Friday 30 June 2023





...This image came from the Family Photograph of the Webbs, in fact from the original Black/White image, not the manipulated coloured writing photo commonly seen in the Somerton Man space...

In this photo, you can see that the AI software appears to have picked up on something of a 'crooked' smile and we can see quite a few wrinkles across the forehead and around the eyes.

Of p[particular interest is the left ear. The shape of the ear bears no resemblance to the left ear of the Somerton Man as shown in the post-autopsy photographs, in addition, Carl's left ear does not look to be 'joined'.

Here's the enhanced version of the Webb Family Pic:

The Web family photograph above is the original black-and-white version. There is an issue with this photo because it shows that someone has knowingly altered the layout from the photograph with the coloured inked names version that was initially shown by Professor Abbott and ABC in Australia. I am referring in particular to the handwritten names shown above the group:

When you compare the two images, you will be able to see that the handwritten names have been moved around and the ink has been coloured. Because of this manipulation, it follows that further questioning of the image and just to what extent it has been altered would be understandable.

I think it was John Sanders who had originally picked up on the handwritten letter issue and I have followed it through based on his comments. Thank you, John.

As far as dating this photograph, given the wrinkles around the eyes and across the forehead in this photograph, I would put the age of Carl Webb as around 34 or 35 so 1937 to 1939 would be my best estimate.

Here's the second version of the same photograph but with coloured names written on which just happen to be in different locations on the image. 

Here's the larger family group:

And finally, the triptych including the young soccer-playing Carl Webb:

A close image of Carl from the large family group compared with the small family group:

Same Age Do You Think?

According to the age estimate from:


Puts his age as 43..



  1. That is one amazing photograph, fully recovered. Fantastic. Thank you, I have to wonder what else you have?

  2. Been away from here for a while, that's a great photo of your main man. Anyone say anodontia? No?

  3. It might be Carl Webb (or not)
    But it certainly isn't Somerton Man
    They are two different faces

  4. Gordon, can you do anything with the circled Charlie image from the large group photo? He looks way younger in that image than the four person Webb photograph.

    1. Will have a look at that.

    2. Thank you, re the spy connection , Carls nephew Norman Webb joined the RAAF in 1944 and was personal driver to Sir Frederick Shedden, he was head of the Department of Defence and secretary of the War Cabinet. The same month that Carl had his first suicide attempt Norman requested an urgent leave. He finally was granted leave in 1947 when Carl leaves Bromby Street. In 1948 Shedden spent time dealing with leaked documents according to news articles. Strange coincidence 🤔

    3. Thanks for the suggestion, I have posted the Picnic full face image on a separate post. There are more images to come.


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