Numbers and letters beneath the 'Crossed Lines' as highlighted.
Across the top of the first letter T there are numbers and within the top stroke of that T and the second T you should be able to make out numbers partially hidden.
At the base there are two short strings of numbers.
Across the top of the first letter T there are numbers and within the top stroke of that T and the second T you should be able to make out numbers partially hidden.
At the base there are two short strings of numbers.
The Somerton Man Code page as most who visit this blog would know, has long been the focus of much attention. This 'Code Page' was in fact found by the South Australian Police, it had been written very faintly on to the back of a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam that was associated with the Somerton Man. Interestingly this book was a Fitzgerald 1st Edition published by Whitcomb and Tombs of NZ, it was a plain white copy. No other copies of this particular book have ever been found.
As revealed in earlier posts, the so called 'letters' of the code aren't actually normal letters, they are in fact sets of micro letters that have apparently been formed into the approximate shape of normal English letters.
In one post an image of the letter C, the last letter of the 4th line was shown and when examined it was shown to contain the word JESTYN and that name formed the bottom half of the letter C.
Not all the letters have quite the same dramatic words hidden within them. In the most part they contain strings of letters and/or numbers written microscopically.
One of the letters that has been much discussed and reviewed is the first letter in the 'Code', the strange looking letter M. People have actually gone to the lengths of trying to analyse the handwriting style of this and other letters. The truth is there is no handwriting style, these letters, all of them, are formed from much smaller micro letters and numbers and that includes the first letter 'M'.
What I've done here is to bring together 2 of the same image and then highlight specific areas of interest. You'll probably need to click on this image t get a larger shot.
The two oblong shapes on the highlighted image show two distinct sets of micro numbers each one having an x within a circle as the suffix.
As you can see these letters and numbers are extremely small, in fact less than 1 mm in height.
As an added feature, just below the 'M' and running across left to right you will see more strings of numbers but this time they start in black on the left side of the letter and then turn to white on the right side
In this next image, once again I have brought 2 of the same image but this time I have rotated them 90 degrees clockwise.
Within the highlighted area on the 2nd upright of the "m" you will see a short string of numbers, they are decidedly blacker than their surrounds.
I have highlighted the other two letters, the 'L' and 'I' as you should be able to make out the shapes of micro numbers within each of these.
Here are two more views of the Letter M to fill out just how much information there is to be found on just this one letter:
What's special about this image is that it shows how, on the second upright stroke of the 'M' the micro writing was put in place and then the Police traced across them so that you can see them literally overhanging the trace marks.
There are also numbers visible within the circled area.
In the 'Crossed Out' line you should just be able to make out the outlines of micro letters and numbers beneath the trace lines.
In the first 'M' you can see a clear set of numbers as highlighted.
In the second 'M' you can once again see how the micro letters actually overhang the trace marks. Another point of interest that isn't highlighted is the similarity between the firs highlighted 'M' and the second one, they both have what looks like a figure 6 that joins the two upright sections.
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micro letters
microscopic letters
minitiature letters
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Somerton Man