The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth


The letter T, is the first letter in the phrase TAMAM SHUD. The microcode is packed into the upright and crossbar. If you look carefully you can see each individual number  and some letters

The first letter A in the TAMAM SHUD phrase. Rotated 90 deg so you can see the  microcode clearly visible and once again it is packed into the shape of the letter.

The first letter M in the phrase, this letter should be rotated as there are various planes on which the code was added. In each upright section and the curves.



In this latest video, you can see a close-up of the second word found on the TAMAM SHUD torn slip, the word 'SHUD'.

As you watch you will see the cursor move around each letter in turn as it lightens the background within the letters throwing the darker microcode into relief. There's no mistake, it is a code, it appears to be a development of the 'FRACTIONATED MORSE CODE' cipher first developed in 1910 and later to become known as the MORBIT cipher.

The first word 'TAMAM' was successfully partially decrypted and it strangely showed the letters MTBI   NETP. That's 8 of the 11 letters to be found in the third line of the code page, they being: 

The grainy image above and to the left is of the first letter M in TAMAM. When you get that image into the viewfinder of your camera the highlighted numbers become clearer.

This task can be replicated quite easily. In this instance, I printed out the TAMAM SHUD slip, cropped the word SHUD from it, and then using a LUMIX camera, I took some macro close-up images of the word. What you see is one of the resultant images. Next I printed this slip out using an EPSON inkjet printer, an ET-4850 model. The paper used was bleedproof and had the effect of inhibiting the spread of ink giving a clearer end image.

The microcode is clearly visible and if you follow the method described here, you will get the same result. The work itself is quite stunning, you will notice how the code characters follow the shape of the letters very closely, this proves that you are not seeing any artifacts from the paper itself. Neither are they digital artifacts for much the same reason. They are what they appear to be, they are micro-coded letters and very professionally done.

I have yet to properly transcribe the letters and numbers that appear and when that's done I will be able to put it through the decoder and of course, will publish the results.

You can now see for yourselves the code that has been hidden since 1948/49. The Somerton Man and others involved in the case were spies.

How and when were these code characters added? Who would have done that?  Is this another example of INK H the MI^ code that actually had its roots in an Australian Internment Camp? Was Tibor Kaldor part of this case? Were Alf and Jestyn working for the intelligence services? What part if any, did Carl Webb play in this intriguing mystery?

Much more to be said about this including the Verse 70 example, Here's sneak preview:

A close-up of the bunch of grapes found on the Title page of the Boxall Rubaiyat.

And here's an extreme close-up of the same bunch of grapes but this time treated with household bleach. This, as you can see, has the effect of cleaning up the image considerably:


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  1. Well JS, you have something real to get your teeth into now, hope the crew won't be too disheartened. Seems the man was a spy after all. Oh, and he wasn't the only one. Not a bad video :)

  2. Holy Hell! What on earth is it, what does it say exactly? I agree there's code there but having code is only part of it.

  3. Well, it is what it looks like. It's coded information and it's been written in very small writing within the letters of the word SHUD. Just what uit means right now, I don;t know. It and other information will be processed and I will share that here when it's done. In the meantime, the efforts of those who profess to be knowledgeable in the Somerton Man Case need to do a review of their positions. I can think of one particular person, who, whilst he has in the past contributed, has fallen into the trap of thinking that his opinion is of greater value than fact. Not so my friend, not so. Fact always rules. And the facts here show beyond any doubt that there is micro-code and it is in the torn slip. I wonder what else we will find?
    In the end it is about facts and reality, not about a 'line' that you should blindly follow, you need to be a doer and not a follower.

  4. Today is a special day for this blog, all things being equal, I will be posting a significant achievement and its not down to me, its down to those that have followed the blog for some years and have supported it and me for that time.

  5. It's perfectly clear now. Has to be microcode and deliberately written into those letters. Looking forward to the decrypt when it's done. What about the code page and the Verse 70? Are they similar?

    Is that much wailing, weeping and gnashing of teeth I hear from a distant land?

  6. How come the Professor didn't notice this? How do we know it's not faked?

  7. Thanks for your comment, I'm assuming that you're new to this case so please forgive me if that's wrong.

    The information is not fake, it's here for you to test for yourself, if you get stuck with any aspect please contact me and I will help you out.

