This version of the code page is one I downloaded originally from the Adelaide University WIKI.
They, in turn, had obtained this image from the Adelaide Advertiser, the only proven true source of the image.
We know the following about it:
1. The physical dimensions of the image are 11.44 cms X 9.14 cms this approximates to the same physical size of a page of the Whitcombe and Tombs edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam shown in the earlier post. See part 1 of this post.
2. Dimensions of the image in pixels: 1802 X 1440
2. The image resolution is 157.48 pixels per cm. or 400 pixels per inch, that means that in a 1-inch square space, there are 400 X 400 pixels = 160,000 pixels per square inch
3. The file size of this image is 2.6 megapixels. (2,600,000 pixels)
4. The print resolution is 400 dots per inch, or 1 dot for each pixel.
Analysis of the image:
This is the original file, it is the only one of its kind. All other image files of the code page that you can see on the web came from this one.
In Part 3 of this series, we will look at the Tamam Shud slip of paper that was found tightly rolled up in a hard to find fob pocket of the trousers worn by the Somerton Man when he was found on the beach: