The Evidence The Facts In Detail In Depth


APRIL 5th 2022...

Apologies for the blanked areas on the above full spread image of the Verse 70 Inscription copy of
the Rubaiyat which is said to have been given to Alf Boxall by the Nurse, Jestyn.

It is a high resolution TIFF image so you should be able to enlarge the piece to get a better view.

As you can see, the image above shows the microcode found in the centerline of the copy of the Rubaiyat.

Next, the centre section of the inscription:

Again, this is a high-resolution image and you should be able to view the way that the pencil/ink markings cross over the weave in the paper.

Above you can clearly see microcode written through the letters and, most importantly, within the number 70. It is a known fact discovered by this blog, that the number 70 was added by Alf Boxall sometime after the 1977/78 Stuart Littlemore interview.

There are more microcode images to come from this Boxall Rubaiyat. They will all be available within the soon-to-be-released book. 

On that topic, you may notice increased troll activity in the Somerton Man space of late, I have reason to believe that this is due in part to the efforts of another blogger who sees the work found on this blog as being contrary to his interests.


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  1. Some 7 or maybe 8 years ago, I responded to a comment regarding the issue of a thing called 'paradoelia'. It refers to things like seeing the shapes of rabbits in the clouds or the face of God on a piece of toast etc. The commenter implied that micro writing was such an effect. The answer is an obvious and resounding No. Micro writing has existed for thousands of years in one form or another. It has been in use by intelligence agencies since before WW1 and is recorded in an SOE manual from WW2 as a recommended clandestine communication technique known as INK H. Further it was used by Internees in the Hay Internment camp bank notes. To top it off and in terms of the Somerton Man case, Detective Brown specifically described Jestyn's phone number being found on the Somerton Man code page and written in 'really tiny lettering'. This is actually quoted on the University of Adelaide's wiki. Even Professor Abbott has mentioned it in an an interview with a US online magazine. On this blog you will find clear examples of micro writing plus the exact and very simple method used to recover it from the code page, the torn piece and the Boxall Rubaiyat.
    Without exception when I ask those who raised the question if they had tested the recovery method described on this blog, it is answered with a deafening silence. They have never even tested it.
    The problem seems to lie with a known mental condition known as 'inverted hallucination'. It is described as a disease whereby sufferers are not able to see that which is there. They have become detached from reality. You can read more about it here:

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