Tuesday 16 January 2024


...ROY WEBB... 

One of the challenges we have all faced is the absence of different views as in full faces and profiles of the various members of the Webb family. Specifically the images of Carl Webb which are almost totally absent, we have just three of him that have been made public.

What we do have though is a full face and profile of Roy Webb and it is the profile in particular that this post looks at today.

Above is the exact profile image from Roy Webb's service record.

Below is a comparison of the profile especially the ear and the images of the younger and mid 20s aged Carl Webb:

The purpose here is to show the similarity in the shape of the left ear of Carl and Roy. The ears as you can see are clearly tapered in shape, they are not 'squared off' as in the case of the Somerton Man.

It is quite common within families to have similarly shaped though not identical ears and this is a case in point.

I should point out that there can be differences between our left and right ears but they are normally not dramatic differences.

the ideal would have been to have a right-side profile of Carl Webb but of course, one has not been released. What we do have is the ability to 'flip' the profile image of Roy Webb's ear which we know bears a resemblance to Carl Webb's ear.  and below is the flipped image of Roy's profile:

We can now compare an approximation of Roy Webb's right ear with that of the Somerton Man as shown below:

The result is as you can see, the ears are dramatically different in shape. Roy's ear is fully tapered it is narrower and of a different overall construction. I stress that this is an approximation but I do not believe that it is that far from reality.

In summation, we have demonstrated the similarity between Carl and Roy's left ear, and now, by horizontally flipping Roy's image we have an approximate view of the comparison between Roy's right ear and the right ear of the Somerton Man and they do not match.



  1. I remember when they first announced that SM was Carl W.people saying that Roy and SM had an uncanny resemblance and all that baloney! I was the first to say they didn’t look alike at all and I got called a million things, I just wanted to thank you! For all of us who aren’t Guilible sheep! Im going to direct them to your site and see what they tell you.

  2. You’re very welcome, I am glad that it’s clarified and supported the issue for you. There’s a saying that the options of 10000 mean nothing if they don’t know what they’re talking about. The SM case reminds me of that constantly, all a bit like the Emperors new clothes. Thousands are readily convinced by the drivel that’s poured forth by the media instead of questioning the claims they get seduced by the words of an academic who in truth does not have the best record success in the SM case. Meanwhile, my understanding is that the police are still interviewing and questioning those who have knowledge of the case so it may be some time yet before the file is submitted to the Coroner and joins his pile of current cases.

  3. Diddly Squat—that's the moniker borrowed from a visitor keen on sharing their wisdom and undeniable experience with us but I shan't post his comments here, we have an anti troll comment policy Instead I will respond in a way that I hope they will understand:

    This case has been fascinating, especially since the initial post challenging Webb as the Somerton Man. Over time, more voices have joined the growing skepticism regarding the evidence put forth by Professor Abbot and Colleen Fitzpatrick. It's encouraging to see more individuals expressing doubts. Every statement and question raised here has either been substantiated or left with a lingering question mark, with very few falling into the latter category.

    One statement frequently reiterated is the possibility that we may never unravel the identity of the Somerton Man. On this point, I align completely with Dr. Xanthe Mallet, who expressed her concerns from the outset. Now, the lingering question is, what are we left with?

    The answer remains elusive until the Coroner releases the findings. What will those findings entail? The expectation is that the Coroner will determine whether Carl Webb is or isn't the Somerton Man. If Webb is identified as the mysterious figure, the issue of identity would be settled. Conversely, if the finding points to insufficient evidence supporting Professor's claim, it may be accompanied by the forensic report, reigniting the name game.

    Moreover, there are lingering elements such as the 'code page,' the torn slip cipher, and the Verse 70 copy of the Rubaiyat. Despite criticisms of findings related to these items, none of the 'naysayers' have actually tested the methods used. Detective Brown affirmed the use of 'really tiny lettering' for the nurse's telephone number, its presence has been acknowledged by Gerry Feltus and SAPOL museum. In fact in one record of conversation Professor Abbot asked for input from some FB group members as to the possible meaning of the tiny numbers on the code page. That was from the early days of the facebook group 12 years ago but I do keep records. The statement I made regarding this issue is included in the file that will accompany the Police Report to the coroner which he may or may not consider given the brief as outlined in the following paragraph.

    Crucially, the Police's task is solely focused on the identity of the exhumed remains, concluding their investigation at that point. In regards to this blog, behind the scenes, a dedicated and focused group continues their work, with ongoing efforts set to be published at the right time. It's important to recognize the commitment of this small group, including a recent member with a strong connection to the case.

    Thank you for your comment, and I hope this provides a clearer understanding of this blog's stance. We center our focus on evidence-based truths.

  4. Steve, Disappointed but not surprised, Kalashnikov is entirely the wrong brand of gun and the wrong message. Try Chekov. Not that well educated are you?

  5. Steve. You were not banned from this site, I have banned 4 from here in 11 years, I block troll comments, comments that set out to ridicule, demean, discredit or abuse others. That’s why John Sanders for one is banned here. Those are the rules.


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