...The video above is of the Stuart Littlemore interview with Alf Boxall, there is an interesting instance when a strange image appears of a paragraph on a page that has what appeared to be an icon at its head. It's at the 5-minute and 5-second mark. Here's the image that I captured a little while ago:

On the left page of the image, you can clearly see an icon...
 And the page appearance is very brief in the video...

...Digging a little deeper, On YouTube, you can move forward and backward in a video one frame at a time.

It's quite simple, all you do is to pause the video you are watching at the point where you want to see a still frame, and then while still paused, to move backward one frame, select the comma button. To move forward one frame press the full stop. 

Try it out on the Boxall video by going to the 5-minute 5-second mark and pause, then navigate backward and forward until you see the icon then move backward and forward both sides of that frame.. It might surprise you!

PETE BOWES, The inquest is shaping up to be something of a Ben Hur moment, you could do a Phantom Race Call on it... Will the good guy win?

'But in the end, Mesala's chariot is wrecked, and he is dragged behind his horses and trampled on by another chariot. Ben Hur and his splendid white horses emerge victorious...'

Hmmm, I wonder...


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  1. What are your odds, GC, odds on or what?

  2. Not a gambling man Pete so not inclined to respond apart from saying that the person who has the last word of course is the Coroner and he awaits all the various reports by others before he can put the SM case into his schedule. Then he needs time to carefully weigh up all the evidence and issue a finding.

  3. Stuart Littlemore makes a very interesting statement when interviewing Alf, wonder no one spotted it. It had to do with the bust..

  4. There's YouTube video on Jeremiah Denton. A classic! Talk about Blinking Alf, have a look

  5. Boxall is so cagey
    He knows all about it

  6. Another dreadfully sad case in Adelaide, the death of a 5 year old child, this sad event and others that occur far too regularly, must take precedence over a 76 year old 'mystery' which has little real relevance to many in today's world.

  7. Yeah, Looking through it, it’s looks like the image is face, i can’t tell for sure but it looks like an appirtation(hope I spelt it right).

  8. PB, a small correction, I am actually Irish 81% and Scottish 14%. The last 5% is apparently Scandinavian or could be Neanderthal I suppose. Irish citizen as well. Being born in a location is not an indicator of the culture and environment that you are brought up in, so born in Wales, yes, but Welsh, a very definite no. On the inquest front, it wouldn't surprise me if it was another 2 months away, could be longer I suppose.

    1. Suppose he has been identified as well as his profession and whereabouts, it will probably be a whole different ballgame with a lot of variables:
      After 76 years, would there still be a full murder investigation. Depending on the circumstances, to which extend would it need to be scaled up and after that, would there need be an inquest.

  9. I would think that given the elapsed time and now that anyone who was involved in the case in 1948/49 is no longer with us, then it would seem likely that the case would not be at the top of the list of priorities. I suppose that would explain the Coronial process being slower than many had anticipated.

    Thinking out loud, the case would only be of major interest if new and far reaching evidence had been found that had a significant impact historically speaking. Who knows?

  10. Assuming there is new evidence, the case already has gained significant impact historically, is probably high-profile and internationally oriented as many suspected, and has a high public interest. Also, the criminal investigation and the coronial investigation are separate routes. In case of new evidence, the coronial investigation may be pending on the outcome of the criminal investigation.
    It would theoretically be possible that a perpetrator who was 18 yrs of age in 1948, is still alive at 94 today so anything is possible. Or 28 yrs and 104, or 38 yrs and 114, people do get that old nowadays.

  11. Did Alf and Jestyn meet in the Hotel in front of other people and exchange what had to be secret information publicly? Wouldn't that be a risky thing to do?

  12. Hi Jason, A fair question and it will get a fair answer.
    I could start by asking you, 'How would you expect them to meet?' But lets go back to the beginning.

    In one of my first posts on the blog in 2013, I spelled out that Alf was training Jestyn in spycraft or tradecraft whichever you prefer. I have held that view ever since and never once strayed from it. I also have held the view that they were working with Australian Intelligence in this endeavour.

    What is Tradecraft? It is the seemingly never ending lists of things that a field agent has to know, things like how to do a brush past, how to use a dead drop, how to use various 'signals' so that others can respond to any given situation.

    It also includes courses in clandestine communications and how to pass on or exchange messages eben in a public space which is precisely what Jestyn the nurse did when she gave Alf the copy of the RUbaiyat containing her handwritten inscription of Verse 70. Well, actually that plus as many as 20 other concealments and all done in plain view. Personally I thought and still think it was brilliant.

    The question is, wouldn't someone have spotted the unusual features in the book? What a risk to take.

    Having researched and investigated every aspect I could find about the two and the book itself, I can tell you that the answer is the risk was absolutely minimal, no one could have noticed what was happening. I can say that in regards to the Police who visited Alfs wife and saw the same book and I can say it in relation to the Stuart Littlemore interview where Alf handed that same book to Mr. Littlemore and in full view of the camera.

    I have worked hard to find that information on this and when the time is right I will disclose it and other incredibly clever techniques and codes in use in the Somerton Man case.

    I am aware of the troll comments regarding the Boxall book and the meetings, none of those comments made by the troll bear any resemblance to the truth. The troll concerned is doing what trolls do and he is known for it, he is trying to distract and trying to discredit, and has failed on both counts. He always has and he always will. He's an older gentleman, he's into his 80s, and he's trying to get some attention. The problem he faces is that he has been banned from numerous blogs and forums for his trolling behaviours over the years so he can't get attention from those channels. I am giving him some here in this comment along with a message. It is apparent to me that his behaviours are deteriorating and for the sake of his own health he needs to get help, I hold no grudges and I wish him well.

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