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...An Example of SOE's INK H
Found On The Code Page...

...This example, a photo of the crossed lines, is from the code page that came from a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam which was found and handed into the Police by a Glenelg Chemist it is thought...

Within the lines that were drawn over the letters either by the Police or another agency, you can see strings of what appear to be code letters and numbers. These codes are visible in every letter on the code page as well as in the various lines and 'flourishes' and the stain marks at the top of the page. I first discovered these markings in 2011. Over the years I have been able to find better ways to recover or develop the micro written codes some of which I have been able to decipher.

In a discussion with retired Detective Sergeant Gerry Feltus, he informed me that firstly, part of the process used to recover the code letters was to turn the photograph negative. he added that the markings were in fact indentations. This would make sense because indentations themselves are very pale in colour, hardly visible in fact.

However, when you turn the page containing the indentations over and then use a graphite block or similar, the indentations become visible as white against the graphite markings. Photographing that and then turning it negative would show the indentations as black and the graphite-covered area as a much paler colour.

Below are examples of the same technique found in the Title Page of the book that Jestyn had given to Lieutenant Alf Boxall in August 1945.

The bunch of grapes shown here clearly contains micro written letters and numbers:

The code markings are found across the grapes and also the outlines of the leaves. 

Stying with the copy of the Rubaiyat given by the nurse Jestyn to Alf Boxall, the image below:

Here you can see how what appear to be codes and letters have been written into the various letters on the Title Page of the Boxall Rubaiyat.

Finally, here's a partial photograph of the torn slip, as you can again see, each letter of the phrase TAMAM SHUD contains micro letters and numbers.


There are a lot more images of the code page and of the Boxall Runaiyat, all of which have been sent to SAPOL for inclusion in the Coroners report.

It has been a long and challenging path to this point, but at last, there is formal recognition of the presence of microcode in documents associated with the Somerton Man case. The codes existing as they do in the three major documents, the torn slip, the Boxall Rubaiyat, and the Code page ties together the man n the beach, Alf Boxall and Jestyn. I do not think that Jestyn and Alf worked for anyone other than an Australian Intelligence unit.   


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  1. How come no one found this before? Did you manage to decipher it all or is it still in progress?

  2. It's been posted here on numerous occasions going back ten years or more. The challenge has been working out a method that would isolate the micro letters and numbers. Initially it was a complex process but as cameras got better plus some in depth research into clandestine communication methods and here we are. The process is far simpler and as you can see, the tiny writing is quite visible. I have been able to decipher some of the material, it looks to be using the 'HILL Cipher', an algebraic code from the 1930s although some parts seem to have been done using a different code.

    because of this we can say that Jestyn and Alf were connected to the Somerton Man in some way, it would be way too much of a coincidence to have that slip of paper and the code page and the Verse 70 Boxall Rubaiyat all containing the same concealed code.

    The method, Ink H, was quite secret at the time, it had been sent to Australia in 1943. However, the Hay Internment Camp banknotes contained a very similar technique of creating shapes using very small letters and numbers. Followers of this blog will know that one ex internee turned up dead in a Hindley Street, Adelaide hotel just 2 weeks after the Somerton Man's body was found. Even more interesting was the fact that an acrostic code was found in a letter left by that man.

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