More Hidden in Plain Sight Examples From Verse 70
To get a clearer view of these examples, you should set up your printer to print out at best quality, the examples have all been saved at 300 dpi which should give you a clearer result when printed out.
The Focus for this post? The first 3 lines from Verse 70

Here parts of the image have been highlighted to show the presence of micro written letters and numbers..
But are there more examples I hear you ask?

Verse 70 was supposedly written by Jestyn and handed to Alf Boxall at a meeting in August 1948 at the Clifton Gardens Hotel in Sydney. But is that the truth? Was it written elsewhere in a classroom at Army HQ for example?
There are many more from Verse 70 to be uncovered, I will organise an online tutorial which will walk everyone through the straightforward steps needed to find these examples for yourselves. Should be ready by Wednesday this week.
Download a copy of the Courage & Friendship series of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam..
Download a copy of the Courage & Friendship series of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam..