Saturday 1 July 2023




From the left:
The Soccer playing Carl at the age of around 10 or 11 years
The Teenaged Carl at a family picnic estimated between 18 and 22
The Older Carl from the small family group photograph aged between 34 and 37?

In the far left image above, you can see in reasonable detail the left ear of Carl Webb, I have marked a detail on that photograph and loaded it just here:

The marked-up area is the left ear lobe. It has grown as it should be expected to do, my understanding is that the growth rate is around 2 mm every 8 to 10 years and it happens in 'spurts' at that frequency.

Notice that the ear is not square cut into the cheek as it is on the post-autopsy photographs of the Somerton Man.


Below is the deciding image, it compares the Somerton Man post-autopsy to the older Carl Webb:

This for the moment is the comparison image between the older Carl Webb and the post-autopsy photograph of the Somerton Man. As you should be able to see, the faces do not match visually, the left ear is a different shape and the right ear does not appear to match the outer shape of the Somerton Man.

I will get back to this comparison as soon as time permits, I need to align these images a little better. 

I have a very full schedule this weekend and there is an important piece of information that I need to share with everyone.

A Summation

As things stand and in the absence of information or images to the contrary, I believe that whilst it is possible that the body which Paul Lawson used to build the mold, may have been Carl Webb but Carl Webb is not the Somerton Man.

My thoughts are that these past months must have been a distressing time for many of the Webb Family with the shocking behavior of some commenters on other blogs and forums disclosing very personal information about Carl Webb without a thought for those members of the Webb family who did not want to be involved in this latest theory of Professor Abbott.

               IMAGE 1.                                     IMAGE 2.

Photos were taken the same day, apparently..

Note that the upper part of the left ear in Image 2. is quite different from the left ear on Image 1. 


Not sure where this pic came from, it was sent in by a follower.



  1. The two images other than the school photo are according to the family the same person taken the same day. The grandparents are wearing the same clothing as is Roy, and they used the named " Charlie" image from the four person photo to identify " Charlie" in the group photo. He looks way older in the 4 person photo which I thought may have been from scrunching his face up against the sun?

  2. That's a good observation. The bleached hair appears in both images but the age difference is very noticeable. Some time ago I found an Ableseaman Carl Webb who, apparently may have held a British Passport. This man had 11 years service in the merchant marine, his height was 5'8" so smaller than the Somerton Man. Paul Lawson commented on the fact that when he first saw the body in the morgue, he looked smaller than he thought he would be. He also thought the nose was different. And now we see a man who appears to be suntanned with wrinkles that could be from prolonged exposure at sea. I wonder whether the exhumed remains had tattoos although Paul didn't mention any. He did say that there were no marks on the body, and yet the Somerton Man had a scar on the inside of his left arm and on his left wrist as well as a circular mark on his upper left arm.

  3. Carl Webb and Somerton Man faces side by side
    are proof beyond all doubt that Carl Webb isn't Somerton Man
    Has Derek Abbott accepted the facts?

    1. On the previous occasion when the Professor had claimed that the Somerton Man was his wife's grandfather and it was proven to him that it wasn't the case in fact far from it, he appeared to just shrug his shoulders and moved on to his next claim. The sad part is that many people get damaged and hurt in the process and in this case that includes the relatives of Carl Webb. As for the group of commenters on another site, there work has now been trashed. The last remaining chance for them might be that Carl Webb was in some other way connected to the Somerton Man.

    2. One glory hound behind it all right from the start. Teeth, ears, granddaughter, ballet, horse racing, unknown DNA, Webb photos, podcasts, seminars, journals, paintings on his wall, and ignores the evidence. It would be a travesty if the coroner said that Carl Webb is Somerton man. Based on the evidence, he isn't

    3. It's a sad fact of life that there are some who pursue fame at any cost and truth is merely an obstacle to be overcome.

    4. By the way I was part way through writing the latest post re the DNA and the Bust issue. It seems we were both motivated by the same reasoning.
      I am surprised that the Prof didn't mention the gender of the owner of the hair sample, then again I wonder why that would be.

  4. The rumours persist. Let me put it this way, have you been asked by Sapol to submit a statement for the Coroner in the Somerton Man case? A simple true or false answer will suffice.

  5. True, and I have nothing more to say about it so let's move on, there are more posts to come.

  6. I revisited this post following the TBT post earlier this week. My view expressed to Pete Bowes was that the image had been altered in such a way that the image of 'Charlie' had been separately inserted and positioned to give him a taller appearance. I sent a few images for him to review and post if he wanted to. You can follow that discussion here: TOMSBYTWO.COM

    But there was something else.

    Look closely at both images and you'll see that the 'sky' was quite dull on the day if the sky was anything to go by according to the photograph, it's the same in both images. If it was overcast as it appears, how then do we get such sharp shadows being cast?

    And something else.
    I put the image of Carl/Charlie through an online age estimator, (TOOLPIE.COM) and it estimates the image of Carl from the small family group to be 43 years old. My attention will now switch to the detail of the head and neck image of Carl from that group to see what if any modifications had been made.

  7. If someone had photoshopped the 43 year old Charlie into the shirt of the younger Charlie, wouldn’t that mean that Carl was alive and well in 1948 complete with blond hair? Also I noticed that the hair on the older Charlie is set differently, you can see where someone has ‘cut’ into the hair that juts out.

  8. Noticed the hair being different, you’re right about the cut in. I did a close up of the collar area, his right side where it meets his neck and there’s something very wrong with that, it’s out of shape.


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