Thursday 8 October 2020



(For some reason, you may need to click on the video start arrow twice...)

Just released today on ABC, link here includes video...

Congratulations to Professor Abbott and his people and especially to Daniel Voshart, the man who used enormous skill to recreate the images and renders. Stunning work!



  1. If I have an issue, it's the teeth. The case documents clearly show that the lateral incisors were missing, I noticed that a few of the commenters on the FB page are concerned about that same issue:

    'Alan Mayer
    Derek Abbott should there be a gap between the teeth.
    I've only seen a clay / plastic model of the missing lateral incisors suggesting that there should be a gap.
    But if I'm reading it correctly your suggesting that the teeth are next to each other with no gap?'

    The inclusion of those teeth was apparently done on the input and notes from Professor Abbott. It is the inclusion of those teeth that is the only physical attribute to support the 'Love Child' theory put forward by Professor Abbott.

    Some years ago I was able to show that the ear condition/configuration was identified as a family trait in one of Jo's descendants whose mother, Jo's daughter, came along after the Somerton Man's time.

  2. This is really very important, it relates to the man's teeth. The teeth were missing and NOT simply in a different place. Here are Doctor Dwyers actual words from the Inquest documents:

    Dr John Matthew Dwyer from post mortem examination. "... I later handed a chart of the missing teeth to Constable Sutherland. The chart produced is in my writing, that is the one I handed to Const. Sutherland. It would be simpler to say that there were more of the central teeth remaining. Those remaining were the central teeth in each jaw. Anyone looking at him in the ordinary way, if he were to laugh, would notice the teeth were missing. If he were speaking, the missing teeth were not noticeable."


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