APRIL 16th 2016:
The image above is from an ebook that details the history of the company that manufactured the Elasta-Strap trousers as owned
by the Somerton Man.
The first thing you'll notice is the depth of the fob pocket and it's quite narrow. In the book itself, I think you'll find a reference to the seamstresses sometimes making custom pockets for customer orders. sadly there are no measurements provided but I think a reasonable estimation would be no more than 3 inches wide, given that that width is reasonably accurate, I would say the fob pocket was 6 or 7 inches in depth. That would make it quite difficult to find a tiny rolled-up slip of paper pushed all the way down to the bottom against the seam.
I am posting this because there seems to be some confusion about the existence of the torn slip which was in fact pushed well down into a pocket like this one, such that it was difficult to find. The torn piece did exist at the time, it was found by Cleland, in fact, it still exists, it's in safe keeping.
I am posting this because there seems to be some confusion about the existence of the torn slip which was in fact pushed well down into a pocket like this one, such that it was difficult to find. The torn piece did exist at the time, it was found by Cleland, in fact, it still exists, it's in safe keeping.
Here's the link to the download of the eBook
An excerpt from The Unkown Man Book by Gerry Feltus:
In this excerpt from Geryy's book, Cleland makes it very clear that this was a hard-to-find Fob pocket, Gerry qualifies that by stating that it was a fob pocket on the inside of the waistband, not an external one. He goes on to say it was common for pockets to be there.
This is where some get confused, Cleland would have trousers with a fob pocket but this particular fob pocket was hard to find, and was easily missed. The assumption has been made by others that this was like every other fob pocket but that is not the case according to Cleland's inference. The eBook will tell you more it describes how often the ladies that sewed the trousers would insert custom pockets.
This is where some get confused, Cleland would have trousers with a fob pocket but this particular fob pocket was hard to find, and was easily missed. The assumption has been made by others that this was like every other fob pocket but that is not the case according to Cleland's inference. The eBook will tell you more it describes how often the ladies that sewed the trousers would insert custom pockets.
Have added an excerpt from The Unknown Man book by Gerry Feltus. You will see that Cleland makes it very clear that this was a hard to find fob pocket, Gerry goes on to say that the pocket was on the inside of the waistband which was common. But this particular pocket was not easy to find, a custom pocket perhaps and custom trousers were also made as you will read in the ebook download on this page. I am sure that many trousers had fob pockets but this pair had a fob pocket that was, according to Cleland, hard to find and that is what he said in his evidence.