Monday 21 September 2020


 Today's statistics as at 10 am, 21/9/20

Market Street Sydbey hone to the CPA in the 1950s

Market Street Sydney Mid 1950s

A very busy Market Street in Sydney, the clothing suggests that this would have been summertime but there's little doubt that it would have been a bustling thoroughfare even during the winter months, it certainly was in the 90s when I lived there.

It was here at number 40 Market Street, that a shop, the Pioneer Bookshop, was located, it was in the same building that the Communist Party of Australia was situated, and it was through this and adjacent streets that Bob Wake was followed by ASIO agents in March 1957 and again in August of 1958. In fact, documents show he was under surveillance for quite some time as ASIO tracked his movements and those o a Politician and known Soviet agents.


The 1957 Surveillance report under Operation Boomerang, was most interesting although it's fair to say that both reports had their moments.

On March 1957 Bob was seen to walk into the Pioneer book shop at 2.30 pm and leave at .32 pm. He had nothing in his hands when he entered and similarly nothing in his hands when he left.

Of great interest is that the agents were not there to surveil Bob, they were in fact there to cover the arrival of senior leaders of the communist party who were due there for a meeting. Those attending for the meeting included EF Hill from Melbourne, Lauries Aarons (a driver), LL Sharkey, B Splayford, John P. Malos, Jessie Grant, Rex Chiplin, PF Mortier, Len Donald and Ernest William Campbell.

Bob Wake was present in the building at 40 Market Street at the same time as the attendees. A coincidence? Perhaps but when you take into account other occasions perhaps not.


The following year on 22nd August 1958 at 10.05 am, Bob Wake and Douglass Mclelland were seen leaving the Commonwealth Bank building in Pitt Street Sydney. 

Wake crossed Pitt Street and entered the Private Box section of the GPO, 2 minutes later he emerged. Nothing was noted in his hands. Now you'll need to follow this carefully..

1.He walked from Pitt Street to King Street and entered the GJ Coles store from the King Street entrance. 

2. He walked through the store to the George Street entrance, crossed over George street through heavy traffic, and walked to Nock and Kirby's store at 417 George Street Sydney.

3. He walked through that store and left via the York Street entrance, and headed towards 40 Market Street which he entered at 10.15 am leaving two minutes later. When he left he was carrying two periodicals in his hand.

4. Another route was taken. He walked from the shop to and along York Street, and entered the ACA building via the York Street entrance.

5. He came out of the ACA building and into King Street, walked along King Street to George Street and into Martin Place, crossed Pitt Street, left across Martin Place and entered the Queensland Insurance Building at 10.24 am.


Notice the difference between the outbound journey and his return trip. On the way to the shop, he deliberately chose to walk through two very large and very busy stores, GJ Coles and Nock and Kirby's, before entering the Pioneer bookshop. These were the actions of someone deliberately trying to ditch a tail, he didn't want anyone to know where he was heading. His return trip was a totally normal route using the streets that you would expect, no need to divert through busy stores. What was he doing? In other reference material, he was known to collect copies of the Trbune, a Commumist newspaper.

Could it be possible that this was a communication technique? Was a form of 'book code' used with messages hidden in the normal text of the Tribune that could be accessed by a simple series of numbers as in, page, column, line and word? This was a known technique and hard to prove, after all the Tribune was a standard version, the numbers would come later


The question is where is this leading to?

In these surveillance operations, and there are more records about that, ASIO was looking for what contacts if any Bob Wake had with the Soviets and/or with the Communist Party of Australia.

If you go back to August 17th and this post: HERE, I left a comment about a Police officer, Alfred Hughes. Alf (Code name BEN) had in fact been in the CIS through the war years and became involved with NSW Police Special Branch on cessation of hostilities. He had been providing the CPA via Wally Clayton with extraordinarily valuable information about the workings of Australia's intelligence agencies. 

If you go back further, you'll find that we first discussed Bob Wake in August 2016.  

The Soviets were so impressed with the content and the sheer volume of documents that they were keen to offer a special document camera specifically for Ben's use. 

Here's the point, when questioned, the leadership of the CPA admitted that after Ben had left, they continued to receive information about Australian Intelligence operations along with the names of new agents and infiltrators. They believed that this person was a senior man at ASIO.

What we have now is Bob Wake, ex-Military Intelligence, ex CIS and CSS and finally an ASIO man, a man of considerable influence and connections, in fact, he was at his peak in 1948, and he was suspected of being a CPA/Soviet agent. He had specific knowledge of Military Intelligence and all of the contacts that entailed.  He had a track record of being a 'fixer' if you had a problem Bob would fix it for you, one way or another.

Alf Boxall has said that he was in Intelligence and he was in the Military.

Jess was in Sydney and is known to have been a member of the Communist Party.

She was also the person that shared a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam with Alf Boxall which we now know and can prove contained hidden microcodes, steganography, hidden in plain sight/

We know and can prove that there were more similar steganography, hidden codes on the code page found and associated with the Somerton Man.

We have a body on Somerton Beach who has never been identified, we believe he had been poisoned, he had no identification on him and all the labels had been removed from the clothes he was wearing.

Somerton is in South Australia, the home of vast military development and testing facilities including rocketry and the early stages of development of the A-Bomb.

The world was teetering on the edge of a war with the Soviets. The Cold War was also at its peak. The Soviets had a considerable number of agents active in Australia, 4 were known to be in South Australia in 1948

We have quite a few dots here, we need to make a start on joining them up...

Download files on Robert Wake here...

There are two files, Doc 1. with 153 pages and Doc 2. with just 88 pages. In document 2 you'll find a set of surveillance records from 1958 that I think you will find informative. Other pages have quote some depth on the background investigation of Wake and one page that seems to be an orphan of kinds, tantalising..


1 comment:

  1. Found a good book about SAPOL. South Australia Police 1838 to 2003, Chas Hopkins. Full of interesting historical stuff. Get it through libraries in Australia, don't know about elsewhere. Cheers!


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