This is believed to be an image of the original torn piece from
the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam found in the Somerton Man's
hidden pocket.
Found tightly rolled up in a, small and difficult to find, waistband fob pocket was a torn piece of paper. It contained the words typed TAMAM SHUD which were and are to be found beneath the last verse of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. A copy of that book of poetry was found some time after the discovery of the Somerton Man and the torn piece was found to be a match.
There have been a number of theories advanced on just what this discovery meant, these are the two most popular:
- The words are Persian in origin and mean 'The End' or 'It Is Ended', could it be some form of suicide note?
- It was common practice in the world of espionage to have some form of identifying another spy of the same persuasion by bringing along something that was a fit to another piece held by the person you were meeting. For example two halves of a beer coaster or a stamp and son on. Could this torn piece have been a form of identification?
There is no secret that this blog holds the view that the Somerton Man was indeed a spy and that examples of miniature writing have been found on various items including the Code Page, Jestyn's Poem to Alf Boxall and the Dry Cleaning tag. It should therefore come as no surprise that once again miniature numbers have been found on the torn piece.
This is a close up of the torn piece and in this image and across the top of the T in 'Tamam Shud' you can see a set of numbers being 55968 and possibly 54 to follow that 5 number set.
Other numbers and markings appear in the rest of the letters.
Of interest is the fact that the numbers are exactly the right size to fit within the outline of the 'T'.
There are other numbers in the upright section of this letter.
Here's another close up image taken at a different time and angle, the numbers are a bit harder to make out but they are there nonetheless:

There is an online petition that could do with your help, the good people of Adelaide are attempting to reach a target of 3000 signatures which they can then present to the SA State Government with the aim of getting an exhumation order and then carry out DNA testing; we support it and hope that you will to: