As pointed out in the image found on the code page within the letter P, the numbers could also read X535 and X555, in the case of the former, X535, it refers to a US 1940's hymnal, in fact it's a Quatrain, 'Rise Up O Men Of God' Given the mind of Leo Marks, (Bletchley Park Leading Cryptographer) and his use of a Poem code, this has also been recorded.
And here's the X555 result from the US Hymnal, it's called, 'My Soul Be On They Guard', this is also a quatrain, easier to memorise, here it is in full:

ten thousand foes arise;
the hosts of sin are pressing hard
to draw thee from the skies.
O watch, and fight, and pray;
the battle ne'er give o'er;
renew it boldly every day,
and help divine implore.
Never think the victory won,
nor lay thine armor down;
the work of faith will not be done,
till thou obtain the crown.
Fight on, my soul, till death
shall bring thee to thy God;
he'll take thee, at thy parting breath,
to his divine abode.
Does this Hymn contain keywords or phrases for a code as per Leo Marks's concepts? On reading this particular quatrain it certainly pertains to the times. Which spy or spies would need a 'one time pad'?
Could this US Hymnal contain the keys to the Somerton Man micro writing and other codes?
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Bletchley Park
Leo Marks
microscopic writing
one time pad
secret writing. micro writing
Somerton Man
US hymnal