Calypso had regarding the eyes. And Calypso, no, I don't think it's possible to detect the presence of eyes from the post autopsy photographs. As a matter of interest, it was fairly common practice to use lint or even false glass eyes in cadavers' in consideration of any relatives or friends viewing the deceased to give the appearance of a eyes being present even when they were closed.
Here's a full lecture on post mortem examinations, don't watch it if you are a bit squeamish:
On your other issue, I am as convinced as I can be that the colour of the hair is as pointed out by Professor Cleland, Patrick Burgess and Gerry Feltus, there's even a mention of ginger hair in an Adelaide University wiki prior to the Carl Webb claim. From my, and this blog's perspective, it's time to move on from the hair colour topic.