The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth

'My concern is that we may never be able to categorically say that we know this person's identity...'Dr Xanthe Mallet. IMPORTANT UPDATE


...'My concern is that we may never be able to categorically say that we know this person's identity...' Dr. Xanthe Mallet...


...Above is the most recent available photograph of Carl Webb compared to the photograph of the man of whom Paul Lawson prepared the plaster bust. The bust is from where it is said that the sample hairs for DNA analysis were harvested.

You will notice that the ears of Carl and the pre-bust photograph do not match.

The Carl Webb image on the left does show a fine set of pearly white teeth, his age at that time was 25.

Speaking of teeth:


This model of the teeth made from the Dental Chart was organised by Ex-Detective Sergeant Gerry Feltus, the officer who had the Somerton Man Cold Case on his desk for some years. It is now on display in the SAPOL Police Museum ion Adelaide along with the bust and documents associated with the case.

This Dental Chart was taken by Dr Dwyer at the time of the autopsy that he performed on the body of the man found on Somerton Beach on December 2nd. 1948, the day after the discovery of the man's body.

In the Australian Story programme that went to air on 21st November, no mention was made of the dental chart despite its importance I found that disappointing.

However, one well-qualified person, Dr. Xanthe Mallet, made a point of saying that the DNA results as they stand are not conclusive you'll be able to see and hear what she has to say at the 18 minutes 52 seconds mark. The documentary is online here:

Her precise words were: 'My concern is that we may never be able to categorically say that we know this person's identity...'

It is a vital part of the only evidence that will tie the man Carl Webb, to the body found on the beach. The other part needed to complete and confirm the identity of the man lies in a morgue in Adelaide, among the exhumed remains of the body, there will be a skull and in that skull will be the remains of the jaw and teeth. It is the jaw and teeth from which a matching dental chart should be taken and compared to that drawn by Dr. Dwyer. If it does then the identification can be confirmed, and if it doesn't then that would be a very different scenario.

Followers of this blog will know my position on this, and that is whilst the pre-bust photographs and even the hair samples may match the person recently identified, the post-autopsy photographs are markedly different.

To finish this post, here's the comparison image between Carl Webb and the body found on the beach:

Once again, Carl's left ear does not match the left ear on the post-autopsy image of the Somerton Man which as you can see, protrudes and is markedly different in shape where it joins the side of his jaw as indicated. We cannot clearly see the Somerton Man's right ear. 

In this post, the issues of the dental chart, the physical difference in the post-autopsy, pre-plaster bust photographs, and those of Carl Webb have been discussed, they are vital issues but they are not the only matters of concern in the Somerton Man mystery. In the coming weeks, we will be presenting additional hard evidence that there is a great deal more to the case than some would have you think.

On one thing we seem to agree PB, this isn't over by a long chalk.

And here is Peter Davidson's incredible find of a photograph of Charles Richard Webb:

And here's a profile pic:

This is the profile photo of the left ear..

Note that this man is around the same height of the Carl Webb crewman on the SS Golden Sun in 1937 but again there is an age difference to take into account.

An amazing find by Peter Davidson. The age difference is a puzzle that we have to solve.



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  1. They could get DNA from the remains, the teeth would be the place to find it.

  2. That's correct. They could obtain DNA from the teeth and perhaps other remains. Consider this though, Paul Lawson made it very clear that the skull of the man whom he used to build the plaster face on, had been boiled clean, pristine was a word he used. To clean a skull, and you can research this on the web, you first remove it from the body.
    And if the skull that was removed was replaced with another, as Paul was instructed to do, what an awkward situation could arise. You might have a DNA sample that matched Carl Webb
    but a dental chart that didn't.
    The images of Carl show a man who looked after himself right down to those pearly white teeth. I really do wonder how he came to lose so many teeth, contrary to the narrative, it was not a common condition. There are some potential causes that we are looking at here right now.

  3. Beginning to remind me of the Brandon Mayfield case to a degree, as to maybe the Professor is maybe seeing a match to what he's already determined to be infallible evidence, which isn't as infallible as he might think it is.

  4. Hi Gordon, another observation/query. The SM photo taken a couple of days after he died, has no eyes, which I think were removed during the autopsy. Does the photo of the dead Carl Webb show an eye under one of the eye lids? Hard to tell, but potentially another point of difference…

  5. Bit of a worry those teeth, heavy smoking doesn't sit well with white teeth

  6. It might pay to do a double take up which side of the family the album came from.
    The photo might well of been mistakenly attributed, when in fact it could've been Russel and Amy Webb's family with the two sons being Charles and Norman instead.
    Here's Charles... do you think the ages would match?

  7. I see that there's no date of death for this Charles Webb either. There's a fair age difference but I don't know when the Webb family photo was taken, goodness, what a web so to speak.

  8. Found an alleged date of death for Charles Richard Webb. Unable to crack open his army record on NAA.GOV.AU as yet to take a gander at his photo due to the NAA site playing funny buggers but someone commented upon another site that his enlistment record has his hair colour as blonde. I'm yet to confirm

  9. I was finally able to update his nephew's profile with a photo from NAA.

  10. That's an amazing find Peter, what a resemblance, his age is an issue but let's look for the reason...

  11. Is it possible that the man had aged beyond his years because of the experiments?

  12. So I think that the picture procured by the ABC as a family photo has Charles, Carl's nephew in it, not Carl. Imo

    From the Geni page link provided by Peter, you can link through to an NAA file which gives a sort but very informative account
    of Charles's service record. There was one location of great interest amongst that record. Camp Pell.
    For those unaware of it's significance, Camp Pell housed AWAS, US 52nd Signals Corps, and 8th Employement Company ex internees.
    In a 2016 post you will find additional information.

  14. CAMP PELL Link:

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