The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth



This was the first image taken of the code page with all the microcode visible. You will be able to magnify this image and see the presence of handwritten micro letters and numbers in each and every letter and marking that was overwritten by authorities around mid-June 1949. The size of these letters varies between .3 mm and up to 1 mm in height.

To be clear image came from the image given to me by Gerry Feltus who in turn had obtained it from the Adelaide Advertiser.

If you are so inclined, you could download this image, open and print it out at between 300 and 400 dpi (print resolution) You would then take close-up images of each letter. I have done that and have extracted all of the micro letters and numbers for each character,

In recent posts, an image of the page as was seen in those days prior to the mark over effort was published here. Here's another copy:

The police after taking the original image, then put it through a process that involved turning that image negative.

Whilst there are many issues of note within the above image, the most puzzling at this stage is the presence of 6 pairs of parallel lines that you can see stretching from top to bottom of the page. You will also see more microwritten letters and numbers across the entire background of the page itself.

The next post will provide images of the Boxall/ Jestyn Rubaiyat. Here's an example. The comparison image below was processed  with a forensic image analyzer:

The image on the left is of the Boxall Rubaiyat and the comparison image on the right is from my own copy of the exact same edition as the Boxall book. The difference is startling. The Boxall copy literally lights up as it notes the anomalies in the image. Microwritten letters and numbers appear throughout the left-hand image which can be seen with a little difficulty but quite definitely there. More in the next post.


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  1. Where can we get the image analysis software?

    1. Hi, it's an online tool, you'll find it here:
      It seems to a reasonable job but test it out with a few images including some that you know aren't correct. You don't upload a negative image, just a standard one. It picks out faults on standard photographs as well.

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