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Somerton Man: Amazing New Image, Last Line Revealed

Trying out a different camera/lighting technique on the code page. If you look closely at the image which is of the dark space adjacent to the end of the last line on the code page, there are some fairly clear letters and numbers that read from left to right.

All I have done here is to use oblique angles taken in daylight and the camera is in macro mode which means I can take close up images like the one above. I have more of this same area of the page which are equally as interesting.

I have taken quite a few of this type of image and will post more on Thursday.


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  1. Marcel. The original code page does not exist to my knowledge. The torn piece does exist as does the copy of the book containing Verse 70.

  2. Marcel. The original code page does not exist to my knowledge. The torn piece does exist as does the copy of the book containing Verse 70.

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