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A Clandestine message from WW2 written in pen on rice paper on both sides. More to follow on this. |
(More mages will be added to this post in the coming days)
This blog was originally set up to show how the letters on the Somerton Man code page were in fact carriers of almost hidden miniature code letters and numbers. That was back in 2013, since then I have posted many articles with images and supporting references that clearly show the presence of this miniature writing and have demonstrated exactly how it was done. Extensive research then backed up these assertions with the discovery of the use of miniature writing throughout the ages as both a message tool and an art form. The messaging aspect becoming known as 'clandestine communications'. In 2014 a WW2 SOE manual which described the technique known as INK H was declassified.
What INK H was/is, is a method of concealing secret messages either in clear or in code within the larger letters of a handwritten letter or poem.
What INK H was/is, is a method of concealing secret messages either in clear or in code within the larger letters of a handwritten letter or poem.
During this time, the keen-eyed Clive discovered a small article in The Advertiser newspaper that announced the finding of the body of a man in a Hindley Street, Adelaide Hotel two weeks to the day following the finding of the body of the Somerton Man just 25 minutes drive away from Hindley Street. Further digging uncovered the fact that this second man, Tibor Kaldor, was an ex-internee, a 'Dunera Boy' in fact. He was one of approximately 2500 German, mostly Jewish, men and boys who had been arrested and deported to Australia from the UK in 1940. Other men were sent to Canada and, interestingly a number of spies were eventually found amongst them not the least of whom was Klaus Fuchs, the atom spy. Kalus used miniature writing in his reports to hi handler, Harry Gold.
Clive and I worked extensively at the leads that had been found which, amongst other things, showed that the internees had, in the first few months, early 1941, of their internment at Hay in New South Wales, designed and had printed a range of bank notes for use within the camp. The designer, George A. Teltscher, had produced three denominations of the notes being Sixpence, One Shilling and Two Shillings. The detail was amazing, each note had been individually signed by members of his team and the decoration included miniature writing and a concealed message read 'We are here because we ar here because we are here' (sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne), in the form of the barbed wire decoration on the front of each note. On the rear of each note were 25 sheep, one for each hut in the Hay camp, each animal had the name of the individual hut leader hidden but in plain sight. These notes were a cause of great concern to the authorities supposedly on the basis that they might be mistaken for real money and used outside the confines of the camp, the reality is that the biggest concern is that the design could easily be used to transmit clandestine messages. We produced images that showed the presence of miniature writing in the design and in the signatures.
Clive and I worked extensively at the leads that had been found which, amongst other things, showed that the internees had, in the first few months, early 1941, of their internment at Hay in New South Wales, designed and had printed a range of bank notes for use within the camp. The designer, George A. Teltscher, had produced three denominations of the notes being Sixpence, One Shilling and Two Shillings. The detail was amazing, each note had been individually signed by members of his team and the decoration included miniature writing and a concealed message read 'We are here because we ar here because we are here' (sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne), in the form of the barbed wire decoration on the front of each note. On the rear of each note were 25 sheep, one for each hut in the Hay camp, each animal had the name of the individual hut leader hidden but in plain sight. These notes were a cause of great concern to the authorities supposedly on the basis that they might be mistaken for real money and used outside the confines of the camp, the reality is that the biggest concern is that the design could easily be used to transmit clandestine messages. We produced images that showed the presence of miniature writing in the design and in the signatures.
Mr. Teltscher along with his fellow internees was released later in 1941 and he opted to return home. In his case, he traveled via the Panama Canal. That travel in itself was unusual because the US had made a rule that no internee should pass anywhere near mainland USA. Nonetheless, travel he did and he safely reached the UK where he dropped out of site for some 4 years; to this time we do not know just where he went or what job he had during that time. Coincidentally, it was in 1942 that the SOE developed the Ink H method.
The Dunera/ Tibor Kaldor story does not stop there, amongst the belongings found with the body of Tibor Kaldor was a last letter supposedly a suicide note. This note was transcribed from the original handwritten piece and entered into an online acrostic decoder, this rules-based tool was designed to uncover any hidden messages that conformed to those rules. In this case, the decoder identified the name DANETTA. The output from this first pass was passed through a second time and it now revealed the message, 'AND SEE DANETTA AND SUITCASE DANETTA DANETTA DANETTA DANETTA.' Tibor had left two suitcases but no record has been found of there contents.
