Sunday 17 February 2019



The image of verse 70 has been shown multiple times in recent weeks, I have also posted a number of close up images but I can promise you that there has been nothing like the following images shown in public before.

Before we get into the images, I can tell you that the microcode is to be found not only within the words of Verse 70 but also in the fez, the facial features and the clothing. In addition, it is also found around the edges of the book cover and amazingly in the areas that look like they are just stains on the page.


Every line on the drawing of the Fez lady is filled with letters and numbers


The cuff and sleeve of the Fez lady in close up view:


  Clear number set in 'the', looks like 'R48' in the full stop, the inverted commas show random numbers:


Close up view of the edging on the Fez Lady's coat

With every new set of images we get closer and closer to the truth. The process of thinking and rethinking is leading us to a point where we can make an educated assumption back up with solid evidence.

For many years my belief has been that micro writing was the key and now we have it in the torn piece, Verse 70 and the code page. It is essentially the same style of concealment in each item.


To date we know:

There is no doubt in my mind that Alf Boxall and Jess both participated in the coding exercise and it appears likely that they must have known who SM was. 

SM was carrying something of great value and the torn piece was a key element in the handover process. The code page of itself, whilst important, was not a key element.

The use of the particular style of micro writing in the evidence trail with its smart concealment techniques including application in shaded areas, hidden in images and super small examples, mirror the technique used by the designers of the Hay Internment Camp banknotes. One major indicator is the use of 'white writing' more on that subject in another post.

The Hay Internment Camp connection leads me to believe that Tibor Kaldor and his demise in Adelaide 2 weeks after the discovery of SMs body at Somerton, is in some way connected to the case.

We suspect that Alf, and Jess were in some way connected with 'The Association', an Australia wide secretive anti-communist group led by very high ranking military officers and Police as well as politicians and public servants.

We have the names of the representatives of The Association in each State.

We also believe that the CIA knew and was involved with the group.

Whatever information it was that SM was carrying, it was significant, it was important enough perhaps to have him killed to prevent that information reaching its intended destination. It was also important enough to keep the whole affair under wraps where it has remained since 1948.
My bones tell me that before too long, there will be an announcement from Adelaide.


  1. Who would have thought that both Verse 70 and the drawing were hiding so much secretive micro-writing? This can only lead to the premise that Alf Boxall, wasn't quite the, 'I know nothing', persona he portrayed to Stuart Littlemore back in the 1970's. Well done Gordon! Clive

  2. Gordon, if, as you say, micro-writing exists in these places, and unlike the Rubaiyat code, has not been overwritten, why can't it be read clearly?

  3. Part of the answer to that is that what you're looking at are letters and numbers that are around .5 mm (some less) in height so pretty small but not impossible to view.

    You are right in that it hasn't been overwritten but it has been done in pencil against a black ink background, difficult to lift but it does show. Another issue is the DPI/ resolution capability of your computer screen, whilst the DPI of the images is around 300 DPI, your screen, even though it quotes say 1920 X 1400 actually only displays at a quality of 96 DPI or close to.

    In between times, if you download these images and then print them at high quality on your printer, you will be able to see the writing much clearer.

    Will post more closeup images as my ability with the new camera and lighting improves :)

  4. Thanks, GC, do you have a string of numbers / characters yourself?

    1. No probs Pete, Yes I have a few strings of numbers and letters, some from the Fez lady and some from Verse 70. Separately I have partial strings from the code page and from the torn piece.

      Some strings are partial, in other words, I have only been able to view part of the full string with any certainty. It makes the resolving of just what the code may mean problematical in that we will, at this stage only have part of the code.


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