The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



6th February 2022
Dr. Luick informs me that the tide patterns around April 2nd 2014 are very similar to the patterns that occur occurred around 1sr December 1948. This reinforces the view that the tide reached the wall on that latter date. Meaning that the body of the Somerton Man should have been wet when found but it was not. Therefore it .use have been put there after the tide had turned around 4.34 am that day. More to follow, additional information to assess.



This photo and the two that follow show adjacent views of the beach and all were apparently taken on April 2nd. 2014. 

In the image above we can see the steps that are also seen in my earlier post HERE. You can see how high the water has risen to the foot of the steps.


Taken 20 minutes prior to high tide and in the image above you can see how the tide has advanced so that it is already reaching the base of the rock wall. Referring back to the link HERE.. You will see that the body was found approximately in line with the 3rd post up from the base of the steps.


In this image, taken about 100 meters South of the steps, you can see the bigger picture and the fact that the tide has already reached the base of the rock wall for quite some distance along the beach. Bear in mind that all three photographs were taken between 18 and 20 minutes prior to the peak of the tide.

Of great interest is that the high tide shown here was just after 6.30 pm on April 2nd 2014, according to records of the tide times for South Australia, the high tide at Glenelg just a short distance North of this point, was 2.36 meters or 7 feet 9 inches. The 1948 High tide for this same location was 9 feet according to records.

This in turn means that the body of the Somerton Man would, in all probability have been soaking wet when discovered, but the recorded facts as per the inquest documents, dated 1949,  say that he wasn't, he was cold and damp and the body had not been in the water.

So, let me repeat, according to this information, the Somerton Man died elsewhere at around 2 am on the morning of the 1st December 1948 and his body was taken to the beach after the high tide which occurred at 4.34 am that morning.



The following pics show that the high tide on 2nd April 2014 was forecast at 7 foot 9 inches and on that date the vertical height from the road to the sand was 12 feet. the water clearly reached the rock wall. 

The high tide on the morning of December 1st 1948 was 9 feet.  On that date the vertical height between the road and the sand was 13 feet.

This first image was taken 20 minutes before the forecast high tide time 

looking North from the steps:


The view we have in the above image as marked is the approximate location where the body was found. As you can see the sand is well covered by the incoming tide and this was some minutes prior to the tide reaching its peak of 7 feet 9 inches on the date the image was taken, 2nd April, 2014. The high tide on 1st December 1948 was forecast to be 9 feet.


This image was taken looking North and you can see how the tide has receded leaving smooth undisturbed sand in its wake.

Taken 10 minutes after high tide:

In this image, taken left of the steps and looking South towards Brighton, you can see two very significant things. 

Firstly, where the tide has been and then receded, you can see how the sand is smooth and undisturbed.

Secondly and as marked in the image to the right, you can see two patches where the tide did not reach. In both of these marked areas, you can see that sand is heavily disturbed.

It is important to note that the sand at the location where the body was found on December 1st, 1948, (about 100 meters North of where the comparison image above was taken) the sand was described as being smooth and undisturbed indicating the tide had recently washed over it.

I am still awaiting further information and confirmation of precise times and locations from the organisation that took these photographs and will update you when that arrives. This information is critical and whilst we can make an observation that this looks to be the proof that shows the body, when found, would have been soaked by the tide had it been there since 2 am that morning, we still need that definitive confirmation in order to be absolutely certain.

Historically Speaking:
Others over the years have mentioned and questioned the high tides at this location, that includes the Adelaide University Facebook group ( of which I was a member) in 2011 from memory. In 2014 Nick Pelling on his blog page had a post about the tide times and even then he questioned it. The difference between those mentions and those you will find on this blog is that here, the whole issue has been extensively investigated and we provide evidence that strongly suggests that the Somerton Man had indeed died elsewhere at around 2am and did not arrive on the beach until after 4.34 am.

At the very least, the Police should take this discovery very seriously and take it further, there is every reason to do that and none whatsoever to leave it as is.

There are some other images taken at the time in 2014 but which I need to clarify in terms of the exact timing and location from which they were taken, I will advise the results when they come to hand.


The bottom line is that it takes much more than a mention of the tides or a question about them. Ideally, you should follow up, investigate and make every effort to answer the questions that are raised.

 Regarding Nick Pelling, he had referred to the tides in the past, I have openly said he is capable of far better work and I still believe that. However, in this instance, he was close but didn't do the follow-up for whatever reason. Sad to say that when he handed control of his blog over to the trolls, things changed, and not for the better. Like most trolls, Milongal and John Sanders, have their mental health issues, I hope they are reading this post and if so I am asking you both to please consider your own health and get some professional help, the behaviors you both display are just not normal and can have a long term effect on your mental health and well being and the health of your victims.


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  1. Gordon, you are not taking into consideration the sand height in November 1948, particularly as a cyclone came ashore the same year, and wild weather such as that has an effect on the seashore, stripping sand from some areas and depositing it on others, dependent on the wind strength and direction. In my view, this must be considered as well.

  2. Pete, let me just explain some things here. The Cyclone that you referred to came ashore in April of 1948, 7 months prior to the finding of the body on Somerton Beach. You may not be aware that the local council employed trucks to move sand from location to location following that event. That practice continued through until the installation of a Pipeline beneath to the rock wall which pumped sand to various locations between Brighton and Glenelg.

    In putting the series of posts together I had input and advice from arguably Australia's leading tidal expert, Dr John Luick. We were extremely careful to take into account all of the issues mentioned and on which he is extremely well qualified to comment. If you go to the post here :

    You will see that on the Police photograph of the scene taken just a day or so after the event, there was tidal debris up against the wall next to the steps. It it is highly likely that it would have only got there by the action of the previous high tide. In addition the numerous images showing the distance from the road surface to the sand confirm that the images shown by Google Earth are quite accurate being being around 12 feet from the road surface to the edge of the wall where it meets the sand. And in those images you again will see tidal debris.

    As per previous posts, in the end the only way we can get 100% definitive proof that the water reached the wall is to have someone film it at the time. That, of course is not going to happen unless we are extraordinarily lucky :) Dr Luick agreed that, given the information and photographs we had gathered, on the balance of probabilities, that the water could well have reached the wall as is evidenced by the debris against the wall at the time and as supported by the later Google Earth imagery and now in the images presented in this post.

    These latest images clearly show the action of the tide and just how far up the beach they can travel, in this case to the foot of the steps and higher.
    Thanks for the input but as you will see the work done here was thorough but by all means you should research and verify what has been posted here, we have the date so it shouldn't be too hard for you to track down the wind conditions on the day the pics were taken. It might be worth waiting for a day or so until the other photos referred to in this post, arrive.

  3. Possibilities are notoriously balanced by the proponent who puts them forward. And I appreciate the research you have done, Gordon, it’s more than I would or could ever do.

  4. Gordon, you should look at Colonel Abel's story, it is on You tube. He used many kinds of tools and tricks to conceal infoirmation. The hollow coin was only one of them. He arrived in the US in 1948. He had as many as 100 aliases and even Ivanovich Abel wasn't his real name, that name was of a friend in KGB who was killed. He was the Spy they swapped in the Movie Bridge of Spies. Changing names was very very common. He has many videos in which he talks of the work of KGB and CIA including experiments at Portland Down conducted by an ex Nazi. Sasha

  5. John, The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder. Your outpouring is symptomatic of your need to externalise your inner turmoil. I do not condemn or critisize you for that, it may well mark a turning point for you. I wish you well.

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