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THE CARL WEBB MYSTERY PART 2. 'If this crewman is Carl Webb born in Footscray, he could not be the Somerton Man....' UPDATED 16th November



 Certificates like the one above were issued to all who sailed as crew 

(Earlier Certificates will differ in appearance due to changes in the issuing authority)

on any US merchant ship....

In the previous post, we discussed the discovery of a man by the name of Carl Webb serving on a US Merchant Vessel, the SS Golden Sun. This man was the same age as Carl Webb born in Footscray, Victoria who was earlier this year identified as the Somerton Man by Professor Derek Abbott.

The record of Aliens serving aboard the Golden Sun shows that Carl Webb had 11 years service. This would match the time when Carl Webb of Footscray virtually dropped out of site apart from a few mentions in newspaper quizzes. If Carl had joined the Merchant Marine, then he would have spent time away at sea and time back in Australia perhaps even working part-time at his father's bakery.

There are some issues with this research. If this crewman is Carl Webb born in Footscray, he could not be the Somerton Man. This Carl Webb is 5 feet 8 inches tall, and the Somerton Man was 5 feet 11 inches tall.

I have made an inquiry of the relative US authorities to see if I can obtain a copy of the documents issued to Carl Webb.

Another document in the set is shown here:

The next document below is the Crew List for the SS GOLDEN SUN which arrived in San Francisco on November 19th, 1934. Carl Webb is listed as an Able Seaman with 11 years of service:


A Visit to Japan

Researching the various birth registries drew a blank, there was no matching record for a Carl Webb born in the UK in 1905/06, and just one that I have thus far found in the US which had a Carl Webb born in North Carolina in 1905. His situation was such that he could not have been the Carl Webb on the Golden Sun.

The search goes on and hopefully, we can get a result of one kind or another from the US Authorities.



This update refers to the new image of the SS Golden Sun on a 1930s visit to Japan. Sadly following a name change to MAKIHANA, the ship was to be torpedoed in 1942 near the Port of Spain. All 45 crew survived.

I would also draw your attention to the comment regarding the SS Golden Sun visiting Melbourne in 1937. If the crewman named Carl Webb is the same as the Carl Webb put forward as the identity of the Somerton Man, Melbourne would have been his home port. Just maybe there will be a local newspaper report on that matter:

Apart from the mainstream media, small towns and villages used to put out their own weekly newsletters. Perhaps they are to be found in local historical societies?

UPDATE 16th November 2022

As you can see, the article from the Daily Commercial News & Shipping List dated Tuesday 9th.November 1937 has been included in the post above.

The Crew List and The Issue Of Nationality

When I brought up the matter of the name Carl Webb and the matter of the Crew list, I did so on the 'Identifying The Somerton Man' page which is authored by Professor Abbott. I pointed out that the name of the Crew List form is:



There are a number of columns, each with headings. Two of interest are:

1. Race
2. Nationality

I have researched the meaning of those words from the perspective of how the form was to be filled out. 

With regards to 'Race', it includes color and language spoken. Carl Webb on the form spoke English.

With regards to Nationality, it does not mean citizenship. Within the context of the form it applies to people born outside of the US but who have a US address and are entitled to have a US address. On the form, those people can be described as American.

What can we conclude from this information?

1. The crewman Carl Webb was born outside of America.

2. He had an address within the US. From what I understand thus far, that could be a Seaman's hostel in San Francisco.

As you would know, I have researched the name Carl Webb in the UK and also in the US and have drawn a blank, no match was found for the man's name and year of birth.

Whilst this information takes us closer, it does not mean that the Carl Webb on the form and the Carl Webb put forward as being the Somerton Man are one and the same person. There is more work to be done and I am currently awaiting confirmation from various sources. As soon as I have that, I will publish it here.

I also note that a newspaper article has been found showing C.Webb of the Bakery being injured playing football in 1930. If, as looks possible, Carl Webb was a seaman, then it is also possible that he may have been on leave in October of 1930:

Will check ship movements and crew lists where available.


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  1. SS Golden Sun docked in Port Adelaide 23rd. October 1937, there was a court case.

    Also this list Ship Arrivals

    TROVE article says Golden Sun Docked in Melbourne November 1937

    Looking for the crew lists

  2. That's great information. It's quite possible that Carl Webb was amongst the crew when the ship docked in Melbourne. The crew list for 1937 will be good to see. Thanks for that, can you leave a private message for me please? would like to email you.

  3. A summation of the status of the search for Carl Webb recorded on the SS Golden Sun arriving in San Francisco on 19th. November 1934:
    The logic then is as follows:
    1. A Carl Webb is shown on a US Alien Employee crew list
    2. His race is said to be English
    3. His nationality is said to be American which refers to residency, not citizenship,
    4. His age is shown as 28 on the crew list or could be 29 because Carl's birthday fell around the time of the ship's arrival in San Francisco in 1934
    5. His height is shown as 5 feet 8 inches, (we don't actually have Carl Webb's height on record, the assumption being that he is the Somerton Man and must therefore be 5 feet 11 inches tall.)
    5. A search of US births for Carl Webb in 1905/06 turned up 1 man from North Carolina, he was shown as unemployed in 1930. Carl on the crew list shows 11 years of service
    5..A search of Canadian records shows no record for a Carl Webb 1905/06
    6. A search of NZ records shows no record for Carl Webb 1905/06
    7. A search of UK records shows no record for Carl Webb 1905/06
    8. A search of Australian records shows one record for 1905/06 and that's Carl Webb born in Footscray 1905
    9. Another note of possible importance is that research found that the full complement of the crew for the Golden Sun was 45 in all. The Aliens Crew list for that journey shows 30 men who were not born in the US.

    There are one or two other options left and they will be checked out. At this point it appears possible that the Carl Webb on the crew list is the Carl Webb born in Footscray. There is more research to be done and as usual, time will tell.

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