Sunday 28 June 2020


VIDR 3 or NIDR 3?

Worth posting this additional image of part of the crossed lines, it's a little clearer but still not 100%.

What do the letters stand for? VIDRO is a Greek Name but we don't have an O to show. NIDRO is another Greek name but again no O in sight.

If there was an E on the end NIDR we would have part of the name of a Jewish payer, Kol Nidre. It is traditionally sung at the beginning of the service for Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. But, no  E in sight either.

As per the previous post, the V1 part could have been a V1 flying bomb, it turned up in Adelaide as previously shown, in 1947 having arrived in 1946.  But what about the other letters? DR possibly meant Defence Research but in those days it was WRE as in Weapons Research Establishment. For now, at least, the letters as they stand are another mystery. As we unravel more of the concealed code, we stand a chance of getting it cracked. In that regard, a couple of blogs have expressed an interest.

One thing that is once again proven, the tiny letters and numbers are there as we have always said, they do exist despite the bleatings and wailings from one source in particular :)

An interesting aside, a lady, Anna Reisch, actually flew  V1 during testing, engineers were apparently unable to fix an issue so up she went. She identified the problem after 4 days testing and as awarded the Iron Cross, First Class for her efforts.

1 comment:

  1. An Omnibus, I won't be responding to your comment. I have answered the same question a number of times and shown time and time again the presence of micro writing. If you're unable to see it then it's a problem that you have. Have you considered that you could be suffering from 'reverse hallucination'? It's an unkind phrase, it occurs when some don't see what is clearly there because they have no frame of reference?

    How did you go with the Fotoforensics link? Curious isn't it that others in this space have ignored the fact that the Abbott image of the inscription page had been deliberately tampered with and modified?

    No offence intended in this response to you, I would respectfully suggest that you do some more research on what has already been covered on this blog.


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