The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth





You can see how tightly compacted these penciled characters were placed into the letters of TAMAM SHUD.

It has to be said that extracting the characters from each is not as straightforward as I would have liked, it's a question of using the equipment and tools that I have, well-equipped labs would do a better job and hopefully, that is underway now.


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  1. Thanks for the heads up my friend. You're quite right I vet stuff pretty carefully and anything that may be offensive to anyone, I don't publish. Right now what you are seeing is a joint effort from two blogs aimed at denigrating, demeaning and ridiculing this blog and myself. They should be aware that in Australia, there is legislation governing online behaviour with some fairly hefty fines in place. Thanks again, it's much appreciated.

  2. I should add that a particularly unpleasant comment was made on the Cipher Mysteries blog and I notified Nick Pelling. To Nick's credit, he immediately removed the offensive comments and apologised for having let it slip through. Thank you Nick, it's very much appreciated.

  3. Well Mr. Cramer just what makes your blog is ‘the most trusted’. That’s a big call to make for any blog. Let’s see what you’re made of

    1. Why do you go on this man’s website and question his work and expertise!just don’t go on this site plain&simple! Plus his articles are well written which reflect his intellect, unlike the other sites, which seem to copy his articles using different headings.

    2. Thanks for the support, much appreciated.


  4. I wondered who’d be the first to challenge it, not quite sure just who you are but I have a fair idea. All right, here’s your answer:

    1. I have been writing this blog for more than ten years and have consistently shared my findings.

    2, This blog is known for being a reliable resource of good and valuable information on the Somerton Man case.

    3. I always strive to substantiate the findings with quality reference points.

    4. I leave my posts available and don’t alter content to suit the mood.

    5. The views expressed here have been consistent with very few exceptions. The blog does not issue new scenarios every week.

    6. The research and investigation undertaken is thorough and in depth. Is it always 100% accurate? No, but that’s always the aim.

    7. Work done by others and published here is acknowledged and credited to them or their blogs.

    8. I do not tolerate known trolls and troll comments are not published, it is as safe a blog as I can make it.

    9. In the ten years plus of writing here I have spoken with and/or had direct contact with serving and ex intelligence officers, ex internees, ex Coast Watchers, senior and retired police and military officers.

    10. I have had numerous discussions with ex Detective Sergeant Gerry Feltus, author of the Uknown Man book and the officer who had the Somerton Man Cold Case on his desk.

    11. I was personally approached by the late Mr. Paul Lawson, the man who built the Somerton Man bust, in the years leading up to his passing, with a request that we discuss and record as much of the events of 1949 and some subsequent years. His reasoning was that he had followed this blog for some years and felt more comfortable talking with me than anyone else.

    12. In recent times I was approached by SAPOL and asked to put in a statement and additional information in relation to the forthcoming Coroner’s examination of the case.

    And pretty much that’s it. As for me, I intend to keep on keeping on.

    As of today the blog has had over 910,000 page visits since day 1, and I am very grateful to the loyal followers who have made this possible.

  5. Didn't you already prove a link between the code page and the book?

  6. Yes, the torn slip contains 8 of the 11 letters, in sequence, found on line 3 of the code page, showed that a while back. Too much in common for it to be a coincidence.

    We have the torn slip in the Somerton Man's pocket which contains those letters but they were encoded which is intriguing. In a discussion with Gerry Feltus some years ago, he told that Detective Brown had made it clear that the torn slip was an exact fit for the torn out area in the book.

    Of course that meant that the piece would have been torn out without the tear beginning at the edge of the page. So I tested that and you can tear out a piece from the middle of a page and in the test I did, it was surprisingly close to the shape of the Tamam Shud slip. This would be more than 10 years ago.

    So there you have it micro code on the slip, matches the written-over letters on the code page and the shape of the Torn slip according to Detective Supt Brown, was an exact fit.

    That links the man to the slip, the slip to the code page the code page to the book and last but not least, Jestyn to the man and the book due to the phone number being found on the code page.

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