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Somerton Man: The Code Page, Ultra Violet View

UV Views of last line of Code page:

taken of the code page under UV lighting showing letters and numbers 'hidden in plain sight' within the larger letters of the code. In my view this is an example of SOE technique, Ink H.

I find it more than a little disappointing that Professor Abbott has apparently not used the UV light approach when examining the code page. Never too late to put things right so if you read this, perhaps Derek you will at least spend some time using standard forensic image examination on the page. Oh and whilst were on the subject, you could also do the same for the torn piece and for Verse 70 as it is patently obvious that each of these items contain micro code and many more examples exist on the code page waiting to be revealed.. Have a great Day!


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  1. Gordon - if I was looking at the book itself, would I be able to see the miniature coding clearly? Unlike the code on the back of the Francis rubaiyat, verse 70 is not overwritten.

    1. Hi Pete, Good question. I think it would be possible to see the coding for this reason:
      Given that they used Ink H as in inked writing first followed by pencil followed by a secondary but thin layer of ink over the top, then over the years the upper link would have faded leaving the pencil marks visible although not too clearly. You would certainly be able to see it using oblique lighting across the surface and if you had access to the book, you should pick up the indentations on the page beneath.
      Professor Abbott once organised a video showing some of the letters under a microscope but the video kept moving of course and to exacerbate the situation video is known for carrying digital artefacts. Nonetheless I was able to pick out one letter from the video that showed code traces.

      Given that the book still exists, you would think that Professor Abbott would have no objection to having it examined by an independent digital forensics lab.

      That's how I see it..

  2. Hello Gordon, I expect you have kept track with most of the investigation, so would know about Thomas Lawrence Keane being looked at by some. I had seen the photos of the writing on the garments with kean written without the e attached a couple of years ago and cannot find which site I saw them on. You seem to be good at looking at writing, so I wonder if you could compare the writing on his WW2 enlistment forms with the garments from the suitcase. This man used both spellings on these documents and I think they are more than a reasonable match with the clothing found. (he was also a WW1 man , but did not not use 2 spellings on these forms. I did see a post on one of the sites that his father had used the e-less spelling on documents as well. I am not saying that SM was this man , but I am saying that some of these clothes did belong to this man. As SM was said to have had skinned tanned from sun exposure and this kean/e fellow being a queensland resident considered medically unfit for duty in 44 and passing in 49, it may be possible that SM had access to his unneeded belongings ?

    with regards

    1. Thanks for the comment, I will get all the pics I have and put them on the blog. I can't profess to be an expert in handwriting but will certainly have a look and post again probably later this week. Thanks again especially for the link.

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