The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



Whoever wrote these 'scribblings' did it deliberately and carefully...

What you see above are not print or digital artifacts, this is what has been on the code page for 75 years or more. Tiny lettering and each in block capital format.

That's an important detail, the practice in Intelligence services was to always use block capitals to write codes and messages, that was done to prevent mistakes in transcribing that could more likely occur if the message was in cursive style. Thus it tells us that this was a clandestine message written by someone who was trained in how it was to be done.

It also tells us that Detective Superintendent Brown's words were right when he said:

  • Len remembers that the code and nurse’s phone number were in the back of the book in pencil. The phone number was in very tiny lettering. Len stated that the phone number was written under the code. 

These words are quoted on the Adelaide University WIKI, link here:

Here are some more examples, the first is of the lower 'flourish' as it is sometimes called, I have included a hilited version:

The following shows the various locations of microcode in the central area of the page:


The image immediately above shows the presence of lighter indentations which I believe were from much earlier use of the back of the book as a rest on which the code page was laid. The camera using reflected infrared has picked the markings up. A correction, this might be the result of the overprint mentioned in the comments.



Looking at the highlighted area, what was thought to be the letter L now looks like the number 2. and alongside and to its left, there is the outline of a zero.. there certainly are markings all over the page, indentations that possibly were not seen when the page was first examined. These images call into serious question just what the code page was really all about. 

When examining the individual marked-over letters you can see the presence of smaller letters and numbers underneath the markover. This confirms that there is microcode beneath as has been previously seen and demonstrated.

This step was to invert the coloration of the double negative image purely to see what would it look like. As you can see it bears a resemblance to the 'code page' that we have all been used to seeing with the addition of the now pale-coloured parallel lines.

It certainly shows some more detail and the 'stain' at the top right is quite promising as far as microcode recovery is concerned. I must apologize for the top left corner, it reacted more quickly to the citric acid treatment than I expected.

In white, you can just make out the vertical parallel lines, there are 6 pairs of them in total. The exact nature of these lines is still a little uncertain but it is possible that they were left by a 'drying frame'. Such frames were used to dry handmade papers and still are in fact. In those years commercial printers as was the case of Whitcomb and Tombs said to be the printers/publishers of the copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam found and associated with the Somerton Man. Whilst there is no evidence, in the WW2 years, and I would imagine later, printing work was subcontracted out at times. To the point, if this was a special purpose book, one printed specifically for use as a code book or one-time pad, it would make sense to have the special papers needed to be made in short runs and not bulk processing/manufacture. Will chase that down and publish when I have more information.

The post is short, I just wanted the audience to know that this is a work in progress and I am still examining these incredible images.


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  1. The brits used to overprint message pads with all kinds of things to make life hard for anyone trying to decrypt information. I think that some of what you show is that but some of it is the real deal.

  2. That's a real good thought, thanks, much appreciated.

  3. Now we know why the book went missing, I've always thought that there was more to the book than just the Quatrains, wouldn't surprise me if it was loaded with all kinds of useful information, OTPs etc. Never had anything to substantiate that, even this doesn't do that but it gives you a fair clue as to what was going on. The other things it does is to tell us that whoever wrote this was a spy, the torn slip in the pocket of SM tells us that he was also very likely a spy. Jestyn's inscription does exactly the same, she was involved in some way and my view was always been that she was trained by Alf. The question now is was this a Cold ar us Vs Them thing or more of a domestic issue related to the CPA?

  4. Can you clean up that flourish a bit? Can see some of the letters but a bit fuzzy

  5. Looks to me as though the crossed lines weren't crossed lines at all, more like a series of 3 possibly 4 lines that were almost parallel. It throws some questions in about the shapes of the marked up letters, the C looks to be different, well potentially, there's a line of numbers passing through it horizontally a half and 2/3rd of the way down it then the end tip extends right across the page with what looks like more numbers. Hells teeth, it changes the entire game don't you think? Who would have thought it.

  6. The process I used was to reverse the way I think it was done in the first instance. Looking at it now is looks like the whole page has been recovered to what it was when the Police first saw it. I wonder whether they had seen anything like it before? Bearing in mind that they had just come through WW2 and the Police were the defacto agents of the intelligence services in particular the Special Branch team. Ray Whitrod was a Detective Sergeant in that unit in the 40s, he went on to be ASIO's first team member in the South Australian ASIO office. No mention of him in any of the Somerton Man accounts though, that's not to say that he didn't know about it. Whether he played an active part in it might be a question, however there's no evidence to support that.

