Tuesday 6 February 2024



This example is quite astonishing, it shows a part of the Lord's Prayer that has been engraved by hand on a 2mm pin head by Graham Short, a resident of Birmingham in the UK. This level of micrography requires a great deal of skill and is created with the aid of microscopes and special hand tools. It requires the engraver to control their breathing and at times make use of Beta Blockers to slow their heart rate. I believe it took him 3 months to complete.

Here's another example from last year, in this instance, Graham engraved the prayer on a tiny speck of gold and embedded it inside the eye of a needle:

And next, we have a special piece from the 1600s, it is a fine work of art and you will be able to see how one portion of it has been magnified. The artist has skillfully added an almost invisible layer of text across the entire work as seen under the magnified section. For all intents and purposes, it looks like a watermark but on very close examination, you can see what it rea;lly is.

the key in the above image is to use a slightly different colored pencil to write the text and below you will see a far more recent example of a similar technique, I have had to use a darker filter to show the character markings a little more clearly.

A glimpse into the world of micrography to show a little of what is possible.



  1. In 1935, a man using a Gorton engraving machine put the Lords Prayer on the point of a pin, http://gorton-machine.org/links/prayer.html
    but there was another earlier project by Geoffrey Lundberg in 1915 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_Lundberg

  2. Microdots were used extensively during the war by all parties, especially the French and Germans, by sending their hidden messages across enemy lines by balloons and pigeons. During World War II German spies used to photograph secret messages and reduce their size to 1 mm (one dot).

  3. Thanks for your comment John, Yes that's true, the issue here though is that there was perhaps an alternative which was on a far smaller scale, the Gorton engraving machine output was about 100th the size of a micro dot, literally a spec. I guess you could say that you could conceal one within a microdot and it would be missed. I have not seen any reference to it in anything read thus far. It would still be useful do you think?
    Here's n earlier article link, you'll find more information there including a second link to a page detailing a miniature version of the Rubaiyat :)

    Thanks again for the comment, it's appreciated.

  4. Ignorance is bliss! Many people don’t have the expertise that you have, that’s why they slander because they don’t know any other way.

    1. That's a kind comment, unexpected but again appreciated.

      Hope this is OK with you, I wanted to add a few words here, it's the Irish in me :)

      I think that the word 'ignorance' can be a bit harsh in lot of instances, at least it sounds that way. My preference would be 'unaware'. We all can be unaware and there's nothing deliberate about it. We simply do not know what we don't know.

      It becomes ignorance when a deliberate act is associated with it. As Einstein once said, "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance", Never were truer words spoken. That sadly, is the case for many of the derogatory comments made about this blog, its posts and often about me personally. The latter being of far lesser importance in the scheme of things. The detractors, normally in groups, make their statements out of deliberate ignorance. They know they should test the methods I share but they don't. Why they do that is a matter for them.

      As for my understanding of the case, i have learned a great deal about it and the matters that spin off from it. I have studied clandestine communications and concealment techniques as I have studied the activities of the Communist Party in Australia and ASIO, MI5 and MI6 and to a lesser extent, the operations of the CIA. I have first hand experience of being a Police Officer in my younger years and lessons learned then have proven valuable now.

      I readily admit that whilst I have learned much, I still have much to learn, there is so much that as yet I simply don't know. A case in point is the issue of cryptography, I have made some progress and have cracked some elements of the SM code page and the torn slip but it is a very complex field and have recently been given assistance courtesy of a group of qualified cryptographers and hopeful that this will continue. Time will tell.

      Thanks again John, I remain a fellow learner :)


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