The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth

In 1945, US Scientists and Doctors injected isotope plutonium-239 into unsuspecting men, women, and children...Did it happen in Australia too?




Starting in April 1945, Doctors, Scientists and Military Officers working together in hospitals affiliated with the Manhattan Project at various locations in the USA including Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Rochester, New York, Chicago, and of course, San Francisco began injecting the so-called “fiendishly toxic” isotope plutonium-239 into 18 unsuspecting men, women, and children with serious health conditions who were, according to program founder Dr. Wright Langham, “expected to die anyway.” 

The US government at this time funded a huge number of studies on how to use radiation and radioactivity as weapons, and eventually to seek out and track Soviet nuclear activity. It is all but certain that similar experiments were carried out in Australia.

Victims of everyday accidents, prison inmates, and even a young boy from Dubbo, Australia were not told about the fact that they were being injected with plutonium.  In some cases, their teeth were extracted to measure the levels and effects of radiation. 


In March/April 1945, a coloured man, Ebb Cade, referred to in the notes as HP-12 (Human Product 12), had 15 perfectly healthy teeth extracted following an accident in which several bones were broken.   He was literally kept imprisoned in a hospital whilst various samples were taken and on April 10th 1945, an injection of 4.7 micrograms of plutonium was administered to him. That's five times the accepted limit.

The teeth from this man were sent to Los Alamos for ongoing monitoring.

As for Ebb Cade, he eventually escaped from the hospital only to die in North Carolina in 1953. the cause of death was officially recorded as 'Heart Failure', there was no autopsy. In 1972 a request to exhume the body was 'lost' in the follow-up.

There were many experiments in those days including the deliberate release into the atmosphere of contaminated radioactive particles, nuclear fall out in fact. The downwinders living in certain parts of the USA were unwittingly taking part in an experiment organised and implemented by their country's brightest and best scientists, professors, and senior military officers. No statistics exist on the anticipated 'collateral damage.

Such experiments on living beings were not restricted to the USA, there is evidence to suggest that similar experiments were undertaken here in Australia. 

Who would or could have done that work here? Do we have the names of those who were probably involved? Exactly where would such experiments take place?



How is the Somerton Man case linked to this information? 
1. Ebb Cade had 15 healthy teeth extracted
2. Ebb died of heart failure, and files lost
3. Human experimentation was an authorised practice
4. Cover-ups were, and probably still are, commonplace.

Does this mean that this is what happened to the Somerton Man? As things stand we don't have the evidence for that. The case now hinges 

What we know about the human experiments conducted by British, Australian, and American scientists during the Cold War is only a glimpse into what really went on in those years and it wasn't limited to nuclear weapons as you will read in later posts.

What I can say is that there is a lot of dirty laundry in Australia's Cold War past and no small amount relates to Adelaide.


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  1. Long before Christmas Island or Mururoa Atoll, the downwinders in Maralinga, Emu Field, Adelaide and the rest of Australia were "guinea pigs" for the motherland. We owe a lot to Hedley Marston who exposed the dangers of nuclear fallout in Australia through his extensive monitoring of animal thyroid glands for the presence of Iodine-131. It was Hedley who also suggested that Strontium-90 would present a further long-term danger to those who were exposed to fallout. While on the subject of dirty laundry, it is well to remember the recent story of Bernard Collaery and Witness K.

  2. It's possible that Carl Webb the seaman on the Golden Sun had visited one of the hospitals involved in the 'Human Product' experiments, San Francisco seemed to be the home port for the ship and would not be not out of the way for him to have visited Chicago or Rochester, At this time we are still to hear from the St.Louis museum regarding the full details of 'Carl Webb'.

    It would explain the 18 missing teeth.

    If not Carl Webb then the man whose body was examined by Dr.Dwyer, because as Dr. Xanthe Mallet clearly stated on the ABC programme, "...WE MAY NEVER BE ABLE TO CATEGORICALLY SAY THAT WE KNOW THIS PERON'S IDENTITY..." I think she chose her words carefully, and even though the programme gave us some family photographs they did not add any weight to the evidence.

    These are still the lingering questions and doubts about the differences between the body examined by Dr.Dwyer and the DNA results from Colleen Fitzpatrick whose contribution in the TV programme was decidedly low key in comparison to the earlier vociferous public announcements. The difference in the photographs of the Somerton Man post autopsy and the pre-bust images add further significant doubt.

    Most importantly, we do not know whether the dental chart from the exhumed remains will match the dental chart notation taken by Dr. Dwyer from the body of the Somerton Man. Until that step is taken and the SA Police forensic examination results conclusively and publicly show the same dental pattern for both the exhumed remains and the chart prepared by Dr.Dwyer then we may well have two bodies to consider. Paul Lawson's diarised comment, 'The disposal of the original body..' rings the bells even louder.

    It is certainly not over yet.

  3. I saw this yesterday, and it's author is using much the same argument about Paul referring to two bodies.

  4. Yes, you are correct and some of the victims included Australian children sent to the USA by their parents for medical treatment. Some of the wider group of guinea pigs (mostly US citizens from memory) survived this reatment and survived for decades. It is sickening to discover what was done in the recent past in the name of medical science. That is the reason why I escaped and jumped the wire like Steve McQuuen. In my case I landed in the Outback, Steve landed in Switzerland. I know where the bodies are buried.

  5. Just a small issue. Steve's great leap didn't quite get him over the wire. But a great movie all the same.
    The sad thing is that despite some surviving not a few, like Ebb Cade, had an early demise and somehow all the documents relating to an exhumation, were lost.

  6. And just where are the bodies buried? Intrigued...

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