    What we know for sure is that someone write on this page and they wrote in very tiny lettering. There is no sign of any names or words in amongst all the lettering, it's all strings of numbers with some letters. I wonder if its possible that the 6 sets of parallel lines were part of the paper making process? I know just a little about that subject so I'd better brush up a bit on that.

  7. Following up. It's not likely that the paper used in the book was handmade. Handmade paper has no set grain so the pages would bleed out the printers ink and wouldn't take well. The other thing is that if there is no set grain the book wouldn't lay flat,, handmade paper in books is a no no for commercial printers. Didn't Adelaide University examine the torn slip and the paper?

  8. Video link about paper grain etc here:

  9. S'Mai wass! Long time no chat! Hell of a find there Gordo, you were well and truly right all along, there's a huge amount of micro letters and numbers on the page. How will you tell which is real and which is noise? Big job ahead :)

    1. I think the subtleties of the Welsh language are a bit confusing for some. Can't be expert in everything :) I am thinking that you would be from the Valleys?

  10. Thanks to everyone, A long time coming but it really can't be denied now.

    There are two things that struck me as interesting.

    First is the absence of any clear words on the page, letters and numbers yes but clear words, not one that I have found so far.

    The other thing is that, if anything, makes me smile just a little, and that is that on all of the marked over letters there's no sign whatsoever of a straight line beneath it. All you can see is the outline of tiny numbers and letters beneath the marked over areas.

    Take a moment or two and let that sink in.

  11. Looking again at the crowded page and the faint white covering in the shape of letters, I think that the, now partially concealed numbers and letters beneath the mark over, were likely to have shown up as black rather than the surrounding background mid grey characters.

    The parallel lines are still a little perplexing, it crossed my mind that, given this was specially produced paper, then the parallel lines may possibly be grid lines formed by a wire drying frame that may have been used in the manufacture of the paper itself.

  12. It could be that the tiny writing beneath the marked over letters and areas showed up black like the 6 sets of parallel lines. But we still don’t have an explanation for those yet. Intriguing really.

  13. Given the comment on another blog, it makes you wonder whether the people who wrote these tiny letters and codes were deliberately trying to hide them or make them difficult to crack. Gosh they wouldn’t do that would they? Not very sportsman like.

  14. Just realised that the process that they used in creating the code page image was a double negative. And what I did was just that in reverse of course. And, like Maths it seems that the double negative gave us a positive image of the 'code' page' as was prior to it being processed by the Police at the time.

  15. I swear people don’t have better shit to do, I think you can track the ip on the web using mods, I would tear them a new one, anyways I’m a big fan of your research!

    1. Thanks for your comment and support my friend. Yes, I was aware that you can get various tools on the web to track IP addresses but I really want people to know that I don't collect that information which means in turn that even if the site were hacked, and there's been a few attempts, then their information is not here nor available to anyone. I take privacy and online safety seriously and as a consequence I pay attention to each and every comment that's made here, and as you will have noticed, I take moderation of comments seriously as well :)

      We are heading for 1 million visits sometime in the next 12 months and that isn't by accident, people arrive here, some make comments but most don't. Some are just trolls who will never get published here. Like you they want to read the latest findings and research results, there is certainly a lot of interest in the doubts surrounding the DNA claim and just what was on the code page as well as Verse 70 and the torn slip. So many aspects yet to be resolved.
      Thanks again!

  16. Please add me as an available photographer if required. Some forensics experience, have sent my email separately.

  17. Important. I have had a few messages from people regarding privacy. There are concerns regarding troll activities on other blogs and your concerns are understood. This blog is on Google's ‘Blogspot’ platform and as such, they specifically ban the use of ip address tracking. You will also notice that we have an https url which is another layer of protection. We respect your privacy and will not reveal any of your personal information that you share with us.

    I cannot speak for other blogs who use different platforms such as Wordpress and others that openly advertise ‘plug in’ tools that track people’s IP address and even their actual physical location. Take great care when visiting those sites, some have very active known trolls who operate from them.

    If you or anyone you know is being trolled then in Australia you can visit the eSafety website where you will find information on help that is available to you. They explain the legal situation from a Civil and Criminal law perspective. Reciprocal arrangements with other countries are in place.

  18. A further note on trolls, where two more individuals act in concert in trolling and attacking another whether that person is on the same or another platform, then this can be construed as a criminal act with punishments including heavy fines and even imprisonment.
    The standards you walk past are the standards you accept.
    I no longer ignore or accept the trolling activities that target this blog and myself. Accordingly I have taken the necessary steps to rectify the situation.

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