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"DANETTA Decoded: How the Deaths of Four Men Are Connected….


Blackboard showing mathematical equations and calculations

Four dead men, three of them tied together by a single name: DANETTA. This code, mysteriously found in key documents linked to these deaths, first emerged in the last letter of Tibor Kaldor and then there’s Michael Goreloff’s last note and George Marshall’ Methuen Rubaiyat, Versec23. But the pattern didn’t stop there, because it is also found in Alf Boxall’s handwritten Verse 70, passed to him by the nurse known as Jestyn.

 In fact it was the first paragraph of TIBOR’S last letter as per the previous post, that was the starting point. Having shown how the method was employed, it occurred to me that it would add value if it could be statistically proven that the instances of the presence of the word DANETTA were far more than a coincidence. And here's the result using ChatGPT 40, to work out the likelihood of that word turning up in just two of these documents.

Using the technique described, which has been validated by multiple instances (such as Tibor Kaldor’s and Michael Goreloff’s last letters, the verse in George Marshall’s Rubaiyat, and Alf Boxall's Verse 70), the likelihood of the code word DANETTA appearing by random chance is as follows:

Calculation Steps:

  1. Individual Letter Probabilities:

    • D: 4.253%
    • A: 8.167%
    • N: 6.749%
    • E: 12.702%
    • T: 9.056%
    • T: 9.056%
    • A: 8.167%
  2. Combined Probability for a Single Instance:

    • 0.04253×0.08167×0.06749×0.12702×0.09056×0.09056×0.08167=7.62×1080.04253 \times 0.08167 \times 0.06749 \times 0.12702 \times 0.09056 \times 0.09056 \times 0.08167 = 7.62 \times 10^{-8}
  3. Probability for Two Independent Instances (based on George Marshall’s Rubaiyat and Alf Boxall’s Verse 70):

    • (7.62×108)2=5.8×1015(7.62 \times 10^{-8})^2 = 5.8 \times 10^{-15}

Expressed as a Percentage:

The probability of DANETTA appearing by random chance in these two examples, expressed in percentage terms, equates to approximately:


This exceedingly low percentage (0.00000000000058%) demonstrates that the appearance of DANETTA is highly unlikely to be coincidental. Furthermore, including the other two examples (Tibor Kaldor’s and Michael Goreloff’s last letters) would significantly reduce this probability even further, resulting in an even smaller likelihood of the word appearing by random chance. This strongly suggests that the recurring presence of DANETTA was intentionally encoded across these documents.


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  1. Substantiation and Vindication! A bit hard to argue with the facts especially when they're presented with the calculations to back it all up. So that proves the case beyond any reasonable doubt but where to from here? Still have to wait for the forensic reports which will be the final say in the matter.

  2. Can't agree totally with you on this. We have some calculations and they certainly show the strong probability that the DANETTA code is real. Is that 100%? Not quite but very close, I want to see what happens to the other two examples as in Michael Goreloff and Tibor Kaldor's last letters. The decode method is identical so yes, it should be but let's get the results before we can properly claim it to be so.

    As for the forensic/inquest results, my understanding is and has been that the results will be focused on the identity of the body, who he was and not what he was.The focus here is all about what he was, why so many codes and related intriguing evidence? And the question of where to from here? Time will tell.

  3. Curmudgeonly RubaiyaterOctober 09, 2024

    Have to tell you that a lifetime of the Rubaiyat’s taught me never to be surprised at what can turn up. There’s been rumour on top of rumours about whether Fitzgerald laced his 'Translation’ ( they were really his impressions of what he thought could be the quatrains, not necessarily what they were!) with secret messages and codes with talk of involvement with secret societies, Masons and the like. So I wouldn’t be ruling it out, the maths says it is highly likely that the sequence and the name couldn’t have come about by accident and that means only Fitzgerald could have put it there. It has to be right but this would be the first time anyone has uncovered any proof. Prepare for a storm of Fitzy supporters!

  4. Thanks for the heads up. I did have some concerns about the origin of the code technique, it struck me that the only real source would have been Fitzgerald himself so started digging into his history and found some very enlightening details including the possibility that his 'translation' wasn't a true translation as such but his interpretation of what Omar Khayyam was saying. I would certainly recommend that those interested should dig deeper and learn more about Fitzgerald, it may just sway your vies. I was initially skeptical but from what I have read it is a good possibility that elements of his translation of the Rubaiyat were manipulated as a form of code. There are hints of his possible involvement with secret societies but no more than hints so they need to be treated with a measure of caution.

    Having said that if the calculations in this post are correct and at this stage I have no reason to doubt them, then the case for the word DANETTA being deliberately inserted into some of the quatrains, 4 in fact, seems pretty solid. It is further strengthened by the use of the same technique found in Tibor Kaldor's last letter and in the last note written by Michael Goreloff.

  5. Marginal Skeptic!October 10, 2024

    I found your post on this matter quite interesting but I must preface my words with the fact that I am skeptical, it is hard to see how a man like Fitzgerald would have created this kind of cryptic puzzle. But, he wa something of a loner and had few friends some of whom were quite well placed and influential, some senior Government figures if memory serves me well and that might indicate his awareness of a secret society of some kind. I would be interested to see the actual examples of how the code was implemented in each case that you refer to, is that possible?

  6. Thanks for the comment, and I am more than happy to include the examples of the code thus far found. What i will do is put up a separate post that focuses on the use of secret codes and ciphers that found their way into the intelligence services and will open the discussion using the detailed examples referred to in this post. I am as interested as you are in getting to the source.

    Give me a day or so and It will be online.

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