The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth


 A few lines to update regarding the hoped-for results of the SA Police investigation and the coroner report.

There have been many comments about the delay in the announcements but in reality, that is to be expected. The Police and the Coroner have massive caseloads and whilst to many the Somerton Man case is a priority, for both these organisations, they have other far more pressing cases on their plates. Nothing anyone can say or do will alter that fact.

The whole aim of the report is to reach a conclusion as to whether the exhumed remains are those of the Somerton Man, and what we know from the evidence, is that the body of that man is the one on which Dr. Dwyer performed the autopsy on December 2nd, 1948. Dr Dwyer being an experienced very professional man, took a dental chart of the man and found that there were 18 missing teeth.

The image below is of the dental chart., marked as exhibit C8. from Page 116 of the Inquest document:

And here is a snippet from Doctor Dwyer's statement: 

I have stated this same point numerous times and yet we still have a troll making false and misleading statements.

Read More Here

From this documented evidence we can safely assume that a similar chart taken from the exhumed remains should precisely match the above chart.

If the charts do not match then the remains are not those of the Somerton Man.

If the charts do match, then there is one more step to be taken and that is, based on Paul Lawson's comments that the inside of the skull was completely clean with no trace of any organic material suggesting that the skull may have been swapped or otherwise interfered with, the DNA from the teeth of the man should be tested against DNA found in other parts of the body. That would provide the final answer if the DNA matches then you have the Somerton Man but if not then we have an unknown man.

(To clarify the term 'otherwise interfered with', it could be that teeth had been removed from the skull in order to match those of Dr. Dwyer's chart. In those days they would not have been aware of the DNA issue.)

The purpose of the investigation is not to prove that the body is that of Carl Webb, neither is it to determine just how he died or whether or not he was murdered. I
t is to uncover, if possible, the identity of the body.

Logically, it is only when you have identified the exhumed remains as being those of the Somerton Man, that you could possibly consider whether or not Professor Abbott's claim that Carl Webb was the Somerton Man was true or yet another distraction.

I do not believe that Carl Webb is the Somerton Man, I believe it is very possible that we will never know the man's real identity or the precise circumstances leading up to his death.

 I have my views on how he may have died and have evidence to support that he did not die on Somerton Beach. There is also evidence that he was in some way involved in espionage and that certainly Alf, and probably the nurse, were similarly involved.

As far as the likely timing of the current coroner's findings, I really do not know the answer to that. It could be next week, next month, or even next year. We must all wait for the Police and the coroner to complete their work.

 In one of Professor Abbot's earlier claims he incorrectly stated that the man had anodontia, that is to say that the two upper lateral incisor teeth in the upper jaw were never there but were replaced by the two canine teeth, this would then support his theory that the teeth of the Somerton Man matched the teeth of Robin Thomson. This in turn was used to support the Professor's claim that Robin was the Somerton Man's son.

The professor is also on record as stating that you wouldn't have noticed the missing teeth if he were to laugh and yet in Doctor Dwyer's actual statement he makes it very clear that the missing teeth would have been noticed.

This is a photograph of Robin Thomson on the left showing the missing incisors which were replaced as you can see, by the canines, and the image on the right shows a set of teeth that would be very similar to the teeth of the Somerton Man. Pronounced gaps that would be seen, as Doctor Dwyer clearly states, should the man laugh.


 I will be taking a break over the next few weeks but will respond to comments when time permits


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  1. Hey MR.Cramer not going to take a crack of the other site’s Code! There giving away Cash prices! Anything to get more visitors on a copy and paste blog.

    1. Haven't seen that, which blog was it? Not that I have any time spare but interesting to see how some blogs are trying to drive extra visitors. Thanks for the heads up :)

  2. I still think Robin is SM offspring! I mean they tested his DNA with Carls DNA and hypothetically speaking if they manage to get SM real DNA(if it turns out he ain’t Carl) it would be really interesting if it turns out that they are father/son new twist and turns! I like cases like these.

  3. Can't agree with your views but it's your view and I respect that. On this blag the focus is purely on the evidence and whatever new information can be found. You are very welcome to drop by and research the posts and downloads but I suspect that your interests would be best served by a different blog, maybe TomsbyTwo or similar. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. I see Mr B is once more well behind the times on SM happenings, 'borrowing' your material yet again on Xanthe Mallet.

  5. Well, that's about the mark. I think it was something I wrote about 12 months ago, here's a link to a few stories:

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