Monday 30 September 2019

SOMERTON MAN: HAY NOTES PART 2. With thanks to Mick Vort Ronald..


The back of the note shows 25 sheep and hidden within the fleece of each is the name of an internee, In all, we have 25 internees names.
 As you can see we have both front and back views of the Hay Internment Camp banknote with a 2 shilling denomination. These were designed by George Teltscher, a graphic designer of considerable skill and who had already designed a currency for the Austrian Government in the 1930s.

George was a very competent artist and also an engraver. He was later to change his name to GEORGE ADAMS with that surname being that of his mother, a US citizen.

Over the past few years, we have looked at thes notes a number of times but on this occasion, we have the benefit of more ex[perience and better photographic equipment as you will see in the images below:

Stahl Signature Close Up

In this image, we have marked up 5 specific areas of the signature that show evidence of micro written letters and numbers:

In the image below, you can see that what in the first image looks like strands of barbed wire are in fact strings of numbers and letters written in red, as indicated by the number 5 in the image above and in the magnified area in the image:

This next image was taken at a slightly different angle and better lighting. It shows micro written letters and numbers in better detail:

Here we can see number/letter strings with details shown in blue:

Another clear example of tiny lettering and numbers within the Stahl signature, in my view these letters and numbers were done in pencil after the signature had been printed out:

From these images we can see that there are many examples of letters and numbers, none of which appear to make any sense as in they do not appear to have any logic to them and are just randomly placed in various locations within the notes. I believe that it's down to a simple anti-counterfeit method. An image is taken of what you see above and if a suspected counterfeit note is detected it would be a very simple task to verify it against the random characters. However, I have not as yet done a complete review of this note and it may be that other strings have some kind of logic and meaning.

Why is this information important?

It is important because this technique of miniature writing hidden within cursive writing or capital letters and completed in March 1941, was also used in March 1942 when the letter Q of the SM code page revealed the numbers of two ships:

1. The USS New Orleans CA 32
2. HMAS Deloraine J232

This same technique was found to have been used in the handwritten inscription of verse 70 found in a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam believed to have been done by Jessica. It was also found that Alf Boxall later added the number 70 to this inscribed page and that number, as you will see in our next post, also contained micro written letters and numbers.

I will be adding more to this story of the Hay Banknotes, they form an intriguing introduction to the Somerton Man Code page and the discovery of the second man found poisoned in Adelaide in December 1948.

Again, my sincere thanks to Mick Vort Ronald who not only is highly skilled in the matter of numismatics, he also served with distinction in the SA Police Force. You'll find more information about Mick and his work here:


Thursday 26 September 2019



The image above is a full high-resolution scan of the Rubaiyat that is said to contain Verse 70 which was written by Jessica.

Below, as you can see, I have split the double spread page into 2 approximately equal parts.

I have taken a number of close up images of these two pages and the challenge for those interested is for you to do the same.

In my case, I am using a Lumix camera with a macro lens built-in and for lighting, I simply used daylight and a slight angle to take individual photos.

You should be able to download these images, simply click on each one, then right-click and save the images to your computer.

What I can say is that as a result of this exercise, we are now able to directly link the microcode on this page to the torn Tamam Shud piece.


Tuesday 24 September 2019




The video clip is self-explanatory, micro written letters and numbers within the letters on the torn piece. Below is a close up of the letter S again showing micro letters and numbers:

With better equipment, we would be able to get a clearer result, but even now you can see the presence of well-formed letters and numbers. The image to the right is at 150% of the image on your left.

Sunday 15 September 2019



'M' LINE 1

You should be able to make out complete strings of numbers with some letters in each line that comprises the letter 'M' on lines 1,2 and 3. They are quite small and I have done the best I can, for now, to get close up images.

The new camera and techniques used to remove the lighter colours have improved what we see enormously. It is important to understand that this image will be difficult to enlarge.

And by special request, this next image is of the letter R and the letter G from line 1 for Pete Bowes:


Wednesday 11 September 2019



The crossbar of the letter T in Tamam Shud showing micro coded letters and numbers. What do they mean? I have no immediate answer to that question.

What we know so far is that the code page, the torn piece and Verse 70 all contain micro written letters and numbers. We also know that the same style of letters and numbers is to be found in the Hay Banknotes.

Does this mean that the Somerton Man wrote the microcode? No, not necessarily. it simply means that he had the torn piece in his possession and t is thought that he may have had the copy of the Rubaiyat on him which he disposed of into the back seat of a parked car on the night he died.


The connections are between:

1. The body of the Somerton Man with the torn piece and later the code page with Jessica's telephone number on it, 

2. The finding of the body of Tibor Kaldor with the finding of the Acrostic coded name DANETTA in his last letter and his having been an internee at Hay where the banknotes were made and distributed in 1941 and finally

3.The connection between Alf Boxall and Jessica with the microcode found in Verse 70


Saturday 7 September 2019



1. This is a grab of the central part of the Verse 70 image. Followers will recall that this inscription of verse 70 from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam, was found in the book supposedly given by Jess to Alf Boxall in 1946. Faithful to the verse, the dash in the second line of the Quatrain was included. On examination, I decided to take an even closer look at the verse and in particular the dash:

2. This next image is a closer view of the dash and you should be able to see the lighter and darker ends and what looks like letters and numbers particularly at the darker end:

3. In the third image, using a magnifier on the image you can now clearly see that there are indeed letters and numbers at the darker end:

Magnified code reads: 62 X M 64520
Of interest is, of course, the fact that the letter M appears following an X. The X was used in a string of code to indicate the end of one group and the beginning of another. The M appears at the beginning of every group on the Somerton Man code page. The X appears within the various strings of code on the same page as in the letter Q.

Micro written code is found in every letter and marking in Verse 70.

The tipping point is reached when the combined effect of numerous small actions that have taken place, perhaps over a period of years, create a totally new state of being. The point at which all those little things can make a big difference.

And so it is with the years of effort that has been put into revealing the micro written code within the letters on the code page.

The technological tipping point has been reached, the barriers we faced in terms of types of camera and various lighting issues, have now been overcome. All thanks to a fairly ordinary Galaxy S9 smartphone and a special App, a magnifier. This magnifier has an integrated high-quality light and the ability to take amazing macro close-ups of very small items such as the micro writing that we have found on the code page and elsewhere.

And now after perhaps 7 years, we are at a point where anyone with a smartphone and the downloaded app can take good quality macro photographs of the micro writing. Maybe even you will give it a shot BT :)

I will be adding more images of the code page, Verse 70, the torn piece and other documents over the course of the next few weeks.



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