So, we have the Somerton Man body, a code found and associated with him, miniature writing, INK H, signatures on the Hay Banknotes apparently containing code, a second body found with a 'suicide' note that contains a coded name and message and to top it off, we have a poem said to have been written by Jestyn, the nurse, that also contains miniature writing within its handwritten letters.
Running in parallel to the above research, a follower of this blog sent me a link to a Hansard entry that covered the statement made by a Senator Cavanagh, the statement was devoted to the Somerton Man and the code page. He railed against the use of Australia as a dumping ground for dead spies and pointed to a specific book, 'The Atom Spies' which had been written in the 50s. Amongst other things it described a meeting between a Harry Gold, a spy/cut out, and a Russian diplomat, Pavel Ivanovich Fedosimov. The description of Fedosimov was close to the description of the Somerton Man. Fedosimov left the USA in August 1948. I was fortunate to obtain the only known photograph of Pavel and there are similarities between him and SM. Harry Gold had described Pavel as being a big man who walked on his toes and in his view he was around 6' 3" tall. We know that SM, when measured on the slab, was 5' 11". The difference in height was at first an issue but the factors that need to be taken into account are that Gold was not a tall man, Pavel was described as wearing a hat and that SMs body was in a complete relaxed state and was measured without shoes. It is reasonable to assume that SM if alive and standing would have appeared to be 6' 1" and possibly more, then consider how tall he would have looked when walking on his toes and wearing a hat.
As stated there is only the one known photograph of Pavel and whilst there have been mentions of a Pavel Fedosimov in the years following 1948, there are no known photographs. This may change in September, this came about by virtue of Clive having contacted the CIA and requesting any photographs and files on Pavel. The response was that the CIA will be releasing images in September 2018. It is only then that we will be able to find out one way or the other whether my assertion that Pavel could be SM is right or wrong. I remain confident that what I have said is correct, if I am wrong then it was a good learning experience and if I am right then all to the good.
The Dunera/ Tibor Kaldor story does not stop there, amongst the belongings found with the body of Tibor Kaldor was a last letter supposedly a suicide note. This note was transcribed from the original handwritten piece and entered into an online acrostic decoder, this rules-based tool was designed to uncover any hidden messages that conformed to those rules. In this case, the decoder identified the name DANETTA. The output from this first pass was passed through a second time and it now revealed the message, 'AND SEE DANETTA AND SUITCASE DANETTA DANETTA DANETTA DANETTA.' Tibor had left two suitcases but no record has been found of there contents.
So, we have the Somerton Man body, a code found and associated with him, miniature writing, INK H, signatures on the Hay Banknotes apparently containing code, a second body found with a 'suicide' note that contains a coded name and message and to top it off, we have a poem said to have been written by Jestyn, the nurse, that also contains miniature writing within its handwritten letters.
Running in parallel to the above research, a follower of this blog sent me a link to a Hansard entry that covered the statement made by a Senator Cavanagh, the statement was devoted to the Somerton Man and the code page. He railed against the use of Australia as a dumping ground for dead spies and pointed to a specific book, 'The Atom Spies' which had been written in the 50s. Amongst other things it described a meeting between a Harry Gold, a spy/cut out, and a Russian diplomat, Pavel Ivanovich Fedosimov. The description of Fedosimov was close to the description of the Somerton Man. Fedosimov left the USA in August 1948. I was fortunate to obtain the only known photograph of Pavel and there are similarities between him and SM. Harry Gold had described Pavel as being a big man who walked on his toes and in his view he was around 6' 3" tall. We know that SM, when measured on the slab, was 5' 11". The difference in height was at first an issue but the factors that need to be taken into account are that Gold was not a tall man, Pavel was described as wearing a hat and that SMs body was in a complete relaxed state and was measured without shoes. It is reasonable to assume that SM if alive and standing would have appeared to be 6' 1" and possibly more, then consider how tall he would have looked when walking on his toes and wearing a hat.
As stated there is only the one known photograph of Pavel and whilst there have been mentions of a Pavel Fedosimov in the years following 1948, there are no known photographs. This may change in September, this came about by virtue of Clive having contacted the CIA and requesting any photographs and files on Pavel. The response was that the CIA will be releasing images in September 2018. It is only then that we will be able to find out one way or the other whether my assertion that Pavel could be SM is right or wrong. I remain confident that what I have said is correct, if I am wrong then it was a good learning experience and if I am right then all to the good.
Acrostic Code
Atom Spies
clandestine communications
coded messages
Klaus Fuchs
Pavel Fedosimov
Senator Cavanagh
Somerton Man
Tibor Kaldor