    With regards to the Professor, I had told him and shown him earlier examples and he simply thought it was funny. I wouldn't think he's laughing now though. He may have some questions to answer.

  8. It seems obvious now. What I don't get is why the 8 letters of 11 from the code show up in the torn slip microcode? I can see how it confirms the association between the slip and the code page, makes you wonder which came first. Looking forward to seeing what else is in there. How do you unravel it all, I mean how do you sort out the sequence within the letters?

  9. I don't have the answer as to why those 8 letters turned up. It really shook me when I did the decrypt, I wasn't expecting that, in fact I had no expectations. A bolt out of the blue.
    You are quite right, unravelling it is a challenge. What I do currently is top b\reak the letter into logical parts, so the letter 'a' has a slope side and a curved side so I write down what I find in each side. The next issue is to decide which set comes first the curve or the slope. It gets more complex if there are two lines in one side. It becomes trial and error to an extent. I think it can be assumed that all the code inside one letter is part of one line of code, a matter of swapping them around.within that rule. It may be that a line has two potential meanings of course so if that's the case I will spell both out.
    A bit messy but it is what we have to work with at the moment. I have some contacts with experienced code people and hope to get some useful input from them. Certainly not a skill you'll find in the Somerton Man space sadly.

  10. A promised update. This blog has just ticked over 900,000 page visits since 2013. The figures actually show that we have been growing steadily for the last several months with last month coming in at just under 15000 and currently, just 4 days in to September we are 4700 visits. I am very grateful to the audience that follows this blog and has done for years and I am looking forward to getting to the 1,000,000. I will do my best to keep focused on the truth and sharing what I find.

    The Carl Webb fiasco had an impact which is now firmly behind us. Will he be proven to part of the case? I don't honestly know but I do know it is highly unlikely that he will be found to be the Somerton Man. The evidence does not support that.

  11. Phyllis Dora Brown and her sister, Mair Lydia Bebee (nee Brown) both enlisted in Perth and both were deployed to SIGNIT in the Eastern States. Their war service records in NAA are interesting. I can pretty much deduce what they did, but not specifically. Except Mair was my Nana's best friend and so when I was told that she was attached to the code breakers as a child I'd pretty much believe that she wasn't exaggerating. Both contracted tuberculosis unfortunately. Phyllis succumbed and died in Sydney in 1947. Mair survived and passed away in 2012. They were both treated at RNSH during the time of Boxhall and Harkness's dalliance whilst Jessica was training to be a nurse.
    It can be safely inferred that the people that knew of these encryption techniques were therefore in close time and proximity to Jessica Harkness and Alfred Boxhall, if one or the other were not already well versed in it.

  12. Can't prove that Phyllis or Mair had any hands on experience in cyphers themselves but it does show that their unit that did use and did training in cyphers had a presence in Sydney NSW in close enough proximity to RNSH to send members of the unit to that very Hospital where Jessie Harkness was a nurse in training. We know that Alf's wife gave birth to his daughter Robyn at that very same hospital during this same period.
    This does show access and opportunity to learn the cypher techniques were present to Alf and Jessie at this very time in Sydney existed. Now the true provenance of the Rubyiatt containing these encoded messages is the unknown factor.
    How the book came to be in Feeman's car and the torn slip came to be in SM's trousers is only assumed.
    I theorised awhile ago that SM knowing that he had been poisoned, stole the book from the location of his killer, then removed the piece himself and secreted it away upon his person, then left the book itself in the car that his killer organised to transport him to the beach in the hope of knowing that each will link each back to his killer and accomplices.
    What SM didn't realise was that SA Police although finding who it did link back to, had no complusion to interrogate Harkness nor Freeman

  13. I was double checking my sources because something seemed amiss.
    Phyllis records show that she was admitted to 2 AWH in 45 for a fracture which should be in Brisbane and later 13 AWH in 46 for the TB which I can't find. My source says she died in Sydney in 47, but this isn,t on her war service record, so I'm trying to find another way of checking which hospitals that she was being treated for TB in.

    Mair was admitted to 8 AWH for TB in 46 then sent to 106 Gen Hosp and 115 HMH all whilst in Sydney so I'm doing checking exactly where they were.
    Then later in 46 she was sent to Hospitals in WA

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